Princess Rapunzel
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2022
Feb 14, 2007
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1:31 PM
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Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
Keyblade Princess

Princess Rapunzel

Flower, gleam and glow, Female, 31, from Corona


In honor of the Tangled Series having ended, I'm the best princess now Mar 7, 2020

Princess Rapunzel was last seen:
Oct 10, 2022
    1. StardustXtreme
      if we get another intermission act, oh i'll surprise everyone.
    2. StardustXtreme
      Well Justin is sorta that age, then again in harry's world, he's justa video game character as Harry's world is possibly the most close to our world.
    3. StardustXtreme
      Well, honestly, I never watched them before.
    4. StardustXtreme
      Well Ankh just sees it as worthless and plus, the Greeed are wnating all the Core Medals to themselves to evolve further, so it cna be seen as a house rivalry.

      Eiji will slowly become a Greeed with small signs at first and then they start to become more noticed but the main factors of knowing you are becomign one is:

      No taste.
      Hearing will become distorted
      Sight of what you see turns grey.
      No sense of hot or cold.
      No smell.

      Then it'll start to progressively show as a part of Eiji's limbs will flash briefly to a monster-like limb and back to normal but the longer the Purple Core Medals stay within him, the greeedification continues but the Purple Cores also help him out by protectign from a fatal attack when untransformed and slide into the buckle on their own will before transforming him inti Putotyra OOO, the Purple Cores also allow him to pinpoint where Yummies are, but when Eiji learns to use them, he'll be able to release a burst of purple aura.

      And no, Ankh can't remove the Purple Core Medals or absorb them as Ankh is a Greeed who uses desire while the Purple Cores negate that desire and if someone does forcibly remove them, Eiji's life may be at risk since the Purple Cores chose him as a vessel for them ebcause of his lack of desire so there is only two options for Eiji, become a Greeed and lose his humanity or gain a desire which will be hard considering he has no such desires as he was a rich person at one point so he could get anything he wanted.
    5. StardustXtreme
      Well, enough about that, what do you think of EIji and Ankh in the RP.
    6. StardustXtreme
      I do silly lol.
    7. StardustXtreme
      Nah bookworming too much will alienate you.
    8. StardustXtreme
      You are a hermione granger.
    9. StardustXtreme
      Big words there.
    10. StardustXtreme
    11. StardustXtreme
      Dunno, undeicided and unknown.
    12. StardustXtreme
      Yeah basicallu, a bit annoying but reading and all but never really get a desire for it.
    13. StardustXtreme
      I consider that my job while at home., I put effort into trimming the bloomin' thing then wheelbarrowing it all down to the compst heap, do that like 6-7 times, you get tired with even 15 minute breaks.
    14. StardustXtreme
    15. StardustXtreme
      Lol, not exactly, I don't have a job sicne we're still in recession, plus I gotta learn more stuff.
    16. StardustXtreme
      THings to leanr in the real world as much as I hate it,
    17. StardustXtreme
      Meh, I'm 'working' by reading up stuff.
    18. StardustXtreme
      Gonna take a few weeks yes.
    19. terminallyCapricious

      Just like I posted in the RP!
    20. terminallyCapricious
      Tis why there are only six shows I watch on television:
      King of the Hill, Big Bang Theory, Metalocolypse, South Park, Venture Brothers, and The Office.

      Gahhh, wouldn't you rather continue this on pesterchum or MSN?
      VMs are still a horrific enemy of mine...
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  • About

    Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Keyblade Princess
    Past Usernames:
    Aerith G., WhiteRose-Aki, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Kimberly Ann Hart, Princess Kairi
    Lets' give this profile a overhaul, it's been simple for a long time so how bout visitors get to know me and what I am like.

    I am just your avenge female otaku gamer, and also I am a writer and role-player, so if you want to see what I have done, visit my profile and my forum, Dimensional-Explorer, through my signature. I also have a twitter, Facebook, and tumblr, though I rarely post anything on those.

    With that out of the way, lets see what I like and what makes me, well, me:

    Favorite genre: Action, Role-Playing Games, Romance, Musical, Comedy, Crossover

    Favorite series (book): Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narina, Disney Princess, Power Ranger comics

    Favorite TV series (LA/Cartoon): Power Rangers, The Twilight Zone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Doctor Who, Ducktales (2017), Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Voltron

    Favorite TV Series (Anime): Naruto, Ouran Host Club, Madoka Magica, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon

    Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Beauty and the Beast (1991 & 2017), Cinderella (1950 & 2015), Frozen, Schindler's List, Kingsglavie: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Balto, Star Wars

    Favorite Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Tommy Oliver, Kimberly Ann Hart, Elsa, Anna, Esmeralda, Nala, Emma Goodall, Gia Moran, Luka Millfy, Ahim de Famille, Gai Ikari, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Riku, Xion, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Rose, Doctor (10th), Serena Tsukino, Rini

    Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy (IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lighting Returns, XIV, XV), Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Persona, Blue Reflection, Tales of series

    Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Pocky, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pop-Tarts

    Preferred Pairings: Harry x Hermione, Cloud x Aerith, Riku x Kairi, Yuna x Tidus, Tommy x Kimberly, Serena x Darien, Haruka x Michiru


    PS Network ID:
    Discord ID:


    <3 you forever, my Guy!
    Mario's High School Days Wiki/My Profile/Dimensional Explorer
    "Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now."-Oerba Dia Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII
    "I return..... to where I must....."-Kuja, Dissidia -Final Fantasy-
    "There are more important things, like friendship and bravery."-Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    On my own... pretending he's beside me........ - Eponine, Les Miserables
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