Last Activity:
Oct 21, 2020
Dec 7, 2011
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This is a status. Jan 4, 2017

Mysty was last seen:
Oct 21, 2020
    1. Odamadillo
      Myst I have read your new game. I am interested but I would like some examples of what the tasks will be.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        Cool I don't like showing my face to strangers. I even don't like telling them my name but when it comes to singing I suck but don't mind doing that. I need to post to sign up right?
        Dec 9, 2012
      3. Mysty
        You need to post to sign up. correct.
        Dec 9, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        Alright I'll do that now.
        Dec 9, 2012
    2. SmashFan127
      1. Mysty
        May I be of service.
        Dec 7, 2012
      2. SmashFan127
        The planet is starting to weaken due to the belt's activity in my latest post. Any reactions from your characters?
        Dec 7, 2012
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Your Christmas theme is so freaking cute, I just love it.
      1. Mysty
        I use eevee for almost everything. I love it and its cuteness. Thanks.
        Dec 5, 2012
    4. Itachilives
      Think I like, evil terra better :) lol
      1. Mysty
        Well, Yeah. She is a little bit better.
        Dec 2, 2012
    5. Bloody Rose
      Bloody Rose
      Hi, i had a question regaurding the Angel Beats! RP. I was wondering if it would be okay for Yuki to not be a member of the battlefront (Or what ever you want to call it) But around the few posts he joins in. Would that be okay?
      1. Mysty
        Its fine by Hyuge but I am not sure completely. So I will agree with her for the time being.
        Dec 1, 2012
      2. Bloody Rose
        Bloody Rose
        Okay, thanks.
        Dec 1, 2012
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Is it Metal or Mecha Sonic with Zero?
      1. Mysty
        Nov 28, 2012
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Ahh, then I made a mistake with Vanitas's dialogue.
        Nov 28, 2012
    7. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Hey, hey, I texted you about this, but I'll leave a message here too. I made a zombie RP if you wanna check it out and have another RP to have fun in. It might move slow since my internet situation is now special, but here we go:

      You don't have to join if you don't want to though. ^^;
    8. Labrys
      Dude that's a badass Sasuke pic xD
      1. Mysty
        It was one of the most awesome pictures of him I saw so I had to. But thanks :3
        Nov 28, 2012
      2. Labrys
        Hell yeah lol if you look at it in a far distance it looks like he is wearing the Organization XIII coats
        Nov 28, 2012
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I'm a bit lost. What happened to some of your characters. Were they warped to a different place, or did something else happen?
      1. Mysty
        They were hit with a beam which made them pretty much evil.
        Nov 26, 2012
    10. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      to post images, first try typing , followed by the image url
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mysty
        If I could ever find them again. I have spent hours finding some of these.
        Nov 18, 2012
      3. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        yikes! Good luck finding them
        Nov 18, 2012
      4. Mysty
        I think I would rather look into fixing the problem rather than finding a solution to it.
        Nov 18, 2012
    11. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      convo*. Damnit autocorrect!
      1. Mysty
        Calm yourself dear!
        Nov 18, 2012
      2. Hyuge ✧
        Hyuge ✧
        ............sorry.......... :-P <3<3
        Nov 18, 2012
    12. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      myst! Respond to the rp Congo.
    13. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      spam tralalalala
    14. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      spam. Tralalala
    15. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      hey!!! Respond to me!
    16. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Just confirming:

      Did NHB tell you I have the Kanto Trainers, The Johto Trainers, and Cynthia?
      1. Mysty
        Yes he did. I have no interest in them either way. I only care for Ruby and Sapphire.
        Nov 12, 2012
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Mkay. Making sure since I have a plan for them.
        Nov 12, 2012
    17. Llave

      Felt compelled to remove the watermark and that little blotch on the lower left in your avatar. Hope you don't mind.
      1. Mysty
        Haha. It never really bothered me but thanks. I switched it for you. :3
        Nov 11, 2012
      2. Llave
        Nov 11, 2012
    18. Beucefilous
      So....Just a confirmation but...I cannot Incinerate Toguro, correct?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mysty
        He can, just not in his current state.
        Nov 10, 2012
      3. Beucefilous
        Well then, that might be troublesome for Ra. Guess he could just do some fire move that is yet to be thought of to get him out of the way.
        Nov 10, 2012
      4. Beucefilous
        long enough to escape that is
        Nov 10, 2012
    19. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      So is Silver dead as well?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Thanks for the info! I needed to know because Cosmos will sense every good guy's death.
        Nov 9, 2012
      3. Mysty
        I am doing this for a reason. In RPs, usually people do not want their character to die, I show that sometimes sacrifices need to be made. Helping people lose a character. I really didn' want to lose Silver but it had to be done.
        Nov 9, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        I agree.
        Nov 9, 2012
    20. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      OMG! Kurama's dead?! S*** just got real...
      1. Mysty
        One has to kill characters in order for war to really break out.
        Nov 6, 2012
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  • About

    Past Usernames:
    Otonashi, Myst, The Hero of Winds, Bolin, Eevee, Marta Lualdi, Alchemyst, Naminє, The Almighty Helix, Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII, Momo Kisaragi, Kyubey, Zekken, Marvell
    Really if you are interested at all in anything I may have feelings towards, it is best to ask me instead of stock the information from here.



    "I always say what exactly what I'm feeling, and if they don't like me, that's fine! It doesn't change the fact that I was close to their hearts." -- Yuuki Konno


    "Asuna, there are things you can only share with someone by fighting." -- Yuuki Konno

    Tumblr - Orbs of Life RP - Vocaloid playlist
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