May 27, 2008
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Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
On the other side of the internet.
Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie


"Don't think. Imagine!", Male,, 32, from On the other side of the internet.


Does this now mean I'm a Rainbow Ninja? I stand out even more! My stealth is non-existant! UNLESS I HIDE IN RAINBOWS THEMSELVES! Genius. Apr 5, 2017

    1. Doukuro
      Lol. My three strongest at the moment are Alice, him, and Throne. I also have Black Frost and a strong Hua Po. Victory is me. c:
    2. Doukuro
      I have Thanatos...
    3. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      ARMAX are in a special format that is encrypted to adding two codes in one will cause the game to crash.

      And thanks. If you have any more questions or need help I am always (whenever there is no staff drama) here.
    4. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      Ahh thanks for the question well some of them could be wrong which gave you your BSOD

      In the coding world that is (Black Screen of Death) which means something went wrong. Most likely a code isn't correct or doesn't work.

      I suggest making sure you have the right master code and game ID. Then use codes one at a time and whatever one gives you BSOD isn't a good code so just get rid of that one. Also using too many codes can cause this.
    5. Doukuro
      Hm...Okay. Thank you. c:

      Brb, killing the other rps you're so you can join mine. Lolkidding.
    6. Doukuro
      Hm... Maybe you can help me point out things about my rp that may of turned some away?
    7. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Ooh, this is a good idea.
      We do need to speed things along anyway, I really want to get to training.

      Dang, you saw right through my Prophecy.
    8. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      xD lol. Yush it is.

      Psh, my adopted my told me that it wouldn't be called work if you liked it. B|

      Thank goodness. xD
    9. Doukuro
      Ah, no one is joining. Guess it is a dead rp.
    10. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand

      I would like to hear this helpful idea.
    11. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      xD lol, that's good that you didn't get into stupid mode (AKA being drunk)

      Yeah... *Sighs* Work made me put a mask with a smile though, so I'm a bit better. *Hugs back* I'm going to try to apply somewhere else.

      And you got it. ^^
    12. Garxena
      Haha, thanks! I'm glad my ex decided to pose as my Naruto for the day. 8D We've gotten so much positive feedback on our shots!
    13. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Naughty, naughty! D:

      Thanks... Almost broke down yesterday. It was bad. Now I'm breaking down today... Gosh dang it.
      I am a cashier at one of the most commercial places in the US. Hint: Save more. Live better.
    14. Doukuro
      Too be honest I was passing out at the time but really wanted to get it done. Spell check...er yeah. I will go fix that, but sadly everyone's already seen it. ;~;

      And thanks. Feel free to join in at any time and if I need help I will let you know.
    15. Doukuro
      Oh if it is too much bother than no worries. Tis not a very good rp anyway. XD
    16. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      I try not too. I really screwed up a lot today, but it's getting better... I think. I hope. Maybe, possibly, I won't get fired. ><

      Lol, adult parties? xD
    17. Doukuro
    18. Twilight_Nobody13
      I know. Luce gets a lot of stuff wrong from others. I was just rambling trying to find someway for her to get to her "inner suffering" lol Poor Luce...
    19. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      Awwww, Bushy.
      You don't have to Rep me if he De-reps me.
      Plus, I don't care if he does if I'm passing on information.

      Oh, Shi-

      My Sissy's back!!!!!!!
    20. Destiny's hand
      Destiny's hand
      *High fives again*
      And that's why you're one of mai buddies!

      You're welcome!
      Are you sure? Cause it was so honest, and I loved how you said,

      Personally, I know it's not my choice and I'll probs get de-repped for suggesting this (not that I care about a De-Rep etc), but I push forward a vote that if this happens even once more, he gets killed off.
      You won't get De-repped. It's me who'll probably get de-repped, cause I am the one who Quoted him. Either that, or I'll get a very non-christian "What the hell, Dh?!" from someone.... -_-;
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
    On the other side of the internet.
    Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie
    He, Him,
    Past Usernames:
    Bushy Brow
    No Game No Bush
    Default Name:
    ...I have to do an about me thing now?
    ...I'll get to that later. Maybe... lol



    • ¦3 ~OTAKUS RULE!~ ¦3

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