Sep 25, 2006
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. Amaury
      Good morning, Cassie. How are you doing this fine Monday? c:
    2. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      1. Misty likes this.
    3. SmashFan127
      By the way, I want to report someone for being disrespectful when I try to say hello, but I'm nervous about how it will turn out.
      1. Misty
        Just hit the report button if you have any problems and it will be addressed by a staff member; if we don't feel there are any grounds for the report, we won't do anything. Or are you concerned about something else?
        Feb 23, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        You're not going to do anything about it, are you.
        Feb 23, 2013
    4. SmashFan127
      Excuse me, but what would be the best place to talk about monsters from different video games?
      1. Misty
        Gaming section.
        Feb 23, 2013
    5. Amaury
    6. SmashFan127
      1. Misty
        Feb 20, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        I'm nervous about starting another mass crossover on here, because I'm worried my idea will get rejected again.
        Feb 20, 2013
      3. Misty
        To be honest I don't know much about the RP section, perhaps this would be better directed to Jayn?
        Feb 20, 2013
    7. Amaury
      And how is the wonderful and elegant Cassie doing today? c:
    8. Amaury
      That was fast.

      Thanks for the change. =)
    9. Amaury
      Sorry, Cass.

      Did you mean not at all, though, or just don't quote myself? =)
      1. Misty
        assume I have read posts
        Feb 15, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Alright, I'll assume that from now on.

        I just didn't see them in the OP, so I thought you oversaw them. I know it happened once before when 5.0 was released, so I thought I'd do that.

        My apologies once again, though. It won't happen again.
        Feb 15, 2013
    10. Amaury
      Hey, Misty. I read your response to Kingdom Hearts Geek's Tapatalk thread.

      What's this lawsuit over?
      1. Misty
        IB filed it against Xenforo claiming they copied/stole vB code ( which is not true ). They're dragging out the lawsuit in an effort to financially exhaust Xenforo, which is still rather small, in order to eliminate the competition.
        Feb 14, 2013
      2. Amaury
        In other words, the lawsuit could have ended a long time ago, but XenForo's nowhere close to financial exhaustion? When did the lawsuit start? I noticed when I mentioned you guys moved to XenForo here (http://www.bowlandcentral.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107963) last month, comments stating that XenForo "died" and that they don't care about their customers, etc. popped up.

        Also, if it's not true what IB says they did, how did they file a lawsuit without evidence?
        Feb 14, 2013
      3. Misty
        Before the case was dismissed IB added more complaints, like breach of contract (many of the people who made XF are former vB employees). All of the revenue XF makes from license sales is going towards the lawsuit.

        Development of Xenforo hasn't died, but it has paused while the developers are rather exhausted by the case. However, it still has a very active support & add-on community, and the developers plan to return once the case is settled.
        Feb 14, 2013
    11. Bushy
      Misty, I wanted to ask if you know any threads or posts that have been getting deleted as of today or so?

      I noticed my post count has dropped by a few this morning (I just chose to get on with it), but just now I made a post having 845 posts before I started, refreshing another page while I was still writing the post and noticing my count had dropped to 844, and since having posted have it go back to 845.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Sorry to hijack this conversation, but do you plan on updating post counters soon, Misty, when you get a chance?

        Posts from when the Premium Members and Castle Oblivion forums were counting posts by mistake are still counting towards our post count.
        Feb 14, 2013
      3. Misty
        i would like to but nothing scheduled right now
        Feb 14, 2013
      4. Amaury
        Thanks for the response, Cass. Perhaps you could clarify a bit, though. I'm just a little confused, haha!

        You say you would like to, but have nothing scheduled. By the that, do you mean like your schedule in real life or a built-in scheduled task thing in XenForo?
        Feb 14, 2013
    12. Llave
      Is that new font for 7.0 called Aver by chance?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Llave
        ah ok. jus curious.
        Feb 14, 2013
      3. Llave
        I looked up Aver on Dafont[dot]com and it's saying its only for personal use. Im not sure if that is within a forum jurisdiction.

        Feb 14, 2013
      4. Misty
        I'll talk to Chev about it once he gets back, thanks for letting me know.
        Feb 14, 2013
    13. Labrys
    14. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      hey misty, i was talking to jayn and she said i should speak to you about this question. Was wondering if it would be okay to have two images in my sig so long as they are small. i know i'm not prem, but i wanted to support jayn's new shop with the button she made.
      1. Misty
        yup, that's fine!
        Feb 12, 2013
      2. Hyuge ✧
        Hyuge ✧
        okay thank you misty
        Feb 12, 2013
    15. kingdomheartsgeek
      isnt a good idea to start the kh-vids member awards

      (awards for sudden archivements on the forums)
    16. Amaury
      Hey, Misty.

      Bug #003: Some gray text is difficult to read. (Screen)

      You only used one of the screenshots, but I reported gray text issues thrice in my first report with with a total of five screenshots.

      Just curious if, even though there's only one screenshot, linked in your OP, Bug #3 refers to all of the gray text stuff I reported?
    17. Plums
      dis skin 2 lame
      bring back funky 4lyf
      1. Naoto Shirogane likes this.
    18. Serenacake
      no i refuse
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Misty
        I am so confused what collabs have we done together >:
        Feb 10, 2013
      3. Serenacake
        i ran into them on my tinypic yesterday - although i think there was a vaan one?? and idk it's not in my tinypic or i didn't go back far enough.
        Feb 10, 2013
      4. Serenacake
        i found it it's on page 26
        Feb 10, 2013
    19. ShibuyaGato
    20. kingdomheartsgeek
      Very improved skin you got there
      1. Misty likes this.
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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