Roxas: Holy crap! Axel: That's Furry of the Dancing Flames Pwnage for you! :P Roxas: By the way, Tifa he meant "You got some killer boobs" Ven: ....That's true. Tifa: What? Yuffie: That's actually funny. Ven: CLONE >: Roxas: PHONEY! >: Repliku: Repliku <3 Me: OSHI- REPLIKU. Repliku: SUP BISHES? Xehanort: This just got funnier. Roxas: ....Axel. Axel: What's wrong Lover boy? Ya miss Xion? Roxas: STFU! >:
Axel: Well Roxas? Ven: I'm Ven! Axel: WTF? NO YOU'RE NOT! Ven looks like....oshi- *Gets hit* Roxas: Thanks for mixing me up. Cloud: *Bird call* Tifa: .....ARGH I CAN'T TAKE IT EITHER WAY! >< *Beats Cloud up* Cloud: *Dead* Me: *Grabs Masmune* Looks like Tifa's the new Sephiroth. Only her foot kills. Tifa: What? Me: I said you own. (Help me Onee-chan! ;_;)
Me: We don't wanna look at the army. It's ugly. Cloud: Tifa! DX *Grabs onto leg* Tifa: *Steps on head* Drop down and give me 40. Cloud: Okay I- Tifa: Dollars. Cloud: T-T *Bird Call* *Leon owns Cloud* Cloud: ARGH! DX Aqua: What is going on? Aren't we fighting a army. Me: Nope. We're watching Cloud get owned. Popcorn? Aqua: Sure. Ven: Me too!
Me: Forget juu then! >: *Tifa comes and ram kicks Cloud in the face* Me: OOOH! Pwned! Larxene: I already like this girl's style. Terra: Lightning.....*Shocked* OW! Larxene: Get up and be a man. Xehanort: This is excatly what a meant. *Yuffie and Tifa beat up Cloud* Cloud: Stop it! DX Me: Onee-Chan....Popcorn? <D
Me/Julia: What was that suppose to be? *Giant Shurkien kills some of the enemies* Cloud: Yuffie! Yuffie: What did I tell you about that annoying call? *Smack* Me: Burnt. Xehanort: SILENCE. My army is over 9000. *Over 9000 Heartless, Unbirths, and Nobodies appear* Me: O_O *Lightning kills some* Me: ....She won? Larxene: You think I lost? Me: (Not even Terra himself could survive, Poor guy.)
Me: Engauge RPG battle! Me = 1 HP Normal Unbirth = 400 HP Me: WTF? Cloud: You aren't gonna sell that! D:< Me: Uhh....Halp? ;-; *Zeo Fainted!* Cloud: Oh for the love of god. *Phoenix downs* *Apprentice owns Cloud* Me: 0_o
Me: We need to Justice League! D: Cloud: Need help? Me: Flash? Cloud: No moron! Me: ;_; -In Hell- Roxas: Get me the hell out of here! Sephiroth: That's where you are. In Hell. Roxas: That's it! >: *Shoop Da Woops Sephiroth* Satan: Holy Sh*t on a F*cking sanwich with Sh*t on top. With a side helping of Sh*t.
Me: Sure! =D Larxene: ARGH. I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR CALLING ME DUDE! *Terra gets owned in the face* Terra: Hax!....Hax! ;_; Ven: I hate you Xehanort. Xehanort: Your mother doesn't. Aqua: Burn. Roxas: Argh....Where in hell's name am I? Sephiroth: You're in hell. Roxas: Holy Sh*t on a F*cking sanwich with Sh*t on top.
Me: Masamune? =D *Knock on the door* Me: Who is it? Terra: It's Terra! Larxene: Who? *Busts door down* Terra: SILENCE! I KEEL U! >:
Roxas: Darn it Axel I'm serious! Axel: Shut up Lover boy! Blondie can't handle th- *Pwnt by Lightning* Roxas: Axel? Axel: ....Mommy? ;_; Larxene: YOU NEXT ROXAS? Roxas: o.o *Runs out the door* Me: Uhh, Big sis. She's gonna kill us o.o Larxene: You are correct. Me: Oshi-
Axel: Of who? Roxas: AXEL YOU SAID A WORD! DX Me, Big Sis: ...What? Larxene: Are you people trying to tick me off? *Sparkle* Roxas: Oshi- *Owned*
Roxas: Wait a minute....Axel. Don't say a word. Axel: Why? Roxas: Remember she'll flip from anything. Me: No wai.
Lol yeah. *Shares Sugar Cubes* Roxas: What's so good about sugar anyway. Me: .....WHAT? :yelling: SUGAR IS TEH BEST THING EVAR! >:
because i just sense something wrong with one of my ex-friends and one of my best friends star angel. it just doesnt feel right like....... like...... ah nevermind maybe its just me.