Always Dance
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Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      And another thing:

      What's up with these types of posts I've seen by you?

      I mean...Leo...ugh.
      Are you some kind of weaboo or something?

      I for one like the dub names much better...>.>

      Well I actually like the dubs better in general...

      The characters have better names, better voices, And I can get to actually understand what it is they're saying. The 4Kids dubs don't bother me.

      And for some reason I seem to be the only one who prefers the dubs of the 3 Yugioh Series over the subs...>.>
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Well now that you mention it I've only managed to pull that off like maybe once or twice. And I don't really like that Deck no. In fact I deleted it. I'm using a better one now. This one can get out the Omni-Fusions pretty easily and has more defense. I haven't shown this one to you. But I am doing pretty well with it in Over The Nexus.
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      What I mean is that it only takes a little bit of playing on a competitive level before your each a point where you really can't get any better than you are.
      Interesting, I will have to see what this is like someday.

      On a competitive level this is almost never an issue. Good players work around defenses anyway.
      I meant you're not always gonna draw what you need...

      I have never lost a match to any AI whose name was not Judgment Dragon.
      I find that REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY hard to believe...

      Well that's just your good luck. Whenever I face anybody or any kind of Deck I always know there's a chance I won't win no matter what kind of Deck I'm using or which AI I'm facing because of this stupid luck concept. I still always lose to almost every AI opponent at some point or another. I don't have the magical ability to always draw what I need and make the opponent always draw bad or whatever like you do. I guess you would have to actually see me Duel in the videogames to understand. There's always a 50% Chance that I'm gonna lose. The way I see it this game is alot more about luck than it is about skill. I've noticed that if I lose a Duel in Tag Force 5 the first time I seem to almost always win the 2nd time and vice versa.

      And I've demolished Judgment Dragon multiple times in a row before with my Elemental Hero Deck.

      And by the way, I would've beaten you in that last Duel we had if I had drawn better. I could've used my Terra Firma + Absolute Zero Combo and used Miracle Fusion to bring out another Omni-Fusion and you would've lost quickly in an OTK.

      But don't tell me, Let me guess, I bet you're just gonna say that would've just been a fluke if that had happened aren't you? -_-;
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Um no I don't know what you mean...

      But there will always be times when you won't always have what you need to defend yourself with and lose because of it...

      Even if you're Dueling ******ed AIs you're still not gonna win every time...
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      ...What? But didn't you tell me earlier that it could always go either way? This isn't the anime where people are always immune to dead draws you know...

      If you play more than 1 Duel in a row there's no way the better player is gonna win every time...

      I'm not talking about good player VS bad player. Both players can still be good. I just mean with the draw being random there's no way the better player is gonna win every time.
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I find that REALLY hard to believe...

      If both players are using a competitive Deck what exactly will it all come down to? The way I see it this game has become about nothing but hoping that you don't get eaten alive by facedown cards...Either that or hoping that you can recover from it...

      I fail to see how playing with luck can possibly prove who the superior player is...

      I'm well aware that a skilled player can easily beat a bad one. But it's definitely possible for a player who is not as good to beat one who is better because of the luck concept. Even if they're both using competitive Decks.
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I see...So it doesn't matter even if the player wasn't the superior duelist wins? Well I suppose a different outcome each time would make it fun even if both players are using a competitive Deck.
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      But it could still always go either way you know. You never know which player is going to win. I've seen evidence of that on Youtube. If you have a match and play 5 Duels in a row or whatever where both people are both using a competitive Deck it all comes down to the one who had the better luck winning. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

      The only exception is if somebody is using a good deck against a bad deck. I CAN see why taking away the random card draw is somewhat of an issue. I admit that. But at least the Duel Arena actually allows the superior player to win.
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I really wish you would explain to me just exactly what this game is supposed to be about...I don't even know...It's seems like it's all nothing but a gamble...

      Even if both players are using a "good" or "competitive" Deck what exactly does it all amount to? And with Heavy Storm gone it seems like it's now about nothing but the person winning who didn't get eaten alive by Bottomless Trap Holes or Mirror Force etc...either that or the person winning who was lucky enough to recover from it...

      It's fuсking stupid and it's pissing me off...

      I really want Tag Force 6 but I don't know if my attention span for this game will last that long or not...

      And in my opinion all gamebreaking cards like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Lightning Vortex etc. Should all be banned permanently. To me these cards make winning more about luck when it should be all about strategy. I think it would really help balance things if these cards were gone.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      But I want to know HOW I'm wrong...Because I completely fail to understand...

      Oh, And about this earlier comment:

      This game is FAST, Jaden. A duel that goes past 5 rounds is considered very long (Rounds meaning i go you go). It's not slow like the arena is. The arena is completely different.
      But don't you see? That's what makes my Duel Arena better! Because you can always use something like a Waboku or a Threatening Roar to defend yourself if you need to! What's so fun about quick duels where one player slaughters the other one in only 3 turns all because they couldn't draw as good? Pretty stupid and boring if you ask me. Last time I checked this was a strategy game. And what chance do you have for any kind of strategy in a case like that?
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm sorry for bringing this up again but would you care to elaborate on why the random card draw is so goddamn important? It's just stupid...It only allows the player who had the better luck to win...I think people might as well go play Poker or Go Fish...

