Last Activity:
Jul 14, 2021
Sep 11, 2007
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11:50 PM
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The front row
Test Subject


Hollow Bastion Committee, Male, from The front row

Oh look a status message box Aug 20, 2012

Valium was last seen:
Jul 14, 2021
    1. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      Welcome Back ^^
      of-course i realized ;]
      i thought you forgot to press the bottom and wrote on your profile xD
      so i waited :]
      so how are you?
      please click on the "view conversation" bottom >]
    2. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      Woow o.o
      lucky you --
      i wanna eat ice cream
      i wanna go swim in the ocean
      but its 7°C >[
      and its 12:03pm
      please click on the "view conversation" bottom
    3. C4E
      Yea, I am.
      I haven't visited the site in a while.
    4. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      I'm feeling great ^^
      its morning here :]
      Incorrect my friend D:
      No snow today [or for the past 3 weeks] ><
      its cold but the sun is shinning and it feels warm >[
      hows the weather their is Australia?
      hot probably
      please click on the "view conversation" bottom
    5. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      then this is working :]
      you will be able to press the bottom in no time :D
      soo how are you this fine day?
      please click on the "view conversation" bottom
    6. C4E
    7. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      well then i have to remind you everytime xD
      please click on the "view conversation" bottom
    8. Valium
      If your reading this then you've noticed the large amounts of MY OWN POSTS IN THIS GOD DAMN THING!! It makes me cool....
    9. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      i knew that :]
      i was playing around
      the "NO" gave it away ;]
      is it that hard to press on the "view conversation" bottom 0:]
    10. Valium
      LOL!!! I knew that i was just pulling your leg........ I thought i'd anwser with subterfuge *shifty eyes*
    11. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      lol ><
      then you answered the question buddy :]
      i said ' do you understand what i'm saying? '
    12. Valium
      O_O;....... I can prounonce it perfectly i just have NO idea what you said though xD.
    13. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      your avy xD
      thats good :]
      french isn't really that hard ><
      try this :-
      faire vous comprenez ce que Je suis dire ??
    14. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      ooh ._.
      I'm soo sorry >[
      lol the avy did give it away
      I'm really sorry btw
      i thought your name was Aussie
      nice you live in Australia ;]
      I live in France
    15. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      You're one random girl ><
      i love random :yelling:
      I'm Taffy
      nice to meet you :]
      how are you this fine day?
    16. Valium
      LMAO!!! Poor sticky xD. I'm Aussie, what nationality is you?!?
    17. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      It's morning over here xD
      Good Morning :]
      in my parts the power never goes out
      only if you don't keep your place clean
      then powers off >3
      oh oh oh ...
      I had a dream ^-^
      of stabbing that stick figure of yours >]
      he kept pointing at me D:
      but i gave him the show down ><
    18. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      i still refuse ><
      how are you?
    19. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      i'm gonna kill him ><
    20. Vexen_Is_God
      Oh? Haha. I kind of feel 'screwed'. I just send a long PM to an admin arguing my points on the creation of a Game Design/Idea section after someone mentioned it in the Suggesstions forum.
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