Last Activity:
Feb 5, 2025
Jun 7, 2008
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6:20 PM
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May 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
The Black Ski Mask way is the only way


King's Apprentice, Male, 30, from I'll end you on the spot so watch your six

Talk behind someone's back is for cowards, amateurs, punks, and chumps Nov 29, 2015

nasirrich was last seen:
Feb 5, 2025
    1. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      CM2- He is not the cause, just a dragon able to be in this time due to a spell
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- *sleeping comfortably*

      CM2- *feels the aura of Shenron* Lucy, have you been around any ancient eastern dragons lately?
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- *starts to doze off*

      CM2- This feels like it all stems from the great war...could there still be players from that travesty around?
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- *smiles*

      CM2- Things may get worse before they get better, the darkness keeps growing
    5. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- You will be acting like a mother in no time

      CM2- It sounds like things are getting bad
    6. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Don't worry, it's no problem at all

      CM2- Let's not get sidetracked counsilmember
    7. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- I can help you if you wish

      *the counsil members wait for Lucy's response*
    8. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Just give it time, she has only just accepted you

      CM2- We do not know of her whereabouts sadly
    9. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- I feel as if I'm a nanny to her, you are her mother

      *two members of the counsil leave the chamber, going to look into the Ashley matter*
      CM2- Is there anything else you want to tell us?
    10. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Thats not the way it is at all Windy, really

      CM2- We may have to look into this further
    11. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- *simply smiles*

      CM2- Yes, the dream that killed the assassin, I was watching
    12. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Thank you Windy ^.=.^

      *the other counsil members nod*
    13. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Alright, but don't let it eat away at you

      CM2- An assassin and a fighting spirit, some anomalies revolve around that pair
    14. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- It's not good to hold pain within yourself

      CM2- Kim's true essence, how did you come to aquire that?
    15. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Windy?

      CM2- Just tell us what you can
    16. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- I guess so, hehe

      *the others nod in agreement*
    17. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- *smiles some*

      CM2- *stays silent*
    18. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- Come on Isis, relax ok

      CM2- We are just trying to find out the reason for the anomalies, no one is accusing you of them
    19. Odamadillo
      Nas Shadow has shown up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nasirrich
        So you just wasted my time to get me hyped? Are you serious?

        Yes, but comparing me to an 11 year is a no no.
        Mar 9, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        Haha I like to make people wait. And alright.
        Mar 9, 2013
      4. nasirrich
        Oda.. The feast is ruined.... DX
        Mar 9, 2013
    20. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Charisa- She's relaxing, downtime doesn't come often you know

      *some counsil members nod in agreement*
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  • About

    May 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    The Black Ski Mask way is the only way
    I'm a very reliable person who can make friends very easily and is obsessed with anime... Anime All Day

    Tricking Out Cars, Kingdom Hearts Games, Going to new places, Meeting new people, Anime Conventions, committed to hard work old and new school, RP-ing, playing video games, drawing, expanding my knowledge on any subject no matter the caliber of intensity required


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    The truth of the person behind the icon is not always the truth about the icon itself


    (Nights good looks with this cwazy avy, and the siggy good sir ^.-.^)
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