May 27, 2008
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Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
On the other side of the internet.
Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie


"Don't think. Imagine!", Male,, 32, from On the other side of the internet.


Does this now mean I'm a Rainbow Ninja? I stand out even more! My stealth is non-existant! UNLESS I HIDE IN RAINBOWS THEMSELVES! Genius. Apr 5, 2017

    1. Lite
      1. Bushy likes this.
      2. Bushy
        Thanks, buddy. XD
        Aug 19, 2012
      3. Bushy
        Love the card. ¦3
        Aug 19, 2012
    2. Bushy
      Chihayaburu/Kamiyo mo kikazu/Tatsuta-gawa/Kara-kurenai ni/Mizu kukuru towa 千早ぶる神代もきかず龍田川 からくれなゐに水くくるとは - Impassionate gods...
    3. Llave
      Infinite Ka"moon"a?

      I dunno honestly. I'd wait till they figure all the kinks in the system. In the meantime, if you'd like a picture avatar of Kamina, I'd happily do it for you.
    4. Llave
      Here you go bro.
      Hopefully it works.

    5. Amaury
      Curse you and you wanting to be invisible. D=
    6. Droid
      Thank you Bushy..we should give you the title Cove Councilor.

      Gawd these VMs suck, I feel so naked. xD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        Comments?! Like Facebook?!
        ...NO! The old VM system! I want it back! *cries*
        Aug 16, 2012
      3. Droid
        Our pages are going to looks sooo jacked up.
        Aug 16, 2012
      4. Bushy
        But yeah, would the councillor title permit me to eat mangos while doing the moonwalk and listening to music sung by my adorable loli harem?
        Aug 16, 2012
    7. Bushy
      Trying to get used to this new forum stuff... EDIT: ...So statuses end up as posts on your own VM wall? ...Really?
    8. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      xD I'm still interested~

      Well I'll try and do it justice.

      Thanks though I honestly have no idea what to expect. I really don't know what I signed up for. All I know is there is a challenge a day.
    9. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star

      Ooh, I'm really curious as to what it is now, it sounds amazing. I look forward to finding out 8D

      Yeah, I hope you're right. Well it should be interesting either way.

      Oh, I'm taking part in a forum game that's starting in about 3 and a quarter hours, which forbids me from communicating with anyone on the forum who isn't in the game for a week. I can still rp and stuff, I just can't vm anyone or post outside the rp arena. So if I don't reply to vm's that's why.
    10. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Yeah, well thanks for letting me know before he had to tell me~

      Well I think after Machina and Dinny post to wrap things up, we're going to do a short time skip to the end of the day just before they all perform. I don't know if you want Anya to perform before or after.

      To be honest I have no idea how we're going to rp this or what it's going to be like but the build up has been fun and it's got the rp moving so hopefully it'll be good.
    11. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      They aren't? Oh I must have missed that, thanks for telling me~

      Oh also, since I don't appear to have replied to your last vm, I meant to tell you that I think your posts in STRANGE are really awesome. 8D
    12. Pinekaboo
      You realise I'm on Messenger?
    13. Pinekaboo
      Touhou OVA, hm? Interesting. You're right, it's the right Touhou. I'll take a look at it.
    14. Lite
      Dark showed me that one, albeit not in demotivational poster form. I still kinda wish the series woulda ended that way.
    15. Lite
      Oh, yeah, sorry didn't mean to just up and ditch you earlier. I had to go. Then I got back on the 'puter and forgot to start up MSN.
    16. burnitup
      It's your choice, man.
    17. burnitup
      Since when has her name been spelled "Hortensia"? This entire time I knew it as "Ortensia". :\
      Anyway, she would be an interesting character to see in the CC.
    18. burnitup
      Hello, friend. How are you?
    19. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Oh probably not then, I just noticed you were mentioned and was hoping you could be brought back into it somehow. I'm loving it at the moment and if we can get everyone involved then it would be amazing.
    20. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Just incase you hadn't noticed, Saxima's left an opening for you in STRANGE. 8D
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
    On the other side of the internet.
    Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie
    He, Him,
    Past Usernames:
    Bushy Brow
    No Game No Bush
    Default Name:
    ...I have to do an about me thing now?
    ...I'll get to that later. Maybe... lol



    • ¦3 ~OTAKUS RULE!~ ¦3

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