Jul 30, 2011
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May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 32, from Los Angels born and raised in the sun.

" I fall asleep and wake up in a dream. Where am I? Why is this so familiar?" Jan 8, 2017

    1. Rhiscx
      Actually it was about myself. I was in the city, I was late for work. I got in my car,and then..........boom! I assume another car hit me dead on. And then it ends again.
    2. Rhiscx
      The mind has always been a curious thing to me. How it works and what not. But for it to go beyond and see problems or future events is like a double edge sword.

      One hand it helps like knowing if someone needs help.

      On the other hand I had a vision of something very personal to me.
    3. Rhiscx
      Not at all. I think there is always a reason for such dreams. Your subconscious is telling you something. The way in which it does it is unique for everyone.
    4. Rhiscx
      Would you mind talking about these dreams a little more?
    5. Rhiscx
      Just turned 3 am for me you?

      Btw, I forget over half my dreams too. It takes practice to control them, but I've gotten better. (Pin worthy? Who knows.)
    6. Rhiscx
      Funny that I had never known that about myself until recently though. It started with a dream that I was a warrior. I had a mission, but I can't remember what. I researched my dream to find that warriors are a symbol meaning one who desires power to protect others. It felt really good to hear that.
    7. Rhiscx
      Yea, good point. Sometimes I can get a little cautious. It's my nature I guess. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to help people.
    8. Llave
      thats great:) thanks a ton ma'am. yeah i told him to just say hi to others, but he said he's not really good at that:)
    9. Rhiscx
      Hi. You'll probably get a message from me soon. Sorry I've never done this before.
    10. Amaury
      The "here" in my previous comment is a link. Click it.
    11. Llave
      o lolz forgot his username, it's Bustersword777
    12. Amaury
      In case you didn't see it, I responded here.
    13. Llave
      hey i have a friend who's my friend in Real Life, and he doesn't have too many friends online. I told him he should add you, cause your very friendly. He has the same interests as i do, he's just not an artist.
    14. Jayn
      Random hello!~ :] Welcome to the site. You seem pretty active already. I'm glad. xD
    15. Saxima
      Yeah, that happens sometimes. (: And they're not just my family/friends, they're yours now too!

      I talk on mic when I can or when I feel like it. It's hard to do when my mom, dad, or sister is in the same room though. :<
    16. Llave
      hahaa well there is some in there, just look at threads started by Llave de Espada. But i'll tell you a little secret... *looks around* im working on something BIG for the site. a pic of squall leonhart. trying my hand in some digital realism :) should have it done someday...
    17. Llave
      most defiantly.
    18. Llave
      Yeah, i like verbal affirmation, and i think its important but i try to give as much professional advice as possible. I wanna see people improve and my eyes light up when someone puts new art in the forum:)

      the one who's a killer is Ferocious, he is pretty harsh but i respect him... I can take his rantings on how things are wrong and doesn't even put any good comments(rarely). but i know that could really crush some others, especially people who aren't artists and just wanna show something they thought was good. (Im not talking smack about him though)
    19. Llave
      Hahaa thanks :) yeah i did see and i commented on it.
    20. Llave
      yeah i noticed too, so what would i be "labeled" as? I'd say your just plain well rounded on the positive side of the spectrum. By the by, i saw your album pics, you should put the first one in Traditional, its REALLY good!!
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  • About

    May 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Los Angels born and raised in the sun.
    I work as a professional dog walker / cat sitter.
    Default Name:
    Just call me Doc
    Hello everyone visiting my page! I'm Doc on this form and I'm now a full grown adult lady! "Waggles eyebrows" I work as a full time dog walker and take classes in college for phycology! I also love to draw and write in my free time.

    I have five pets and hope to someday have a mini zoo of animals in my home. Oh and I get married this year!

    I am a big Otaku and love anime, manga, comic books, video games, and Bjd. Oh and I love Japan (my honey moon will be in Japan) and I love food!


    "Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face."