Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Local Time:
2:19 PM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      Stocked up on chocolate bars and energy drinks? :=D:
    2. Llave
      thanks! i would love to be a guest with ya, that would be fun too!
    3. Llave
      o no problem:) dude, i loved it so much, im gonna try and go for it! hopefully i can get on, i wanna have fun too! hahaa
    4. Llave
      yo man i just wanted to say great job on the podcast! i kept finding myself almost jumping in while i was listening, haahaa!!!
    5. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      It was my first all nighter that wasn't a part of a "sleep"over. xD Caffeine was deeply involved.
      Plums was staying up too, but he fell asleep around 4am. D:
    6. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      I didn't sleep at all the night before last. X3 It was kind of pointless to go to sleep after the sun came up. That's my excuse. ._.
    7. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      xD I'd probably do that too. I stayed up one night to get it instead of going to bed and waking up. I figured I wouldn't be able to wake up if I slept first. The clue went up at 6am where I am instead of 4am like I hoped, though. >>
    8. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      You can set up your phone to receive texts from that twitter account. So if you have the volume up high enough, it will wake you up when they tweet. c:
    9. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      You live in Cal-

      That's like Florida's better twin.

      And bigger.
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Florida is not the "Sunshine State", no matter what they say.

    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      From my point of view....

      Thunder clouds.
    12. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      I come in peace.
    13. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      Japan, you're silly. But we still love you.
      Did you get into Pottermore? 8D
    14. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      xD That would be awesome. But it's true, I don't think many people would get it. But they would be mesmerized by his badassery anyway. c:
      I find it weird how they say Nagasumi and Sun are around 12, but there's so much swearing in the show. xD
    15. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      Oh, and I watched some episodes of My Bride is a Mermaid! :=D:
      Masa is such a boss. :'D @-@
    16. Luna Lovegood
      Luna Lovegood
      Haha, I was trying to find one like that! XDDD I'll be saving that one in my secret stash of gifs. :3
    17. eentje
      Wow, that's pretty derp... I've never liked sports, so I don't fancy those athletic people. Give me a bunch of artistic gamers, and I'm happy. Haha, my mom ended up with three screwed up kids... Here in Holland, you have to study for a real job to get money for your study, which is mostly four years... But I decided I wanted to be an artist, so I get 80 euros less than everybody else, and from 180, that's pretty suckish....
    18. eentje
      Well, I know a few people who wouldn't be bothered by that... I would hate it, if that would happen to me or my brother and sister...
      But since we are still on the topic, when is your b-day? How come she favors your sister by the way, is she younger or something...
    19. eentje
      Dawww, well she should pay more atention to your feelings! An as an early birthday presenet hah? Few mothers give kids early b-day presents...
    20. eentje
      Oh, okay, that kinda sucks... I'm waiting for Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica to be out on DVD, I've already seen the series, but it was so awesome that I decided to buy it on DVD...