Last Activity:
Jan 27, 2025
Jun 23, 2010
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Tired Dad
December 25


Superless Moderator, Tired Dad


Just me and the bots, we're starting a band. Dec 23, 2023

Llave was last seen:
Jan 27, 2025
    1. Daxa~
      Very very sorry for my late reply dear.
      I fell asleep,and then it was morning,and then school,and then dinner~
    2. Sanya
      Yeah the first few episodes are a bit confusing, but just keep watching.

      And it's 24, last episode is next Tuesday. D:
    3. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      ty and I will!^ ^
    4. C
      xD I love the picture, it's so amazing.

      Holy crap that's hot o.o I think I'd die in that temperature ._. That's insane! Make sure to wear sunblock!
    5. GhettoXemnas
      Thank you very much. I really put a lot of work into them so it makes me happy to hear people like them :D
    6. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      haha, well...I wouldn't really call them my forte I just know how to make them and I enjoy making them.^ ^
    7. Sanya
      I think the yellow character is SZZU from the game, but the weird thing is that in the anime picture she isn't wearing glasses.


      And yeah I did notice the no scars.... it's really weird, maybe its before the ova with just BRS and the huke characters + some from the game? Guess we'll just wait and see.
    8. RoxasRox
      I was actually a Graphic Desgin major, but i switched to Broadcasting ;D
    9. Korra
      Thanks, I'm gonna update the thread tomorrow with the finished thing. xD

      I don't think so, they all look like they're there. What do you think is missing?

      As for that, it's kind of hard for us to coordinate something that often I think - especially since all of us are in school. I think at the start we agreed to keep it at least once per month to start, then see how it goes from there. All things considered we're still pretty new with the podcast, lol.

      And yeah, we're all getting kinda busy. Even I'm finally starting to get ready to move off to college, haha.
    10. Inasuma
      Interning eh? What kinds of things do you do? Illustration and such?

      I dunno, having an innate need to help things stay in order is good; just make sure to direct that energy in the right way. I didn't really "make admin." I was recommended at one time to be a moderator, so I did that. After about a year, the head admin at the time needed some assistance, so I went ahead with that. It was fun, but yeah it was really just knowing the community that let me get to that position.

      My name is Japanese for "lightning." It's also the name of a climbing technique used in the video game Catherine, which you probably know somewhat about already lol
    11. Amaury
      Amusing what can happen when I'm inactive there for 15 minutes.
    12. RoxasRox
      <3 Aw thank you :D
    13. Chevalier
      Yeah, that's right.
    14. Chevalier
      Maybe. But he's very busy sometimes
    15. Chevalier
      You may catch him around in the mornings. That's usually the times when he logs in, I think.
    16. Chevalier
      Hmm, I'm really not sure. I believe it's close to England.
    17. Chevalier
      Well, his timezone is really different from ours. At the moment he logs in when possible.
    18. Bushy
      I won't lol
      I love KHV too much for that. XD
      Cheers though.
    19. Chevalier
      He must be busy with school, I guess.
    20. Chevalier
      Well, I've been here for years. That could be it.
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  • About

    Tired Dad
    December 25
    Past Usernames:
    Llave de Espada / Hyperion / Llaverion


    @Llaverion on Discord
    I PEAKED IN 2014
    Best Super Moderator | Best Overall Member
    Literally nobody:
    Premium Section:

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