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Apr 3, 2017
Jul 4, 2008
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Surfing de Broglie waves
Rhetoric connoisseur.


『 music is freedom 』, from Surfing de Broglie waves


<3 Dec 30, 2014

What? was last seen:
Apr 3, 2017
    1. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      ashwin, i have spent all day at work thinking about what to do on day 50 and i have a plan. a good one that involves getting everyone together and moving things along. since olivia wasn't at antilum, i was thinking that after she flew away and whatnot she would have seen temperance outside and they are together.
      1. Hyuge ✧
        Hyuge ✧
        i even thought of where they would have taken refuge at the school (i'm not home yet or i would be talking to everyone in the chat so that we could all work together.) any who, i thought they might have gone into the concert hall and sought refuge under the stage since it's below ground (per olivia's instructions).
        Mar 20, 2013
      2. Hyuge ✧
        Hyuge ✧
        wanted to tell you all of this before you posted. was going to say bronagh was down there with them too, but colleen posted before i could message her. i did tell her to send broly down there to seek refuge, though.
        Mar 20, 2013
    2. Jiηx
      Ash my boy, I need ya.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jiηx
        Your best work kiddo, me and Demi are getting a matching tattoo of our anniversary in roman numerals (XI.IX.MMVIII) and i'm having as many arty kids as I can design us some styles for it. It's on our wrists so it's a small tattoo, but we want it to be eye catching to look at, nice and clear so you can see what it is, and genderless so both of us can wear it, feeling arty?
        Mar 19, 2013
      3. What?
        Oh, that would be lovely! Do you have any preference for serifs (e.g. times new roman pointed ends) or sans-serif (e.g. Arial's lack of any extra curls/adornments)?
        Mar 19, 2013
      4. Jiηx
        At this point it's all about seeing what we like and what we don't from examples, there's no preference as yet as long as the text is legible.
        Mar 19, 2013
    3. Amaury
      I think you're obsessed with the 100 Days thread.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Dat stupid character limit, amirite?

        Anyway, yeah, haha! I mean, just about every time I look at your profile, you're viewing the thread.
        Mar 14, 2013
      3. What?

        Yes, namely because I have not had much leisure time beyond the forum otherwise. I would not be on the forum at all even, if not for that RP thread, which is becoming more of a duty than something done for leisure whenever I am busy really. That is why I am oftentimes not elsewhere.
        Mar 14, 2013
      4. Amaury
        That or you're "Viewing portal index."
        Mar 14, 2013
    4. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      I am writing a book, would you mind if i perhaps had a character inspired on you?
      a supersmart and fancy canadian individual with a tophat.
      1. What?
        Oh goodness, it would be a true honour. Thank you sir!
        How is the writing going?
        Mar 13, 2013
      2. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        I have not put most of it on paper yet, ill get a week of in the end of next week, ill officially start then, as soon as I have written the first chapters you will be the first one to read it. =)

        the settings are: Melbourne, Australia; Space; Hell; Paris and some others; Including the character inspired and named after you, there are 6-7 main characters, not all appear in the first chapter, you do but just for a breif moment, you will probably be i plemented in chapter 4, a lot of the settings are inspired on my personal life and the main chracter has a Name of Anti and was raised by a restaurant owner that found him and saved him, sorry for the rant, just wanted to let you in on a few details, I hope you end up enjoying it when I release it.

        Do you have any favirite weapons that are not guns? possiblly even cassual things like Bats or tennis rackets?
        Mar 15, 2013
      3. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        Ps: for now I can only say details and nothing about the plot, I want that to be secret till I release it.
        Mar 15, 2013
    5. Llave
      Ashwin, most delightful and gentle sir. How have you been since the last we chit chatted?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Llave
        Well you know how it is friend, busy enough to feel as though you are far too busy.
        Mar 14, 2013
      3. What?
        'tis true, I feel the same at times. Even at the moment, really. Why oh why does this world exist to make all of us busy.
        Mar 14, 2013
      4. Llave
        I would think to truly make us live. Life without meaning is no meaning at all.
        Mar 14, 2013
    6. Korosu
      why ship me and qurl

      we're like in qurl love. 8( no shippin pls.
      1. What?
        I do not ship you. I ship qurl and Kyoko and you and thighs.
        Mar 5, 2013
    7. What?
      (sobbing on the inside because nobody in the Spam Zone understands my jokes in 2013 anymore)
    8. SmashFan127
      *sigh* Hi
      1. What?
        Hello! What is wrong?
        Feb 23, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        I want to report people that have disrespected me, yet I am nervous on how it would turn out.
        Feb 23, 2013
      3. What?
        Feb 23, 2013
    9. Labrys
      1. Indecypher likes this.
      2. What?
        Should be fine, I believe. /extremely late due to work
        If you wish you can also post in that thread since you are making a contributive necrobump but you must have already done this aaa.
        Feb 23, 2013
    10. Odamadillo
      I'm kind of missing you What? since you have got so busy you don't reply or talk much.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        A Limitless World is the title and it has four chapters although I do have another fanfic that has three chapters too.
        Feb 9, 2013
      3. What?
        Oh! I recall seeing that in the recent posts a number of times. I shall certainly inform you when I finish getting through it, sir!
        Feb 9, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
        Well What? I have used people on this very forum as bases for some of the characters in it play your cards right and I could use you as a base for a future one.
        Feb 9, 2013
    11. Amaury
      Was it you that just locked those threads in Introductions & Departures? XD

      I has a new name for you: Slowpoke. See what I did there? c:
      1. What?
        Shhh. Schoolwork is busy busy. Tomorrow, when all of the things that are due are finally off my plate, I can make a giant post for Hello Newbie and the Arrivals/Departures. Thank you for keeping the awareness up, however!
        Feb 6, 2013
      2. Amaury

        Also, when you do get it, there are some minor fixes you need to perform.

        For December, you have NightCrisis and Styz on the same line. Styz needs to be below.
        For January, CoolWings and RamenforSale are on the same line. RamenforSale needs to be below.

        Feb 6, 2013
    12. Jayn
    13. Amaury
      You forgot to update it, What?!

      You disappoint me. c:
    14. Odamadillo
      What? Is has been a while
      But I still greet in this style
      I hope you are well
      Since I currently can't tell
      Yet that doesn't matter really
      Since you will always be bothered by me
      That is the last thing I will say
      So have a great day!
    15. Amaury
    16. ShibuyaGato
    17. ShibuyaGato
    18. Odamadillo
      Hello What how are you today?
      1. What?
        Unable to access my laptop. Stuck on a tablet. How are you?
        Jan 15, 2013
      2. Odamadillo
        I am good after all I know I get to hear PaW sing a Disney Villains song for Idol this time. Same for Amethyst and all the others in it! You gonna sign up?
        Jan 15, 2013
    19. kitty_mckechnie
      Hey What, what's your avvy/sig from?
      1. What?
        OreShura, from this season. It is cute and hilarious so far, but I hope it segways into a lovely plot. Because the ending is too pretty. For reference in the future, if you click the little Japanese "ka" with arrows below an image, you can find the origin of anything I use in my signature!
        Jan 13, 2013
    20. Saxima
      Ash! I'm not on Skype right now, but I wanted to tell you that I read what there was of Ava's Demon. I can see why you like it - it's phenomenal, and I can't wait to read more. I had been especially looking forward to seeing the page that you used for your signature. Anyway, thanks for telling me about it. ♥
      1. What? likes this.
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  • About

    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Rhetoric connoisseur.
    Past Usernames:
    Jean Valjean
    Whenever you glance up at the night sky, you ask yourself, "why do I still have my feet planted to the ground"?




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