Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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7:40 AM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      *walks back to the hotel but first goes into a clothing store and buys a new coat since her's got blood on it*

      Chess: I guess we could. Though I have a feeling someone's wanting to kill me. I just don't know who.
    2. NightofNights
      So. *takes out a list and marks off two names* Only four to go now. *puts the list back in her pocket and walks off*

      Chess: *stares at the cat nip and pokes it then bites into it* Ya thanks. *plays around with the catnip*
    3. NightofNights
      Shopkeeper:*brings out a spork*
      Hmm.. I'm looking for one that's more like a fork then a spoon.
      Shopekeeper: Okay. *puts the other back and takes out another*
      Perfect. *takes it and examins it*
      shopkeeper:*smiles at her approval*
      Now. Good bye marchare.
      Shopkeeper: Huh? *confused*
      *stabs the shopkeeper in the throat with the spork*
      Shopkeeper:*gages for a little while then falls to the floor dead*
      *walks out of the shop*

      Chess:*is tempted to play with the ball but tosses it back to you* You lose this?
    4. NightofNights
      *comes to a spoon shop and goes in*
      Storekeeper: Uh. Hello how may I helo you.
      I'm looking for a spoon that can also be used as a fork-
      Storekeeper: A spork! *interupted me* Ah s-sorry.
      *smiles* No problem at all. I forgot what they where called.
    5. NightofNights
      Amy: Okay. *watches a show with Alice*

      *ignores Sensui and walks off*
    6. NightofNights
      Amy: You feeling okay Sh? *gave up on trying to stay in contact with me*

      *puts my hand in my pocket* Good bye, white rabbit. *the place blows up*
    7. NightofNights
      *contaplaiting what to do* Should I do as Alice asked? Or should I just leave... *blocking Amy from her thoughts*
    8. NightofNights
      AMy: I hope you're right.
    9. NightofNights
      Amy: Right. She's at street 21 Lark. In the far ally by a door.
      Alice:*isn't faised that NoN's where Nivens lives*
    10. NightofNights
      Amy: That's true. But this is for just in case.

      *continues to walk around till she gets to Nivens' house*
    11. NightofNights
      Amy:*nods* She's by the park. The a few blocks from here. I'll keep an eye on her in case she needs help in some way.
    12. NightofNights
      Alice: It'd be best. You knever know where she could be though.
      Amy:*tries to accsess NoN's mind*

      *I'm walking through the park while it still snows*
    13. NightofNights
      Amy: Ah right NoN. *looks from the couch to see I'm not in the bed* Uh. Where'd she go?
      Chess: Probally went out for a walk or something.
    14. NightofNights
      Chess: Yup! An lovin every minute of it.
      Alice:*stratches behind Chess' ear* That's just how I like my kitty.
    15. NightofNights
      Amy: Wow. No wonder he didn't fall asleep. But why didn't he offer any to Chess? It probally would of Kocked him out.
      Chess: I don't drink tea.
      Amy: Oh..
    16. NightofNights
      Amy: Poor Sensui. I wish I didn't fall asleep.
    17. NightofNights
      Amy: If he was tired of Chess he could of woke me up.
    18. NightofNights
      Amy: Was he mad because I fell asleep!?
      Alice: I'm sure that's not the case.
    19. NightofNights
      Amy: I'm fine. You must be Sh.
      Alice: yup. sadly enough it's him. *smiles* I kid Sh.
    20. NightofNights
      Amy:*wakes up* OH dear.. I must of fallen asleep.
      Chess: No harm done they cam back on their own.