Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. burnitup
      So considering what are you going to do with Leviathan in the CC? If I recall you reserved him thinking it was a Reaper but seeing what we know of it have whatever plans you had for it changed in the CC?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
      3. Pinekaboo
        Damn, that's just about the highest-res one I've seen.
        Aug 31, 2012
      4. burnitup
        I know right, it's purdy. :P
        Aug 31, 2012
    2. Lite
      Dood. Dat Kamina post. It was beautiful.
      1. Pinekaboo
        Aug 30, 2012
    3. NutheadBros
      hello DT, how are you doing
      1. Pinekaboo
        Not so bad, yourself?
        Aug 30, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        I've been looking up Pac-Man stuff [I didn't even expect it myself but damn you Ms. Pac-Man machine in my cabin XD]
        Aug 30, 2012
    4. burnitup
      DT I have finished the Leviathan DLC.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        So what'd you think?
        Aug 30, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Ah, sorry, we're discussing important things with What? right now, so I lost track.
        Well, as I said; they both are and aren't Reapers, since they're the basis for their design, but came before. Everyone is meant to be led to believe that it was a Reaper too.
        Aug 30, 2012
      4. burnitup
        It's cool.
        Decent plot twist.
        Aug 30, 2012
    5. NutheadBros
      it's getting an anime? [yeah still on vacation but with wi-fi]
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        The Mystery Dungeon versions, no. I'm not sure about the 'real' ones.
        Aug 29, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        oh okay then, just curious while I'm still on vacation [with wifi]
        Aug 29, 2012
      4. NutheadBros
        good night DT, I'll be back in a couple of days
        Aug 29, 2012
    6. burnitup
      DT, you'd know this more then me, do Puella Magi age? I keep seeing people saying they don't and I don't have a way to back this "fact".
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        *hi-jacks convo* XD
        To add...

        >Another writer has had a lot of experience with many crossovers...

        Aug 29, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        As I said; thanks regardless, but I have been involved in CC's plot from before the RP was up, so I know how to crossovers.
        Aug 29, 2012
      4. burnitup
        *shrug* Indeed. Also, hi Bushy.
        Aug 29, 2012
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey DT, whatever happened with the firefight? Did it end or not?
      1. Pinekaboo
        It sort-of ended, in that the last wave for now was beaten and the group gets a rest, but it's more of a rest between rounds than a victory. They probably know that too.
        Aug 28, 2012
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Alright thanks. Making sure so I could post as Yoko, Tifa, and Vinnie
        Aug 28, 2012
    8. Hiro ✩
    9. burnitup
      Yo, would it be okay to reserve this guy?:
      1. Pinekaboo
        That wouldn't be anything to do with me. I don't normally decide who can and can't be brought into Cove, that's up to Droid.
        Aug 27, 2012
      2. burnitup
        Hrmm...Very well then. I'll ask him when he's online.
        Aug 27, 2012
    10. NutheadBros
      To give a precise explanation, Planeptune got transported underground and into the tunnel and cave network [Merlin guessed it when he, Decious, and The Darkness first arrived] in which it has multiple linking tunnels that head into it [proven when Teridax and the Little Sisters came out of a different tunnel]
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        No, neither, it's fine.
        Aug 26, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        Alright well just telling you now, I will probably be bringing in Lastation, Leanbox, and Lowee later on
        Aug 26, 2012
      4. Pinekaboo
        So long as they're on Disgaea somewhere, it's fine.
        Aug 26, 2012
    11. Mysty
      Yo, bro. Is it dead now? ; ;
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mysty
        She was literally right in front of the cannon with no time to react. So yeah. I guess you would need to post stating its dead and the damage caused from the blast.
        Aug 26, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        I will do at some point. You may need to give me a bit of time though.
        Aug 26, 2012
      4. Mysty
        I am a patient guy. Take all the time you need.
        Aug 26, 2012
    12. burnitup
      Okay, I just had a thought a little bit ago, if Godoka's wish when she was contracted by Kyubey was to stop every witch past, present, or future in every timeline to not be born then how is Kriemhild Gretchen around in the CC?

      I know you've thought this through I just want to hear the explaination.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Okay. I'll take that as a 'yes I have an explaination planned.'

