Sep 30, 2007
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January 3
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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Cloudrunner62
      How's it going Jayn?
      1. Jayn
        It's going. How about you?
        Sep 6, 2012
      2. Cloudrunner62
        been good. Finally found myself a job. Orientation is tuesday. Gonna be a Cashier at Sears.
        Sep 7, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Wow, good luck! I need a job. D;
        Sep 9, 2012
    2. SmashFan127
      The plot....kinda....I modified the first post in both of my threads, and I'm nervous.
      1. Jayn
        Sep 6, 2012
      2. SmashFan127
        I mean, I now have a second picture of the map, but I'm worried I might have to go somewhere else to spread this idea, which is very difficult. People aren't joining easily just because the setting is not something they know about, which I could easily help with.
        Sep 6, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Well, that's one of the struggles that comes with starting an RP. All you can do is your best.
        Sep 6, 2012
    3. SmashFan127
      I know this is stupid to ask, but how can I help promote my RP?
      1. Jayn
        Sep 5, 2012
    4. SmashFan127
      I just finished the backstory of Wild Arms 2 for my RP. Is it recommended I post it in the RP thread right away, since the OOC thread is up?
      1. Jayn
        You can if you want. Up to you. Either way works.
        Sep 5, 2012
      2. SmashFan127
        Got it up.
        Sep 5, 2012
    5. Amaury
      1. Jayn
        Sep 5, 2012
    6. Labrys
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jayn
        What happened?
        Sep 5, 2012
      3. Labrys
        Yeah.........it went terrible wrong, that is all I'm gonna say....
        Sep 6, 2012
      4. Jayn
        Okay then.
        Sep 6, 2012
    7. SmashFan127
      hi. I'm frustrated at the moment.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        Scratch the original title, I changed it from Wild Arms to Wild Arms 2, other than that the RP is the same. Got done with the Logo pic
        Sep 4, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Mmkay. Good luck.
        Sep 4, 2012
      4. SmashFan127
        OOC Thread is up.
        Sep 4, 2012
    8. Labrys
      ....poor mike :(
    9. Yozora
      ya its so kawaii desu is impossibruuuuuu~ X D
    10. Jayn
      Finishing up the 'Connect' chorus. Auuugh.
    11. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Yo, i just got word ClawtheCyclops113 got baned, What in the name of KHV happened????
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sora's Apprentice
        Sora's Apprentice
        never knew you could be banned from short posts. i talked to him on the phone today and he said cuz of this he's probably gonna put a thread in the departures and leave. idk, but in my eyes, don't blame him. Especially with all the hate he's been getting.
        Sep 2, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Yeah, no worries. I don't have anything personal against him at all. :c I understand the short post rule can be easily overlooked, which is why we tried to PM him and ask him to add more content to his posts, but it doesn't seem like it got through to him. Maybe you can talk to him about it? As long as he's adding enough, according to the rules, he's perfectly fine.
        Sep 2, 2012
      4. Sora's Apprentice
        Sora's Apprentice
        One thing you neeed to know about CTC- He wont go without a fight. Trust me. Even if it is just about short posts he'll see what u do then push you to the limit until there arew a TON of people on him about it and then he states its harasment. Just his way.
        Sep 2, 2012
    12. Sessamaru
      Hey Jayn, I was wondering if I could reboot Sigma '>.>
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sessamaru
        Ah... MSN has a bad habit of doing that crap >.<
        Sep 2, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Yeah. ;c I'm glad it's not you though. That was a little scary. xD
        Sep 2, 2012
      4. Sessamaru
        lol, I bet it was.
        Sep 2, 2012
    13. Terra254
      I stole one of your avatars. Because it reminds me of DH's avatar that I used to use, but that one's too small now. So...Just informing you of theft.
      1. Jayn likes this.
      2. Jayn
        Thank you!
        Sep 1, 2012
    14. Bushy
      Just letting you know, Jayn.
      Smashfan has been perma-banned from Cove.
      Wanted to keep you updated in case of a backlash where he starts kicking up because of it.
      There's been nothing yet, but I don't think he's been online to see the ban as of yet.
      I'll let you know in the event of anything else happening.
      1. Bushy

