Jul 30, 2011
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May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 32, from Los Angels born and raised in the sun.

" I fall asleep and wake up in a dream. Where am I? Why is this so familiar?" Jan 8, 2017

    1. Saxima
      [sorry for such a late reply! I'm working on a short video about Namine right now, I should be done with it here in a little while . . .]

      I definitely will! And with that shiny new account of yours, you can have your own favorites list, and maybe even write some stories for me to read!

      Going together, that's the way to do it, right? XD
    2. Llave
      suuuuure. (squints) haahaa!! well i dont mind it too much. Are you still looking for a job? (jus curious)
    3. Llave
      yeah.... sometimes it feels like im hanging by a thread... literally. cant wait till weekend. Sleep in!!! woot.
    4. Llave
      Arigato onee-chan! yeah, took me about 3 weeks periodically. if i didnt have work and wasnt on KHV as much, i wouldve prolly got it done in 2-3 days... but at least that means i have a life, right?
    5. Llave
      yeaup! likewise!
    6. Saxima
      I believe that staff can also add to the archive as well as the manager [me]. It's alright, I read a lot too, but my eyes are almost always glued to a computer screen, so I'll probably go blind at 25. XD

      Would you like to become a member [my first] of my staff?
    7. Llave
      hahaa you alive, onee-chan?
    8. Saxima
      Isn't that one great!? I'm trying to build one of the best slash archives in the Kingdom Hearts section, and so far I've been doing well, but my community has no staff and only two subscribers, so I really need to work hard!
    9. Saxima
      Yeah, but it's part of who/what we are, we can't help it! XD I think there was only one fanfiction that I've cried while reading and it was called "The Ugly Duckling Effect", I can't remember who wrote it, but it's in my archive and it's a RikuxSora (side LeonxCloud), ohmahgawd it was so good.
    10. Llave
      hahaa sorry bout that. But thanks!!! I saw this on youtube, it's adorable its ventus singing!
    11. Saxima
      I don't blame you, that tends to happen a lot when I'm watching anime or reading manga. I get an idea, and then I couldn't care less about what I've got in front of me. XD
    12. Llave
      i think its a comic con. BTW, i added a vid in the video portal, PLEASE watch it!!
    13. Llave
      Onee-chan! hahaa unfortunately i haven't. but if i were to pick one, prolly the San Diego Jump convention, great chance to meet mainstream mangaka!
    14. Jayn
      Fun. >< I haven't been to the mall just to shop for years. xD I went to the beach today, though! Which was fun!
    15. Llave
      Look, onee-chan, there's Cloud and Squall!!!!
    16. Saxima
      Haha, it's alright! I kinda am too!

      I do write, but some of my earlier stories on FF are crap. Actually, most of them are crap. >_> But if you wanna read some of them, here's my profile. (: I have more stories, but they're all on my computer, getting written. "The Update Story" has all of the stories I've written in the latest chapter, at least I think it does. I haven't updated a few of them in a long while, so . . . >_>
    17. Saxima
      It's true, it's so true. He really does have - *shot*

      This is great! I knew I made a good choice in getting to know you better! If you want, you should check out my archive on here. (:
    18. Llave
      kawaii! love it all!!!
    19. Llave
      :lolface: 'Kay.
    20. Saxima
      Actually, I don't read comics much, but when I get the chance, they're pretty interesting. I couldn't really answer questions about specifics though DX But I do like Young Justice and I do know a bit about them. :D

      I'm glad!! But actually, I'm a Sagittarius, but we're close to twins - or we might as well be! XD
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  • About

    May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
    I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.
    Default Name:
    Just call me Doc
    Hello everyone visiting my page! I'm Doc on this form and I'm now a full grown adult lady! "Waggles eyebrows" I work as a full time dog walker and take classes in college for phycology! I also love to draw and write in my free time.

    I have five pets and hope to someday have a mini zoo of animals in my home. Oh and I get married this year!

    I am a big Otaku and love anime, manga, comic books, video games, and Bjd. Oh and I love Japan (my honey moon will be in Japan) and I love food!


    "Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face."