        Unless your just trying to avoid answering my question all together. lol
        Nah, I kid. You know what you're doing.
        Aug 26, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        I have an answer, but it's genuinely impossible to say without giving away some future plot points, so yeah.
        Aug 26, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Ah, okay then. Thanks DT! :)
        Aug 26, 2012
    13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      1. View previous comments...
      2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        I feel like rping. I should rp with you someday :3
        Aug 26, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Maybe you should. I'm not sure what would be RPed though.
        Aug 26, 2012
      4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Neither do I. I don't consider myself to be a very good rper so I'm not likely to join one unless asked. Hmm....
        Aug 26, 2012
    14. burnitup
      Hey DT, have you ever watch Godzilla: Final Wars?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Now that would have been awesome. Though I kinda doubt Toho saw the show. Isn't it sad, Zilla?
        Aug 25, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Actually they did. They said that Zilla Jr. was truely worthy of the name Godzilla, and praised the show for being a great take on their creation.
        Aug 25, 2012
      4. burnitup
        I find it funny that the show based on the remake is more true to the original movies then the actual remake.

        Still though, the show was good.
        Aug 25, 2012
    15. burnitup
      Yo, just so I don't have to ask later on, how will you and Droid choose who is in charge of the next arc?
      1. Pinekaboo
        Me, Droid, and Bushy will decide on who runs the next arc by looking at everything about the people who want to, especially reliability.
        Aug 25, 2012
      2. burnitup
        Hmm, I see. Thank you for your time.
        Aug 25, 2012
    16. Lite
      This just in: We have a U-D/Yuri.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Bushy
        I want a lollipop!
        Aug 25, 2012
      3. Lite
        *sighs and hands Levi a lolipop* Now can we dominate the world?
        Aug 25, 2012
      4. Bushy
        Aug 25, 2012
    17. NutheadBros
      Hey just to verify this [due to my mind feeling numb] was E-123 Omega the only person that was reserved from my most recent list or was there more
      1. Pinekaboo
        As far as I'm aware, only Omega was taken, and that's my bad for not having him in my list. The rest are yours 100%.
        Aug 24, 2012
      2. NutheadBros
        hey it's alright, no harm no foul, it's just I didn't remember if Omega was reserved or not
        Aug 24, 2012
    18. Mysty
      Out of concern for the Cove, what happens if Smashfan never comes back? Do my characters stay in limbo or how does that work. I am just speaking hypothetically of course.
      1. Pinekaboo
        No, we'd just have your guys move on without paying much heed to it. There's little else we could do.
        Aug 24, 2012
    19. Droid
      Thank you for handling that, I also gave him my own 2cents per my warning to do so. I swear, right as I'm happily making a new post.
      1. Pinekaboo
        Plenty of people were complaining about him, and him being aggressive towards Hero like that was just the last straw. Hopefully this is the last we'll hear of it though.
        Also, with your post being so plot-relevant, now I feel obliged to respond properly, and I don't want to because Post Templates.
        Aug 23, 2012
      2. Droid
        Hopefully indeed.
        I know, I was so proud posting so much content. I haven't made something that plot involved in awhile.
        You don't have to respond until the template feature comes back, I was going to say before that interruption. I'd also wait to do anything further and then when it comes online we can really get the ball rolling. Supposing it becomes available soonish.
        Aug 23, 2012
      3. Pinekaboo
        Well as far as I'm aware, we're having it soon. Bushy's been trying to keep up-to-date on what's going on with it.
        When the ball does get rolling, we'll bring Matagi back along with the other pilots of Brittania. It'll be awesome.
        Aug 23, 2012
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey DT, I seriously think that SmashFan needs a temp ban. He's purposely trying to cause another argument by saying he feels insulted. I don't know what for, but it's getting old.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        Even so, it's obvious his attitude his putting you off of Cove somewhat. You should know; I'm completely behind you in this, and if it comes down to kicking him or you leaving, we'd rather keep you in.
        Aug 23, 2012
      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Thank you. I just hope it doesn't get to the point of either of those things.
        Aug 23, 2012
      4. Pinekaboo
        As do I.
        Aug 23, 2012