        This is way out of hand.
        These comments are nasty and frankly, something a mad person would utter.
        Please, when you can step in that'll be great. Albeit, since you aren't online this second I might look for another staff member since this is happening right now and seems to need immeidiate addressing.
        Aug 30, 2012
      2. Bushy
        Wanted to update you that I managed to contact Plums who has taken action. :/
        Aug 30, 2012
      3. Jayn
        Thank you very much.
        Aug 31, 2012
    15. Jayn
      I have -so- much to do. I will be busy for a while with KHV stuff. KHVC, FFG, DaP, RPI. ARGH. If I don't reply right away, that's why.
    16. Korosu
      Hey, Jayn. Sorry to bother but I was wondering, since Daxa is around today, if I could the song for our family in the games? Thanks. *A*
      1. Jayn
        Sure. No worries.
        Aug 27, 2012
    17. MadDoctorMaddie
      Here be lines:

      Hope I didn't delay you too much...
      1. Jayn
        Thank youuuu.
        Aug 27, 2012
    18. MadDoctorMaddie
      Do you still need line 27? If I can get Audacity to work I'll try to record the lines tonight, but they'll probably be pretty quiet and I have no idea what the mic quality will be like >.<
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jayn
        Aug 27, 2012
      3. Jayn
        You can still record 27 if you're willing. Just in case lol
        Aug 27, 2012
      4. MadDoctorMaddie
        Awesome, thanks! Sure, it's no problem, one more line can't be too difficult xDx
        Aug 27, 2012
    19. Heartstrings
      Hello, and thank you for the welcome!
      First, I just want to say that your avatar/signature is beautiful. c:
      As for anime, the only one I'm currently watching is Kuroko no Basuke since I'm busy with school to watch others, but I watch just about everything and anything. My favorites are Bleach, Fairy Tail, Macross Frontier, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, & Hakuouki.
      How about you? C:
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Heartstrings
        Is that so? I'm definitely going to have to check it out now. :U I've seen a few AMVs related to it, and I'd have to agree, the art looks stunning. I slightly reminds me of .Hack, though.

        Oooh, sadly, I'm not a big fan of horror unless I watch it with someone else... I'm a big baby. orz;;

        Yes! Have you watched Angel Beats? :U I'm looking forward to their next anime in October called 'Little Busters!'.
        Aug 27, 2012
      3. Heartstrings
        I know what you mean. I waited until it got around the 80s of episodes before I started watching it. It's actually fairly close to the manga, though. ou o
        I love Ao No Exorcist. Rin is such a cutie. ;u ;
        Aug 27, 2012
      4. Heartstrings
        Haha, I do tend to watch a lot of action anime, but I watch just about anything. Action, comedy, and those 'slice of life' sort of animes are my particular favorites. Or if they happen to have very gorgeous art, then yes. ;n ;

        I've actually watched the whole series BESIDES the Final Act. I didn't have internet when it was released, and now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I still haven't watched it yet. orz;;
        Aug 27, 2012
    20. Labrys
      I have a question.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Labrys
        Yeah why would she do that.....she enjoyed torturing people in the spam section.....
        And yay C: I'm friends with a celebrity
        Aug 27, 2012
      3. Jayn
        I'm not sure. ;c

        Pffffft, celebrity? I'm a loser, lol.
        Aug 27, 2012
      4. Labrys
        Loser? Please 211 people added you. You are a celebrity
        Aug 27, 2012
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  • About

    January 3
    Home Page:

    【 ♥ BASICS 】​
    Skype: LittleJayneyCakes Tumblr: teenaqe-vow.tumblr.com Twitter: Twitter.com/LittleJayney

    【 ♥ PERSONALITY 】​

    I'm painfully shy, affectionate, sarcastic, and a massive dosage of emotions and derp. I over use emoticons so people don't think I'm upset or being blunt. I get my feelings hurt easily, but don't hold things against people very often.

    【 ♥ FAVORITES 】​

    Ib (Game), Disney, Vocaloids; Kagamines, Gumi, SeeU, IA. THE INTERNET. Black Rock Shooter, InuYasha, Clannad, Miyazaki Films, S'mores, Macaroni and Cheese, Gum, Crystal Kay, BEAOTRICHEEE, Miyamoto Shuichi, Purple things, Kagerou Project, Tumblr ... etc. ASK ME.

    【 ♥ HOBBIES 】​

    Anime! THE INTERNET. Music. Composing, writing, choruses. Singing. Voice-acting...Anything creative. Role playing, drawing, graphic and video editing. All of the wonderful stuff. I sing on YT a lot. I'll most likely never be /big/ but, alas. I love doing it.





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