Last Activity:
Feb 28, 2013
Jan 12, 2009
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May 9, 1988 (Age: 36)
If I'm online, then I'm probably in front of the c
to get a new one :P


Kingdom Keeper, 36, from If I'm online, then I'm probably in front of the c

Pezz was last seen:
Feb 28, 2013
    1. awesomeperson
      hey there whats up
    2. Jayn
      I thought it would be more genertic than it's turned out to be. :] My favorite character? Hmmm... Rin, of course, and Kamiki. Well, and Kirigakure Shura.
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      That's actually good. I haven't read anything with him either and only know a bit about him from cartoons and the wiki, but you're doing a good part so far
    4. Snow Princess
      Snow Princess
      Aww you sure? :( Don't wanna give it some more time and see what happens?
    5. Fracture
      OLOL I have really only been popping in here so I keep missing these VMs. xD Sorry dude, but hey! It has really been a long time since we have talked. Then again, it probably doesn't help that I have moved over to another KH Forum. ;D And yep, back in the days of the FMA RP. lol It has really been a long time since I participated in an RP to be honest. So how have you been my good sir? Keeping busy?
    6. Snow Princess
      Snow Princess
      O.O "kiddo" is my special term of endearment for people i like! xD And I am older than you, silly boy! lol yeah i know it different, but that's anime nowadays for ya; i wanna start collecting the manga
    7. Snow Princess
      Snow Princess
      Lol i did read the manga for a while, kiddo; almost six months, i think, but then life happened and i fell behind :) Yeah, once i heard they were making an anime I've been watching it every week on netflix as it comes out... do you like it so far as well? :D
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I actually have time. But with my specific classes, I don't have lots of choices in time slots lol
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'm actually trying to get a better schedule lol
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I think it's actually because the real plot hasn't started yet lol and it's my turn to post but I'm sorting some school stuff out at the moment.
      Hopefully once the villains are released, things'll pick up.
    11. Snow Princess
      Snow Princess
      Yeah, that's a good idea... I'm glad you thought of it :)
    12. Arch
      I don't mind. 8D
    13. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You can double post if you want. It'd most likely be double merged
    14. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Good ~ I'll be checking out and making a character for your RP tomorrow, btw!
    15. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I put our own version of his bio in OOC thread. That's pretty much all you need to know.
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Well you can have an inner monologue or whatever, but we do need something to introduce the supervillains. You can have him actually treat one of them.

      Dr. Light was a bumbling fool until he got his memories back as a ruthless and deadly villain. We're saying that he got them during his stay in Arkham but can't escape. You can treat him specifically? I think it'd be interesting
    17. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hey, that works. We can have all villains start in Arkham and Hugo released them?
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Strange can do...something. Hey, I can put Parasite in Arkham, even if he's a Superman villain, and Strange can evaluate him. For the sake of this RP, only Batman's family know that Strange is a villain.
      Arsenal tends to use more arrows as guns as he was trained/raised by Green Arrow. However, he's just as good with guns using pistols and even a sniper rifle. He does have gimmick arrows, though not as gimmicky as Oliver's. He's killed before, usually when angry, but I assume that he tries not to unless he has to.
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You're officially in the RP! Go check the OOC to see your character's bios. Strange is considered a rogue for now (anti-hero, anti-villain or something. Not completely one or the other) and Arsenal is obviously a hero. Simply post in the discussion thread that those are your characters so people won't think you're just jumping into the RP without permission (I've had it happen) lol and you can start posting.
    20. awesomeperson
      alright then
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  • About

    May 9, 1988 (Age: 36)
    If I'm online, then I'm probably in front of the c
    to get a new one :P
    I'm just loving life!

    Design, Games, anime, puzzles, writing, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (love that game to death!)


    Two Zs are better than one!!!! XD
