Princess Rapunzel
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2022
Feb 14, 2007
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Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
Keyblade Princess

Princess Rapunzel

Flower, gleam and glow, Female, 31, from Corona


In honor of the Tangled Series having ended, I'm the best princess now Mar 7, 2020

Princess Rapunzel was last seen:
Oct 10, 2022
    1. burnitup
      Hey G, just like to inform you I brought in Nyx.
      1. Aerith G. likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. burnitup
        Indeed she is. It is going to be fun using her in the CC.
        Sep 15, 2012
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Is she ever gonna the mane 6?
        Sep 15, 2012
      5. burnitup
        Meet them? Maybe. Depends on how the story unfolds.
        Sep 15, 2012
    2. NutheadBros
      Hello^^ how are you
    3. Xephos
    4. burnitup
      G, I saw this:

      And now I want to see that song involved with Derpy.
    5. NutheadBros
      Hello Aerith, I was wondering if you had any plans for KOS-MOS and Shion to appear in the cove or something
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Not right now. I can see why though, because I have chaos from the series. But I'm thinking about bringing some Xenosaga characters in.
        Sep 8, 2012
      3. NutheadBros
        Oh okay then, yeah I was going to reserve those two but wasn't sure about doing that sincee you have chaos
        Sep 8, 2012
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Go ahead and reserve them, I need a reason to bring chaos back into the story, anyway.
        Sep 8, 2012
    6. Pinekaboo
      Just a heads-up, you've posted a total of four times in Cove today, while the limit is still three a day.
      I'll let you keep all four today, on account that they're relatively small posts, but please refrain from posting any more until tomorrow, since otherwise we're going to fill up pages too fast.
    7. SmashFan127
      I want to know why you won't support me.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I'm not saying I won't support you, but you don't have to comment on my profile, immediately expecting a answer. You can't always expect something right away.
        Sep 6, 2012
      2. SmashFan127
        In case you are wondering, NO you do not have to know WA2 to go to my RP. There are two pictures of the map on the main thread, but the second one is more simple.
        Sep 6, 2012
    8. burnitup
      Well as you may have noticed we now have a certain alicorn filly waiting to appear in the CC.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        That's up to you.
        Sep 6, 2012
      3. burnitup
        I know.
        So how are you? :)
        Sep 6, 2012
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I'm fine.
        Sep 6, 2012
    9. SmashFan127
    10. SmashFan127
      Is it recommended that I get the RP thread up as soon as possible?
    11. SmashFan127
      Hi. Saw my OOC Thread, did you?
    12. burnitup
      Greetings, G! How are you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. burnitup
        Anything else? :)
        Sep 4, 2012
      3. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I also liked the school play, it was really wonderful to have the fillies reenact the adventure the mane 6 took.
        Sep 4, 2012
      4. burnitup
        Which reminds, there are actual fanart of the play. I'll go look for it, might take me a bit.
        Sep 4, 2012
    13. SmashFan127
      Hello. How are you feeling today? Apologies for behavior in the past hours. Seriously, I am sorry.
    14. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Are you planning to be Lulu in Stadust's RP? Because I wanted to be her.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        No, I just was bored of waiting and put that post in to progress and give a cameo of my other characters.
        Aug 30, 2012
      2. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        Oh alright then
        Aug 30, 2012
    15. Pinekaboo
    16. Mysty
      If I might ask you, where are you bringing in Calumon and Zoe? I want to join you with some of my Digidestined.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        I guess so, I'm still going to find her change, though.
        Aug 26, 2012
      3. Mysty
        are you using Tommy or not? I could easily help bring him in if you are going to use him.
        Aug 27, 2012
      4. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Not right now. He's in my reserves.
        Aug 27, 2012
    17. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey Aerith, you seem to know a lot about Final Fantasy X, X-2, VII, and XIII. Would you min looking over an RP a friend and I are making that follows the characters of those games?
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Sure, I don't mind.
        Aug 23, 2012
    18. StardustXtreme
      Can't use skype now, damn mom heard me
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Princess Rapunzel
        Oh, I see. It's alright, we had a good talk.
        Aug 23, 2012
    19. woodstockfootball26
      Aerith! Long time no see(:
    20. StardustXtreme
      Can't have Zanarkand, so reedited your post and decide on a place.
      1. Princess Rapunzel
        Aug 21, 2012
      2. StardustXtreme
        Looking now
        Aug 22, 2012
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  • About

    Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Keyblade Princess
    Past Usernames:
    Aerith G., WhiteRose-Aki, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Kimberly Ann Hart, Princess Kairi
    Lets' give this profile a overhaul, it's been simple for a long time so how bout visitors get to know me and what I am like.

    I am just your avenge female otaku gamer, and also I am a writer and role-player, so if you want to see what I have done, visit my profile and my forum, Dimensional-Explorer, through my signature. I also have a twitter, Facebook, and tumblr, though I rarely post anything on those.

    With that out of the way, lets see what I like and what makes me, well, me:

    Favorite genre: Action, Role-Playing Games, Romance, Musical, Comedy, Crossover

    Favorite series (book): Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narina, Disney Princess, Power Ranger comics

    Favorite TV series (LA/Cartoon): Power Rangers, The Twilight Zone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Doctor Who, Ducktales (2017), Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Voltron

    Favorite TV Series (Anime): Naruto, Ouran Host Club, Madoka Magica, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon

    Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Beauty and the Beast (1991 & 2017), Cinderella (1950 & 2015), Frozen, Schindler's List, Kingsglavie: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Balto, Star Wars

    Favorite Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Tommy Oliver, Kimberly Ann Hart, Elsa, Anna, Esmeralda, Nala, Emma Goodall, Gia Moran, Luka Millfy, Ahim de Famille, Gai Ikari, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Riku, Xion, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Rose, Doctor (10th), Serena Tsukino, Rini

    Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy (IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lighting Returns, XIV, XV), Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Persona, Blue Reflection, Tales of series

    Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Pocky, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pop-Tarts

    Preferred Pairings: Harry x Hermione, Cloud x Aerith, Riku x Kairi, Yuna x Tidus, Tommy x Kimberly, Serena x Darien, Haruka x Michiru


    PS Network ID:
    Discord ID:


    <3 you forever, my Guy!
    Mario's High School Days Wiki/My Profile/Dimensional Explorer
    "Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now."-Oerba Dia Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII
    "I return..... to where I must....."-Kuja, Dissidia -Final Fantasy-
    "There are more important things, like friendship and bravery."-Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    On my own... pretending he's beside me........ - Eponine, Les Miserables
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