Apr 3, 2010
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Dec 3, 1996 (Age: 28)
New Jersey
Having a jar of dirt.


Traverse Town Homebody, Male, 28, from New Jersey

Y6ljFaKRTrI Oct 30, 2012

    1. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Wazzup? Or something :P
      I just wanted to tell you that I've recently started watching Death Note and well... It's awesome ^^
      Aaaaaand, I've finished watching it today :P
    2. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Not entirely sure how an ESR patched game works so I can't really give any advice on this but if it works like I think does, that it simply works like any retail game then I guess a codebreaker/gameshark should suffice ^^

      But as for "hacking" you can't really use a cheating device to hack codes :P
    3. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      lol, All went well. Except I had mono. Mono sucked.
    4. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      D: I miss you. I've just never have any real time when you're online. Don't grow up. D: It's a trap!

      I've been doing ok, how're you?
    5. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Ah, I see, so if you want to open presents fast you'll go and wake everybody up lol? ^^

      Yeah, here in Sweden we always open the presents on Christmas Eve around 4PM, just after Donald Duck on television, so we're one day ahead so to say ^^

      Also Merry Christmas Adam ^^
      1. Wheel of Time
        Wheel of Time
        And that brings up another question I have, do you like have Christmas shows sorta exclusive for Christmas? ^^ 'cuz here we have Donald Duck and a little bit of other Disney classics ^^
        Dec 24, 2012
    6. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Hey Adam, a question just popped into my head, is there some sort of limit how early you can wake up on Christmas Day? ^^
      I'm not that familiar with the US' customs since in Sweden we have something completly different than you, we sorta cheat the system xD
    7. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yeah, it ends on Friday, the 21th the world's end :O :P

      And yeah, it looks Christmasy (it's not even a word, right? :P)
      And I'm unfortunatly not familiar with Death Note, all I know is that it is an anime :P
    8. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      lol, love that song xD

      I see, well good luck, this is outside my box of knowledge :P

      Oh and btw when does your christmas vacation begin? ^^
    9. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Oooh, that's a tough choice, cake is sooooo good xD
      Cool, have someone made an extractor for Re:CoM? ^^
      Yeah, they're quite expensive, I remember having to grind for cards all the time when I played through it :P
    10. awesomeperson
      Hey what's up Adam?
    11. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      I have alot going on in school now so how I don't think I'll be able to play before christmas, sorry 'bout that ^^'
    12. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Why, oh why, would u get on then get right back off? When ur on, stay on XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sora's Apprentice
        Sora's Apprentice
        Agreed. And yes, been up all night. Can't sleep XD
        Dec 2, 2012
      3. adamboy7
        Bad news. It seems I must drop off the face of the earth for a bit ›.› Parental issues and all that BS. I will eventually be back. Do me a favor and tell the others.
        Dec 20, 2012
      4. Sora's Apprentice
        Sora's Apprentice
        Me: *like vader* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
        Ryan: ;.;
        India: ...
        Dec 21, 2012
    13. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yeah, maybe this weekend sounds good ^^
      Not Monday though, I have a test on Tuesday so rather not lol :P
      I'll come with an answer tomorrow ^^

      So it wasen't that he didn't like it but rather that he was too cheap? LOL ^^
    14. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      lol, I don't know.. it's pretty cold here.. lol Nah, it doesn't surprise me one bit.
    15. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Yeah, I do. I believe you're very intelligent. :) Much more so than most.
    16. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      wow, that's really bad luck lol xD
    17. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Tell me when you're ready ^^
      This time I won't forget :P
      1. Wheel of Time
        Wheel of Time
        But maybe you will? :P Lol, no worries, we'll just re-schedule it again ^^
        Nov 8, 2012
    18. nasirrich
      Gross you reply back to me now -=-

      No but college life sux so hard.
      Sandy didn't effect the college I go too
      And people here are about that stupid swag **** man its so annoying

      So I'm guessing Sandy wrecked you huh?
    19. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yep, I'm human I believe xD

      Well, thanks for understanding lol :P

      Hmm... I'm busy this weekend, maybe Wednesday or Thursday? ^^

      lol, yeah, it's Assassin's Creed 3 who just came out :P
    20. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Snaps, I forgot, I'm so so sorry. I can't believe how I could've forget, my new game is too adicting that I played it the whole day. I'm so sorry once again.
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  • About

    Dec 3, 1996 (Age: 28)
    New Jersey
    Having a jar of dirt.
    My god it's been awhile. I don't get on much more than now and then for a passing glance. This is here mostly for keepsakes and nostalgia ;P

    Much love to the friends I made on here and the ones I took with me moving forward.


    It all started here, and I'm okay with that. You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best.​

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