Heart ❤
Mar 2, 2009
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May 30, 1998 (Age: 26)

Heart ❤

Enjoy every moment with all ya got, Non-Binary, 26


The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go Jul 19, 2018

    1. What?
      I do not believe Saxima meant it as such - she was in a rather negative mood at the time as well, and usually when one is conflicted or angry uncontrollably they may unintentionally take it out on random people, so it was not necessarily your fault, nor Saxima's - and Luxord is still deciding, I believe.
    2. Ienzo
      Nah you didn't bother me, it's fine ^^ And that's fair, we all have that one thing we're sensitive about. You are a good singer and that's all that matters.
    3. Ienzo
      No, I was only half listening if I was to be honest as I was sorting something out but from what I did hear near the end it really wasn't. He could have been laughing about something else though, don't worry about it.
    4. Ienzo
      Why certainly ^^ What would you like to ask?
    5. What?
      You are, perhaps, the one who may understand the most, madam. He may certainly listen and empathize as well, but perhaps we must give him time at the moment - it may permit him to listen more intently.
    6. What?
      Many of us are, madam. With a good number of us we may understand the man in himself and will be able to assist him more fully - but it is his own decision to heed to us, hopefully some time will permit him to reflect.
    7. What?
      Most certainly, madam.
    8. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      I know it wasn't you and I am pretty sure everyone knows HID has something to do with it.

      and no I am not alright I am damn sick of all of this ****
    9. What?
      Please do not thank me, madam - the greatest thanks you may deliver is to see you sans worry.
    10. What?
      Ah, madam, it is fine, you really must not apologize. I am an ear to listen.

      I most certainly understand the feeling, madam - it occurs with everyone at times. I had presumed you had been acknowledged within Kelly's family thread as the one with the lovely singing? As for the game, that was an idea out of instantaneous thought and familiarity - what I can most certainly do is see if Luxord may insert you into the game and I am quite sure he shall not mind. Luxord stated himself numerous times that he did not wish for anyone to be left out as such.

      In the factor of KH-Vids itself, I suppose it simply takes some time. Keep posting and familiarizing yourself with the community, madam! Make friends and connections, participate throughout the various factors and fun events of the forum, and recognition will come quite easily. "Oh hey, I know you, you're that wonderfully nice girl with the beautiful voice, Heart!" They shall say. I suppose activity and outgoing extroversion is simply necessary, and you shall hold quite a bit of positive recognition here, I am quite sure. On this forum, though it may be silly among times, you are most certainly with friends who would adore striving to assist and support you in all of your efforts, Heart. The fact that you have already taken a step to become an active part in Voxli is already a positive factor - I shall be quite honest when I say that I was never aware of whom you were before your first visit of the conversational room - so be happy that you are at least heading in a wonderful direction. I suppose what you must do is give it time, madam, and remember to be active. This may apply to real life as well. Make close friends, be outgoing and optimistic, and the like.

      And again, please do not worry about the venting, madam. I shall say that one of the reasons I live life is to assist others in achieving happiness as well.
    11. What?
      Oh no, venting is most perfectly fine - it is quite better to get such off your chest. I am positive when I say that they certainly do enjoy your company, madam - I do believe at this time they have indeed accepted you as a good friend. How may you feel that they are being cold - have they acted in any specific ways as such?
    12. What?
      I am flattered you think as such, madam, thank you. The other Voxli-goers are also quite nice in themselves, they are simply quite close in their jokes and puns and the like. How are you, madam?
    13. Llave
      hahaa i'll try:)
    14. Llave
      oh wow so you met the fullbringers and ginjo kugo i take it. I've heard of Soul eater but i haven't read it. Prolly should.
    15. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      No I just checked I'm on 457 xD I'm writing my new fanfic and I feel like crying cuz my friends going to shoot me for not writing a new chapter for my Soul eater fanfic xD
    16. Llave
      yeah they are cool. You sound like your in the chapter 160s?
    17. Llave
      um my favorite bleach characters... (i dunno how far you are the series? im on chapter 457.) I like, Toshiro Hitsugaya a lot, Hollow ichigo, (ikasoruk ogichi) and Ulequeora(cant spell his name sob) and Grimmjow. You?
    18. Llave
      hahaa, thanks a lot. yeah i like that one, I dunno if you saw my other stuff, i prolly have about 4 more threads on there somewheres...
    19. Llave
      haha, ok. sounds good to me.
    20. Llave
      Lolz ok i'll keep it in mind, i should prolly have something ready to prove i'm not fooling them. (this is sorta out of the blue, but is it ok if i friend you, i try to ask everyone i ask... if that made sense...) Plus i got stuff in the traditional art if you wanna see some of my stuff:)
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    May 30, 1998 (Age: 26)
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