Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2025 at 9:13 PM
May 1, 2009
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8:35 PM
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Creative 22 27
Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 8, 2025 at 9:13 PM
    1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      1. ShibuyaGato likes this.
      2. ShibuyaGato
        I've seen stuff about the looker but never that in-depth. Thank you mushi.
        Feb 21, 2013
      3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        You're welcomes. Anything for you, Gato <3
        Feb 21, 2013
    2. Razgriz Thirteen
      Razgriz Thirteen
      That counts as spamming? XD Advent Children from Japan? I'd assume that means you have the same region code as them. There are only three, if I recall.
      1. ShibuyaGato
        Well, the thread is about Doctor Who and we're getting into a discussion about blu-rays and region codes.

        And maybe, haha. It was when GameInformer was reviewing the FFXIII demo that came on those discs.
        Feb 19, 2013
      2. Razgriz Thirteen
        Razgriz Thirteen
        Well I guess we were starting to then. :)) Yeah I checked it out, Japan's in the same region as you are.
        Ooh FFXIII! Getting started on that when school ends two weeks from now!
        Feb 19, 2013
    3. Dinny
      I could just do things with your avatar <3
      1. ShibuyaGato likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Dinny
        shhhh alternate universe at the mo
        Feb 16, 2013
      4. ShibuyaGato
        Oh, baby! Looks like my sexy's riding 'round space.
        Feb 16, 2013
      5. Dinny
        mhmm, gotta keep myself busy if you're off saving the world so much <3
        Feb 17, 2013
    4. Labrys
      No more Naoto? :C
      1. Yukiko Amagi and Indecypher like this.
    5. Llave
      that avatar is simply brilliant lol
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ShibuyaGato
        (if I could like SINGLE COMMENTS ;-;)

        Quite, good sir. And on a scale of One to Ten, I'd give that remark an Eleven, haha!
        Feb 15, 2013
      3. Llave
        well you can like it but it wont go to my count, don't Rory about it. >:3
        Feb 15, 2013
      4. . : tale_wind
        . : tale_wind
        That is actually the most BRILLIANT avatar I've ever seen. Well, fantastic, even. : D
        Feb 16, 2013
    6. Labrys
      Happy Valentine's
      1. Indecypher likes this.
    7. Te Deum
    8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      How dare you not be following me? >:c
      1. Naoto Shirogane likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Haha yush xD I kinda do feel bad for him sometimes though <3 poor lad and our torture~
        Jan 30, 2013
      4. ShibuyaGato
        Oh yes! I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps today, but making fun of the fish is always a good way to cheer up. xD
        Jan 30, 2013
      5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Haha that's good and sad at the same time cx But he'd just too easy~! <3 I wuvs it~
        Jan 30, 2013
    9. Machazo
      can i be yosuke? cut pls
      1. Yukiko Amagi likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ShibuyaGato

        I got close to 200 within a month and a half or so. YOU CAN DO EET TU MUNCHI!
        Jan 28, 2013
      4. Machazo
        but school :c
        Jan 28, 2013
      5. ShibuyaGato
        but i had school when i did it too >:L

        also, I have college level classes, stress liek HELL and a trip to see mai Enzy on the line so NO EXCUSES FRUM CHU BOI! If I can do it, you can AT LEAST avoid repeating a grade.
        Jan 28, 2013
    10. ShibuyaGato
      I am so terrible, but Enzy is worse. It tickles... It tickles...
      1. The Grinch likes this.
    11. burnitup
    12. Machazo
      hi cut

      i wanted you to know that the characters in our avatars are a very common ship amongst fans of perusona quatre and that is terrible

      switching soon
      1. ShibuyaGato
        Heh, I believe it. Naotsumi.
        Jan 21, 2013
    13. Ienzo
      Hey Cat, I don't think I'm going to come onto skype tonight. I'm not feeling overly great and am hoping to get off early so I can get some sleep because I actually have to go to school tomorrow ;-;
      1. Naoto Shirogane likes this.
      2. ShibuyaGato
        Ah, I see. Well, that's unfortunate, but it's fine. If you're feeling bad then I won't force you.

        But damn school. ; ;
        Jan 21, 2013
      3. Ienzo
        I know right?

        Cat, I think we're becoming in sync.
        Jan 21, 2013
    14. Amaury
    15. Amaury
      Started a couple minutes ago.

      If you're listening, enjoy. If not, I'll send it to ya later. c:
    16. Amaury
      Hey, Cat. Will you be attending today?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Aw, sorry to hear.

        Well, I'm on Skype if you want to chat with someone. It might make you feel better. c:
        Jan 19, 2013
      3. ShibuyaGato
        Meh, maybe later. Not really in the mood for getting mad at my tablet.
        Jan 19, 2013
      4. Amaury

        Since you said you weren't sure, also, just let me know by 11:00 AM / 2:00 PM if you'll be making it or not.

        It's all video game music again, and, last time I checked, you like video games, haha!
        Jan 19, 2013
    17. ShibuyaGato
      What have I done with my life?
    18. Amaury
      I'm really sorry about this. I've just been waiting on Sean to get online since yesterday morning.

      I'll let you know when it's back up if you don't already discover it yourself.
    19. ajk515
      hey hey hey, look whos on for onceeee
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ajk515
        I probably wouldn't take part in it, but thats just me. anywho thanks for the skype name
        Jan 20, 2013
      3. ShibuyaGato
        No problem. I figure setting up a day for a group chat might be good... for old time's sake.
        Jan 20, 2013
      4. ajk515
        Agreed. It would be fun to see what you guys are up to now a days. Also the PS Vita is awesome, the games not all that great though. lol.
        Jan 21, 2013
    20. Amaury
      Just saw you post, which means you're here.

      If you're listening, I hope you're enjoying. Also if you are here, post in my thread if you can. I want to see how many things people that listened to it recognized.
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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