Judge Sunrose
Last Activity:
Jan 25, 2017
Apr 6, 2012
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March 11
Come alone

Judge Sunrose

Destiny Islands Resident, from Come alone

Hold up, let me guess. The most handsome/best pilot of the bunch? Aug 1, 2016

Judge Sunrose was last seen:
Jan 25, 2017
    1. Plums
      1. Judge Sunrose likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        oh hey pidge. that's a cute little bayard ya got...
        Aug 6, 2016
      4. ShibuyaGato
        *hits Lance with bayard*

        yeah, i guess it's pretty cute.
        Aug 6, 2016
      5. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        I feel like we're missing someone. Anybody seen Hunk?
        Aug 7, 2016
    2. Shuhbooty
      1. Judge Sunrose likes this.
      2. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Awww, thanks~ This was a one-time username, actually. No idea where it came from, I just came up with something that had a nice sound to it, hehe. o:
        Aug 3, 2016
        Shuhbooty likes this.
      3. Shuhbooty
        It's awesome, I really love it. SO JEALOUS WHY CAN'T I MAKE UP NAMES LIKE THIS
        Aug 3, 2016
    3. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      Hold up, let me guess. The most handsome/best pilot of the bunch?
      1. . : tale_wind likes this.
    4. Makaze
      Mafia is back up. Two different games (you can join both or either). You got time/want in?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Makaze
        Reasoning: Everyone wants to look innocent. Town look innocent because they are, mafia look innocent because they try to be. Therefore you can't tell if someone town or mafia based purely off of how innocent they look. Vivi had a lot of suspicious activity, especially when I questioned him about Mish, but you missed it because as soon as you decided that he was innocent nothing else mattered. If you have to ignore one type of sign, it's better to ignore signs of innocence and see who looks the guiltiest instead.

        That's true. I'm still amazed that I survived that long.
        Oct 28, 2014
      3. Makaze
        Deadline is Hallowe'en, by the way. If you're going to sign up don't forget to do it in the next couple of days.
        Oct 28, 2014
      4. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        I know, I know. That kind of detail is hard to miss when it's included in both threads' titles. Just let me get through the next rl day phase first, buddy. Shame that you're a modling on Book of Names though, it's the one I intend to join directly. It also means you may end up getting asked ~a few~ questions, eheheh.
        Oct 28, 2014
    5. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      Do russian elderly people die of old age or from the lifelong cold accumulation?
    6. Odamadillo
      It has been a while Judge Sunrose
      And now is the time I chose
      To start rhyme gifts one more
      And I hope you like this like before
      So my friend I hope you are well
      And inn your ear I will never yell
      Objection! I ope you have none
      And now for me to be gone.
      1. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Oh, hi Oda.
        Had a busy day yesterday, so I didn't see your reply until just now.

        Jul 28, 2013
      2. Odamadillo
        I am glad you have chosen to reply
        And my clumsy spellings I do not deny
        I hope you take chance to pm me
        If you do we will soon see
        For I do enjoy our chats
        And have had no rhymers spats
        So my friend the next move is yours to make
        And there is nothing at stake.
        Jul 28, 2013
    7. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      community reintegration pending
    8. Odamadillo
      Hello there Judge Sunrose
      Today I have chose
      To leave you a small gift
      I don't write in a shift
      So my friend enjoy this fine day
      I have one last thing to say
      Don't be a stranger judge mate
      Try to increase your reply rate.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        We are on your profile mate all I had to do was look at the bottom left of my screen to see it.
        Mar 10, 2013
      3. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        did you at least get me a nice presen-- *shot*
        Mar 10, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
        I may have something for you Judge. Well move this to Pm will you.
        Mar 10, 2013
    9. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      I'm back and-- everything's so pink all of a sudden...?
    10. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      Travelling, be back on 2/17
    11. Odamadillo
      Judge Sunrose The rhyming guy
      Who's not one to always try
      But I've noticed a flare in his work
      And in his threads I'd always lurk
      But I'm no stalker Like Amaury
      No that is not me
      That is all I will say
      So my friend have a good day!
    12. Odamadillo
      Yo Judge how are you today?
      1. Judge Sunrose likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Odamadillo
        So normal then?
        Feb 2, 2013
      4. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Not at all Q_Q It is most unusual that I become busy like this. Sigh...
        Feb 2, 2013
      5. Odamadillo
        Feb 2, 2013
    13. Odamadillo
      I challenge you to a rhyme war!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Good point... Lol, didn't really think of that.
        Jan 20, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        So I will make the thread now and we will wait for our first theme.
        Jan 20, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
    14. Odamadillo
      Followed by so few
      But many are followed by you
      That is most weird
      But it should not be feared
      For a great friend you could be
      Your great enough for a rhyme by me
      Can you ever hold a grudge?
      Or are you the fair Judge!
      1. Judge Sunrose likes this.
      2. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        That issue is but a scourge
        Of the previous forum software.
        For popularity I've no urge,
        Though for friends I do care.
        You often bring me a kind word
        Just as comforting as a pillow.
        Perhaps you've already heard,
        But Oda, you are the coolest 'madillo!
        Jan 19, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        Haha that is a first for me
        I've not been called coll recently
        Since I'm the guy who hates to rap
        And my rping has become quite crap
        Still I compliment those of my friends
        And my joy never depends
        On how I feel on the day
        so now I will say
        Mr Sunrose I bid you well
        A great guy Judge your just swell!
        Jan 19, 2013
    15. TheOnlyChuJelly
      Hey! :). I just started a Kingdom Hearts LP on my channel and I was wondering if you could check it out. I won't force you to, but if you do and like what you see by all means subscribe. Again I won't force you to do anything. Just thought you'd like a channel with some Kingdom Hearts :)

    16. Odamadillo
      Judge Sunrose Hello call me Oda.
      1. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Hello there, Oda. And YOU should call me just Judge for short.

        I see you are also a fan of poetry. I've wrote what few pieces I can call poems, and do so every now and then, just for kicks. You wouldn't mind if I followed you, yes?

        By the way, happy new year.
        Dec 31, 2012
      2. Odamadillo
        Yes I am quite a poet
        And I do indeed know it
        So Judge it shall be
        And if you follow me
        I shall return the favor
        And if you wish to see more
        A thread awaits your eyes
        And I hope you choose to Criticize
        So hello my new friend
        And now this rhyme shall end.
        Dec 31, 2012
    17. Loriah
      Hi. I love your button avatar. I wish they made it for real in the pin section.
      1. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Oh, hey, whoops. I didn't quite get the alert when this was posted, my bad!

        I find it pretty cool too. I change my pin in accordance to the season, along with a color tweak to my sig. That's my winter one. When there is no festivity or celebrarion, I tend to use the TWEWY pins that I find really cool.
        Dec 31, 2012
    18. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      140 characters of (not so) convenient power
    19. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      Computer-less for three days. Hhhnnnnggggg... Must. Get. KN. Done. But I can't. 8[ ]
      1. Neku_Sakuraba likes this.
    20. Fork
      Hey, I wanted to tell you that you did great in the karaoke last night~. We all really enjoyed it a lot xD
      1. Judge Sunrose
        Judge Sunrose
        Thanks a bunch! I'm glad my voice somehow managed pleased you guys. :P Yours was really cool too, French Fries.
        Oct 14, 2012
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  • About

    March 11
    Come alone
    'Bios-': greek for "life".
    '-graphy': from french '-graphie', which is in turn from latin '-graphia', standing for "writing".


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