Apr 17, 2007
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7:54 PM
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    1. Pezz
      Chilling around is always cool! Me? Hmmmmmmm..... where to start, where to start? Well my best friend and I were planning on have only the Best Summer Eveeeeeeeeeer, however summer had other plans for us. A week before we were planning to leave. my friend got a brain hemorrhage. So he had to be rushed to the hospital to have brain surgery.
    2. Pezz
      OMG!!! Your awesome!! You Truely are a SUPER MOD!!!!! Thanks man. So whatcha been up to?
    3. Pezz
      thanks buddy! appreciate it.
    4. Pezz
      BTW, I've been working on my portfolio lately, and I thought that it would be useful for me to add those maps I made for my laifel rps as mapping samples. The thing is that I only have the one for Demoir. The other one I made was for an rp that was called something like Zelidar: Land in the sky (I think it's dead now). I don't know if I'll be able to find that map by going on there or not, however if it is on there, do you by any chance have the power to give me temporary access to it so I can search for the map I made?
    5. Pezz
      So how does it feel banning whoever you like whenever you like? yeah I know right? I was like, "how the heck did she find out about it anyway?" And I politely told her that we were no longer working on the project.
    6. Pezz
      oh you know this and that. A little more of this rather than that. XD lolz, so when did you become a SUPER MODERATOR!!!!! Man I've sure missed a lot in my absence. You know, some random girl recently sent me an email asking to join that wiki we made lol.
    7. PirateNinjaHanyou
      Indeed it is. I'm assuming it's your's

      ALSO DON'T FORGET this Thursday night, I bought you a ticket for the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows part 2, so you need to be at my house by 8 ('cause that's when we're gonna' go to the theater)
    8. PirateNinjaHanyou

      Portal Party, it should totally happen this week

      Also, did you lose your shoulder rest? Because my grandparents recently found a shoulder rest in their car
    9. Pezz
      Well, well, well. look who's a moderator now.
    10. PirateNinjaHanyou
      Are you back from Colorado yet?
    11. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Okay ; ;
      Hmm. I will look into those! I need new stuff to watch :'D Oh yes just what I need more anime series. I read and watch wwwaaaayyyy to much haha xD
      I shall look into that one tooo 8D

      What is K-ON about. I see it around alot @_@ And The Melancholt of Haruhi Suzumiya is awsome xD Okie cx Im trying to get into more action to see what its like. Soul eater was kick ass xD
    12. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Oh D: never mind then xD

      Comedy Romance and some action x3 I feel so stupid cause im so into romance.............. ; ;
    13. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Hmm. I should look into it x3 Though how horror are we talking? I get scared easily ; ;....
    14. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I know right! Plus it could even ruin you're computure. If people want it they can buy it. Plus it helps out the company 8D
      Haha okay xD What ish Higurashi? cx
      Yaa I'm not the only one xD x3 :3 C:
    15. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Alright ; ;
      Bleh I hate the whole download thing @_@ Yes you must watch!! Though the second season is like 10x better than the 1st. Not saying the 1st season is bad its real good. its just somthing abot the second season that makes it so amazing and I really need to shut up because I rant on to much xD
    16. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel

      Sorry I didnt mean to blurt all that out O.o xD I have just recenlty started buying alot of animes. Its so great having them around the house xD
      Oh my god I got ALOT of favs... But for this point in time it's the Clannad series :'D
    17. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Maybe you have a point : O
      Thank you so much :'D <3

      Oh wow. xD Crazy sleeping hours for you D: Honestly? Lol My depression keeps me awake for days on end. Also I just feel like watching my fav anime all night over and over xD
    18. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      No really I'm the wost person ever. ; ;.
      But now I must ask why are you up so late>.>
    19. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      You're wecome x3
      I'm not but thanks :'D
    20. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      You are awsome XD
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    ava: thank you DigitalAtlas~
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