Jul 30, 2011
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May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 32, from Los Angels born and raised in the sun.

" I fall asleep and wake up in a dream. Where am I? Why is this so familiar?" Jan 8, 2017

    1. Llave
      Darnit!! just missed ya, onee-chan! i was taking a nap, i really needed one... but yeah things have been good and pretty slow on the forums. No good art has been posted... *tear*
    2. Saxima
      YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!!/Really? That'd be awesome, I'd like to hear all about it!

      I've been alright, lazy, not doing to much I guess. How are you? I mean, besides being a slave to your sister. (:
    3. Saxima
      I've only ever been to A-Kon, the one in Dallas, and I've only gone there once. I do wanna go again though, they really are lotsa fun. I've never cosplayed before, I wouldn't even know where to start, not to mention a lot of cosplay material is . . . expensive. ;~;
    4. Llave
      Strict in a loving way, it's not like they're unreasonable, there's always a good reason to why they may be "strict." Even if i or my siblings don't see eye to eye with them, somewhere down the line we realize they were right... haha!
    5. Saxima
      Nah, I don't normally disappear, but I do talk to strangers sometimes. I did a free hug day thing at the mall once, it was kind of nice. Though keep in mind that most of the time I have a pocket knife in my pocket. XD
    6. Llave
      hahaa, but i guess i would, since im a dude and its my honor to protect those i hold most dear to me, especially sisters. Nobody's gonna date her till he gets past my dad AND me:)
    7. Saxima
      That's right!

      Haha, I know I'm only seventeen, a year younger than your sister, but I know what you mean. Still, I hope they're alright for you.
    8. Llave
      I assume that she's younger... i have an eleven year old sister so i know what it's like:)

      (One would think that girls came out of the womb talking and giggling...)
    9. Saxima
      Yeah, I don't really mind being so open about it, I guess I don't really care who and who doesn't have a problem with it. (:

      It's alright, don't worry about it, wish your sister a happy birthday for me. :D
      Anyway, I've been just fine, it's really hot in Texas right now, so I haven't been going outside much, I've also run out of Dr Pepper again, so that's no bueno . . .
    10. Llave
      i'm doing well, the forums are slow but im great! Hahaa hope your sister has a great Bday! i would say to tell her happy birthday, but she dont know me!!! well have fun and i'll seeya around some other time!
    11. Llave
      Onee-chan! where are you? are you playing hide and seek? You're good at it. I'm no good at games, save video games.
    12. Saxima
      [sorry for the late reply again, I'm having troubles with cameras and crap. and the stupid short video too . . .]

      If you're interested in some Naruto [SasuNaru] doujinshi and a few other categories, I've got just the place: Utopia Doujinshi and I 'work' here too, so that helps. I go by the alias Asami, so if you ever see that name in the chatbox on the side, feel free to call me out! :Awesome:
    13. Saxima
      Heh, maybe so! I don't really give it much thought any more . . .

      I love Aarinfantasy! They're a wonderful place for doujinshi of all kind! I have an account but I rarely use it because it's hard enough for me to keep up with the two forums I'm running in now . . . DX
    14. Saxima
      Haha, I'm right there with you!

      Yeah, he did. Sometimes I wonder if he really does remember or not because there are those times where it seems like it, and then the other times where there seems to be no dice - so it makes me wonder. Ooh, what's the doujinshi site?
    15. Saxima
      I agree, life would be a lot more boring if the interwebz weren't hanging around.

      You're computer too? Ohmahgawd there are so many bad things on my computer! It's hard to tell anybody that! Still, my dad eventually found out what yaoi was - he read one of my fanfictions and then went to go look it up on Wikipedia. He was drunk too - it was soooo embarrassing!
    16. Saxima
      XD I can imagine! Fighting with the computer is never any bueno man, just doesn't work . . .

      Haha, really? I know people who like it, but none of them are my friends, unfortunately. I have no one to fangirl-out with IRL. ;~; But it's alright, because I can do fangirl-bad all by mahself - with a little help from mah intarwebz buddies of course!
    17. Saxima
      That's what I say! When I get mad at the computer, the computer goes "HEY MAN, STFU. NOW I'M GONNA WORK EVEN SLOWER CUZ YOU'RE AN ASS." And I'm liek ">_>"./sigh It seems to be doing alright though. And yeah, she does kinda seem like Aerith, huh? Well, for every Kairi/Tifa, there has to be an Aerith/Namine. XD

      *does that weird thing with the hand rubbing* IT'S SUCH A DIABOLICAL PLAN, IT'S SURE TO WORK!
    18. Saxima
      Yeah, out of all of the female Kingdom Hearts characters, Namine's my favorite. But it looks like I might no be done until tomorrow, Vegas 9 Pro is giving me a bit of trouble . . ./sigh

      Heck yeah! When we get this show on the road, we can start a group here and get more people, more staff, more awesomeness! :awesome:
    19. Llave
      hahaa im not that lucky... but give it a shot!

      boy its late and duty calls tomorrow nice an early. well, this is were i shall say g'night, and talk to ya tomorrow:)
    20. Llave
      well i wish you the best of luck, onee-chan ;)
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  • About

    May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
    I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.
    Default Name:
    Just call me Doc
    Hello everyone visiting my page! I'm Doc on this form and I'm now a full grown adult lady! "Waggles eyebrows" I work as a full time dog walker and take classes in college for phycology! I also love to draw and write in my free time.

    I have five pets and hope to someday have a mini zoo of animals in my home. Oh and I get married this year!

    I am a big Otaku and love anime, manga, comic books, video games, and Bjd. Oh and I love Japan (my honey moon will be in Japan) and I love food!


    "Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face."