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Apr 7, 2021
Apr 10, 2007
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Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
Sector 7 Slums
A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with


Chaser, Male, 34, from Sector 7 Slums

StardustXtreme was last seen:
Apr 7, 2021
    1. SmashFan127
      Hey, Stardust. Would you rather be a player or helper when it comes to new RPs?
      1. StardustXtreme
        Depends on the title and plot of said RP and if I feel I could handle it.
        Feb 8, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        The title of the RP might be, "Multiversal Unity", a crossover involving a first ever universe, and a war between demons on that world. If you want the full plot, I can explain in PM
        Feb 8, 2013
      3. SmashFan127
        you get me, yes?
        Feb 9, 2013
    2. Odamadillo
      Hello Stardust care to fill me in on what Vanguard is?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        Chapter five of my fanfic is up.
        Feb 11, 2013
      3. StardustXtreme
        Feb 11, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
        Feb 11, 2013
    3. SmashFan127
      1. StardustXtreme
        I think HoT was looking for you
        Feb 1, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        How are you doing.
        Feb 2, 2013
      3. SmashFan127
        I talked to HoT like you said.
        Feb 3, 2013
    4. Mysty
      1 Down. 1 to go.
      1. StardustXtreme
        Mhm yuppers
        Jan 31, 2013
    5. Odamadillo
      Hello I've seen you around a bit and I see you know Jaden so hello. I'm Odamadillo but you can call me Oda.
      What can I call you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        Not sure what that is. And I'm gonna take a net break for a little while talk to you again later.
        Jan 31, 2013
      3. StardustXtreme
        it's Cardfight! vangaurd.
        Jan 31, 2013
      4. Odamadillo
        I do not know that.
        Jan 31, 2013
    6. XigbartheGreat
      Thank you ^^
      1. StardustXtreme
        Not a problem ma'am.
        Jan 26, 2013
    7. XigbartheGreat
      Hey StardustXtreme I just joined the Crossover Cove and I was wondering if I could have Inuyasha as one my reserves for later in the RPG? Please respond as soon as you can, thank you ^^
      1. StardustXtreme
        Inuyasha was indeed part of Crossover Cove intially, but he left via wormhole as I saw no further need to develop his character or powers as Inuyasha was at the height of his power from the Final Act with Meidou Zangsestuhha and finally defeating Naraku.

        I keep Ichigo due his still has untapped resources available to him as evidenced in the Manga.

        But if you feel like you can go somewhere with Inuyasha, be my guest.
        Jan 26, 2013
    8. Mysty
      Have some free time. SAO bro.
      1. StardustXtreme
        will do.
        Jan 22, 2013
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Wait a minute... How come in post 27 Gentaro and Tsukasa are in English class, yet they're in French class in post 31???
      1. StardustXtreme
        Tsukasa got bored and saw no point to learning English sicne they speak it fluently and Gentaro is just along for the ride.
        Jan 21, 2013
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        But wouldn't that go against their schedule?
        Jan 21, 2013
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Never mind, it doesn't really matter
        Jan 21, 2013
    10. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Added my character and villains
      1. StardustXtreme
        Noted and added
        Jan 10, 2013
    11. SmashFan127
      Hello, good sir. Was wondering if I could have help with another Crossover, unlike Sagas, which sucked. If you are interested in hearing my idea for the plot, let me know.
    12. SmashFan127
      Hello. Been nervous lately.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        I edited my character
        Jan 3, 2013
      3. SmashFan127
        I'm nervous about starting another Crossover, as I am worried it will turn out bad like the last one
        Jan 3, 2013
      4. SmashFan127
        You don't mind hearing what it is about?
        Jan 6, 2013
    13. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Lambda isn't with Mecha Sonic. He's with Seymour, Sauske, Wicked Avatar, and Light. Completely different group of villains.
      1. StardustXtreme
        alot to remember
        Nov 30, 2012
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        last time you used Lambda was probably around page 30 I believe. But anyway I checked, and he certainly was with Sasuke last time
        Nov 30, 2012
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        you could remove the line, or edit it with Lambda being with Sasuke
        Nov 30, 2012
    14. Princess Rapunzel
    15. NutheadBros
      1. View previous comments...
      2. StardustXtreme
        Nothing much, AKi told em about the SKype thing.
        Nov 26, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        yeah, I need your username so I can add ya and explain it
        Nov 26, 2012
      4. StardustXtreme
        Just ask Aki to add you in a convo then you'll find me
        Nov 26, 2012
    16. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      How did Shataro not notice the Turtles? They were there the whole time ever since Shataro joined the group
      1. View previous comments...
      2. StardustXtreme
        Hotaro's seen peopel becoem nature in humanoid form, throwing magma, transform to huge frickin' dinosaurs, cats use a transformation belt, superspeed humanoids, one person commanding the emotion of Terror and witnessed a floating red gauntlet talk without any body attached to it.

        SHotaro's still human, image what you would if he emt a turtle with ninja gear and talking? You'd proabbaly think you were on drugs at the time or going insane.
        Nov 15, 2012
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        yes, but the group had the Hulk and a talking pony as well. Not to mention Lightning's group has a Moogle too. Look, I'm not saying he shouldn't be shocked. It's absolutely fine if he gets shocked. What I'm saying is why did he wait 5+ pages to do it when the talking turtles were with him all that time?
        Nov 15, 2012
      4. StardustXtreme
        Cause his attenention span wa son survivial?
        Nov 15, 2012
    17. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Why is whatever you post inside a quote?
      1. StardustXtreme
        Unno I edited it to go normal but it no like me.
        Nov 12, 2012
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Ok, now I see what the problem is. You had "[/quote]" typed at the end of your post when it should only be after the end of the post of whoever you're quoting.
        Nov 12, 2012
      3. StardustXtreme
        Fixed it up now
        Nov 12, 2012
    18. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Just to let you know, I realized I made a mistake when I had Voldemort ask Lambda if he killed Harry Potter. I meant Dumbledore. I'll edit my post.
      1. StardustXtreme
        it's okay.
        Oct 28, 2012
    19. Jayn
      Hey! Sorry to bother you, but your signature is over the 500x500 limit. Do you mind changing it or resizing it? Thank you!
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Mind if I bring in a couple characters over by Zidane and Tidus in CC?
      1. StardustXtreme
        I'm sure it'll be bigger group with all the other FF characters there.
        Oct 11, 2012
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Probably. It's just two that I really want in though.
        Oct 11, 2012
      3. StardustXtreme
        Well, it's already egttign to eb bigger groups with anyoen anyway.
        Oct 12, 2012
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  • About

    Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Sector 7 Slums
    A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with
    Past Usernames:


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