Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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December 29
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Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      Alice: Ya sorry for not metioning it. *turns the tv on*
    2. NightofNights
      Alice: Chess doesn't like to be experamented on.
    3. NightofNights
      Chess: No. I refuse to particapate in these foolish experaments. Go test on a bell hop or something.
    4. NightofNights
      Chess: depends on what type of theory it is. *purrs a bit*
    5. NightofNights
      Chess: What? *changes into a cat so he can sit on Alice's lap*
      Alice: *sits down where Chess was and pets him*
    6. NightofNights
      Alice: Hm no wonder he doesn't seem to like us, right Chess?
      Chess: My thoughts exactly.
    7. NightofNights
      Chess: He does know what sarcasum is right?
      Alice: Of course he does. Doesn't he?
    8. NightofNights
      Chess: Tch and to think I thought of you as a friend *pretends to whimper*
      Alice: Awe it's okay Chess. *hugs the cat boy* I'll be your friend.
    9. NightofNights
      Alice:*walks into the portal without ralizing it and walks right into the couch* Owch! That f*ckin hurt. *sets the book down and sees they're at the hotel again*
      Chess: Ah their you are Alice. I was thinking of going out to find you two.
    10. NightofNights
      Alice:*continues to read and walking she's to involved in the book*
    11. NightofNights
      Alice:*continues walking while reading*
    12. NightofNights
      Alice:*takes out her book and starts reading and walking*
    13. NightofNights
      Alice: They can wait. Not unless it's an emergancy.
    14. NightofNights
      Alice: Fine. but just to warn you we won't be there till sun up.
    15. NightofNights
      Alice: It's more then okay, I have nothing else to do here. Shale we walk or take a portal?
    16. NightofNights
      Alice: Ready to go back to the room yet Sh? *has her umbrella again while the snow continues to fall*
    17. NightofNights
      Alice: I'm ready. I leaft the book on the table doc.
      Nivens: Right off you two go now. I'll see you again soon Alice?
      Alice: No. You wont be. *goes out the front door leaving Nivens confused*
    18. NightofNights
      Nivens: Knowing her she's already found it..
      Alice:*pops out of no where in the middle of reading a book* I have.
      Nivens: *jumps a little* D-don't do that. Y-you know how I get.
      Alice: I know. *closes the book* It's been a while though so I thought I'd give you one last scare.
      Nivens: Well I never saw it coming. Now which book did you pick?
      Alice:*hands over the book in her hands*
      Nivens:*takes a look and looks puzzled* Why would you want THIS of all books Alice?
      Alice:*shrugs* Because it has answers that no one else can solve doc.
      Nivens:*shakes his head and hands back the book* You're a foolish girl you know. Chasing off fary tales and suck. *tsk tsk*
      Alice: Their not ALL folk lore doc.
    19. NightofNights
      Nivens: Third edition eh? *takes a book three down from where the last one was* There's the third edition for ya.
    20. NightofNights
      Oldman: No need for the "sir", you can call me Nivens McTwisp. Or Nivens if you wish. *looks around some more and after a while he comes up with a book fiting your discription* IS this what you're looking for?