I guess I lied, haha. I was offline for about a minute because I let 15 minutes pass, because I'm working on a phpBB forum I made. :)
Hey, Wolfie wanted me to let you know that she's fine, she just lost power in the storm. I'm texting her now, so if anything happens, I'll let you know.
well you do an exemplary job at it regardless. Just out of curiousity, how late is by the end of the night? Hahaa i wanna stay up and see it, but im really tired... Hahaa! (I would wonder who made it all night long hahaaa!) Don't worry, take your time, if i end up seeing it tomorrow then so be it.
oh cool! Im no master at that, but maybe having another staff member once in a while to help wouldn't hurt... sounds like it will allow for more proficiency in the times of year where online duration is minimal due to other events.
was out site seeing with friends and restocking my manga collection by going to Barnes&Nobles since Borders is no longer in existence... You also balancing top 5 nominations as well?
In the meantime, since Okabe's in Michigan and not in any danger, he can come on and "entertain" us with his Okabeness, haha!
Luckily, though, since she's connected to the same power as the airport, she should be one of the first ones back up should power go out.
I know Misty doesn't usually come on until around 8:00 PM PDT / 11:00 PM EDT, but I do hope she's all right. =/
Even though Okabe is in the East, he lives in Michigan, which doesn't get hurricanes. :3 I wonder where Tie lives...
You don't have TV? Anyway, I'll be online until I log off for bed like always, so if you want to talk, feel free. Well, we've already been talking, but you know what I mean. XD
I'm not sure if you saw my edit, but I edited in a news channel that I'm watching to stay up-to-date if you want to, too.
I think Wolfie said between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM EDT, and it's 3:32 PM PDT / 6:32 PM EDT now, so it's been going on for 32 minutes. I'm not sure myself if it's the actual hurricane, but the best we can do is to keep giving our prayers. I'm staying up-to-date on it with the news on the FXNWS (Fox News) channel.