Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      Alice:*laughs some more*
      Gary: Alright here you go miss. *hands Alice the drink*
      Alice: Well then. *takes the drink*Down the hatch. *downs the drink in a second*

      Amy: Okay. *sits back down and finishes her tea*
      Chess:*looks saspicously at Sensui*
    2. NightofNights
      Alice: I think maybe I will. Gary!
      Gary: Yah? *takes a side glance at Alice*
      Alice: Hook me up with one of Sh's Surprises.
      Gary: Comeing right up. *makes another of the drink*

      Amy: If you say so.
      *fell back asleep*
    3. NightofNights
      Alice: Right. But still entertaining.

      I would. If you hadn't given me that damn tea..
      Amy: I'd get them if I knew where they are.
    4. NightofNights
      Alice:*laughs her ass off* That's one AWESOME drink! *still laughing*

      Amy: Hm.. I don't know how long Amy can last either...
      Oh she can last all week. *sits up in the bed groggy*
    5. NightofNights
      Alice: Tch. Pitty. I was hoping for an explosion or something. *downs her drink*

      Amy: Well I hope they wouldn't keep us waiting so long...
    6. NightofNights
      Alice: Well down the hatch for you! Let's get that puppy started.

      Amy: O_O That's right.. I totally forgot! what are we going to do!!
    7. NightofNights
      Alice: Well then we're going to have to name it then.

      Amy: Well then how do you know it's bad for 'em to drink?
    8. NightofNights
      Alice:Made your own drink. What do you call it?
      Gary:*finishes the drink and hands it to you* Here you go.

      Amy: What happened the last time they got drunk?
    9. NightofNights
      Gary:*nods and takes the list* Man this sounds interesting. *starts prepareing the drink*\
      Alice: Made your own huh? *takes a sip of her drink*

      Amy: Why? What happens when they get drunk?
    10. NightofNights
      Alice: Thanks. It's been a while since I've been here but all in all nothin's changed.
      Gary:*comes back with a martini thats blood red with a black ring around the top* Here you go Miss Alice, *hands Alice the drink* and for you sir?

      Amy: Me neither. Maybe they're doing something they don't want us to see? Or they're talking about something very important that we shouldn't hear...
    11. NightofNights
      Alice:*lands at her favorite bar and smiles at the surprised faces that are surrounding her* The ussual Gary. *she says to the bartender while she's moving out of the way for you to land in a seat next to her*

      Amy: Hopefully. I just wish I could get back into her mind to see what's going on.
    12. NightofNights
      Alice: Well then. If you escuse me, I'm off to the bar. *opens a portal below her feet* You're welcomed to join me. *jumps down into it*

      Amy: Well I guess time can only tell now.
    13. NightofNights
      Alice: Good. Now that that's settled. Is their any other subject you'd wish to speak about in private?

      Amy: No it isn't. I don't know if Sh took up the offer or not..
    14. NightofNights
      Alice: Correct. But that's ONLY if you don't die by my hands. Is it a deal?

      Amy:I don't know... Alice blocked me out after that. She said that the show was over.
    15. NightofNights
      Alice:*laughs really loud* Now WHY in the bloody hell should I do that? Ah. I see know. I see what you're planning. How about we make a deal? I find a way to bring you back if you don't die by my very own hands, and you don't do any experaments, that would be considered dangorous to the lives of myself, NoN and dear little Amy. How does that sound?

      Amy:Now they're making a deal about after Sh's dead...

      Alice:*pushes Amy out of her head* There you go kit. The shows over. Go play with that little tea maker, or something.
    16. shidonic
      i need a technic name for a thunder and water/ice combo "spell"

      Tecnic=elemental power

      (Q: why are shidonic's elemental powers ice/water and electricity/thunder! A: his mom was the master of water/ice and his dad was the master of electricity/thunder!)
    17. shidonic
      ok, scince u couldent help i have asked non for help,, i hope she will know a good name, i hope your still thinkin for one! ^_^
    18. NightofNights
      Alice:*thinks a while and shrugs* I will continue to search for signs of madness in others and distroy it. Or die myself. I really don't know. *leans back letting you back touch the cliff*

      Amy: I supose. But know they're talkin' about after SH dies...
    19. NightofNights
      Alice:*watches the waves again*

      Amy:Now their just sitting there... It's pretty boring.
    20. shidonic
      hey sora, we havent talked in a long time, anyway, i was wondering if you could help me, i need help making up a name for a technic that combines water/ice and thunder, any ideas?