      Reason why I'm asking is because I am so fuсking tired of every new player who joins my arena whining and bitсhing about the random card draw not being part of it or how they would rather play with it...

      But The Duel Arena actually allows the player who had the better strategy to win...

      All the real game does is allow the player to win who either drew better or whose monsters didn't get stolen away with Monster Reborn or Mark of The Rose or eaten alive by Bottomless Trap Holes or Mirror Force etc...

      I am so tired of having to explain to every goddamn new player who joins my arena that this form of Dueling is better and shows someone's true strength because they can always have what they need...Why the hell should I even have to say that? It's so obvious...

      Oh yes, And I've been meaning to say this as well:

      Awhile back you said that me making the same first turn move every time took the fun out of it for you...

      But why should I be limited to making different moves every time? You aren't limited to what opening moves you can make in chess and can always make the same opening move every time in that game if you choose to so why should this game be any different?
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Got a question.
      Diamond Dude's effect bypasses costs, So would it work if I used it to activate a card with an effect like Cold Wave?
      As in "Can only be activated at" whatever.
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Whoa...I just Dueled Elemental Hero The Shining with the Blackwings Starter Deck...

      I demolished him...He got out both Absolute Zero and Gaia in one move and yet I still won...O_O

      And the way I finished him was just epic...I summoned out both Goyo Guardian and Dark Armed Dragon and he got owned...O_O
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I think Ancient Rules seems like a pretty good card...It lets you summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon straight from your hand at absolutely no cost...>_>

      Now then, In other news,

      I am seriously thinking about quitting playing this game...I am so sick of this...

      I just tried this Plant Synchro Deck against Blackwing Zephyrs the Elite...(He's the replacement of Vayu in OTN)

      I managed to get some pretty good draws. But none of it mattered...

      Know why? I'm ready to attack...And what does the AI use? Mirror Force...****ING MIRROR FORCE...

      I negate it with Solemn Judgment...I attack again...AI uses D-Prison...(-_-;

      I Synchro Summon Goyo Guardian...(Took out Gaia Knight for him) AI kills it with Dark Hole...(-_-;

      I have one chance to make a come back...

      My turn, I Synchro Summon Brionac...AI eats it with a Bottomless Trap Hole...(-_-;






      I knew this ѕhit was still gonna happen eventually even if I was using a good Deck...

      Seriously, This game pisses me off...This is making me rage...It really is...

      All it does let the person win whose monsters didn't get eaten by Bottomless Trap Hole or Mirror Force or whatever...

      Well at least I'll feel better if I know that I lost because I was facing Blackwings because they're a powerful Deck...
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Um hello? Don't you have anything to say? And I want an answer to my PM...
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh I see...Well I don't play online so no...I didn't know that...

      Well it kinda makes sense considering how the banlists the games use are the same as the tournament banlists. Most of the people who play the videogames don't even go to tournaments. I can understand why they'd like to have some say in being able to use a card in which they have absolutely no say in it being Banned. And considering how the AI opponents you face in the Tag Force games get allowed to break the list completely while all you're allowed to do is just use 1 Banned card I think it's justified in that case.

      Especially if you're Dueling THIS guy:
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      And dude, You are not gonna believe this...

      But I hear that there's now a downloadable banlist where the only banned card is Giant Scorpion of the Tundra...And everything else is at 3...I'm not kidding. I'm dead serious. All I have to say it's official. Konami has finally lost it...

      I mean, Imagine if you were to go on Wi-Fi, If both players agree to use banned cards beforehand then it's ok, I don't see anything wrong with it in that case. But doing something like slapping Raigeki on the field and not even letting them know that you were gonna use banned cards could cause a very rude dispute...

      I don't know how many of the games this list is available for. But I DID hear that it's available for Tag Force 5.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh and, Have you heard? Konami is changing some of their card errata. I hear remove from play is now called banishing.
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh and, Have you heard? Konami is changing some of their card errata. I hear remove from play is now called banishing.
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Me and Akiza just partnered in Tag Force 5 and I used this Deck. Of course I had to change it up some to go with the default banlist.

      It was a close Duel...We managed to beat the opponents down to their last 100 life points...

      Problem was one of our opponents was a Lightsworn User...We almost won but then they summoned Judgment Dragon and we lost...






      I see your point that using a good Deck helps,

      But I am so ****ing tired of having to lose because I didn't draw the card I needed that coudl've saved me at the moment when I'm about to lose...That isn't fair.

      If I had only drawn Mark of The Rose or Brain Control just then I could've taken JD and then won The Duel...Well the partner AI's stupidity didn't exactly help matters either...>.>
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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