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Apr 3, 2017
Jul 4, 2008
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Surfing de Broglie waves
Rhetoric connoisseur.


『 music is freedom 』, from Surfing de Broglie waves


<3 Dec 30, 2014

What? was last seen:
Apr 3, 2017
    1. Daxa~
      Yes hopefully she shall,though it honestly would surprise me if she didnt expand on the series.
      And Potterworks,is something I am pretty excited about c:
    2. Daxa~
      Yes,it will be full of very sad moments,which may break my heart...
      And it shall also be sad to see the end of the series
    3. Daxa~
      Oh yes,it was great.
      And no,not yet! But my friend is bringing me and a few others for her birthday party....and I must admit,I am so so so excited!
      Yet I also know I shall be sobbing by the end D:
    4. Daxa~
      Oh cookies are very nice as well though.
      And I am most sorry for this late reply,I was away with my best friend for two nights
    5. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Thank you so much : )

      This is going to take a long while and I must admit it is getting annoying. If I already took one step how do I take another?
    6. LARiA
      New thread up, care to vote? On a side note, one of the most interesting/intelligent members you have had the pleasure of meeting on this forum? You really are too much.
    7. Daxa~
      Oh anytime sir.
      And I do like all flavours,but I hold a certain fondness for vanilla...
      It is just so plain and common,yet tastes amazing.
    8. Daxa~
      Well I am sorry to hear that you are tired dear sir D:
      Maybe relaxing with a bowl of lovely hot soup/delicious cold ice cream shall make you feel better?
    9. Daxa~
      I am great,thank you very much sir.
      And yourself?
    10. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I can never seem to do anything right or make anyone happy and I often (without knowing or thinking) hurt the people I care about dearly..

      But how will I know that person will really be me? How will I know and understand my real personailty? Or is this my real personallity? I have been looking and trying to figure out who I am for a while now. But some stuff has been going wrong and I have been acting very diffrent and when I get upset I tend to be very cruel to some. If that's really who I am than I don't want to be that person. I don't want to hurt anyone I care about and I will sertanly not let myself be a cruel nature.
    11. Daxa~
      Hello again good sir :3
    12. xigbar.nom
      Yes I am a very good friend of hers xD i shall tell her that..what does it mean..? i like..?
    13. xigbar.nom
      Hello deary <3
      Daxa says she loves you xD
    14. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I'm not even sure i'm a part of the awards. Ever. I've been omnipresent for years, yet i'm hidden from the mainstream attention it seems. I fear that recognition is saved for the Spam Zone only, a pity.
      Anything too old referenced in the English language will make me seem as if I am quoting fantasy literature, I fear, but it is good to know.

      It actually is the perfect de facto language for America. It, in itself, is an combination of a number of differences to create a more 'superior' version of itself as a whole. Interesting thought. But you are right, each word has been moulded on the lips of its users over time and into the language as a whole. Marvellous indeed.

      Aye, clearly true are your eyes to see such a thing. It is our oldest creation and our most succesful, the greatest contribution which over time has become applicable to numerous talks and has helped build us up from what we were into what we are. I hope to use the weapona as a tool, I suppose, but it is still one of my greatest defence. you wield it well as well, friend.
    15. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Ah the awards may be the obstacle of the journey, But with dilligence and patience it can be overcome, I hope. Good luck with any awards you might be so able to acquire, hopefully all the positive ones at least. I will be like a squire in your endeavours for a febate, simply call upon me when the time is right to strike and assist ye I shall. I think I went too far with the 'ye'.

      Aye, the English language is immense in the words for creativity, its inability to stop it's own beauty, the words vessels for great meanings and feelings. what alovely language it is. I read your posts and imagine a upper class, posh, British man tone to each. It is rather amussing, and delighful.

      And I thank you, kind gnetleman, to say such things to one such as I. Merely putting forward thoughts into words is my aim, and to question those that hold a firm belief, not to shaken and break that beleif, but to help strengthen it in the harsh winds of uncertainty and brutality from others. Discussions are my weapon of choice.
    16. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      I suppose the suggestion you put forward was not put forward, as the competiton seems to have not begun, therefore the previous steps in its creation were never initiated.
      I enjoy the idea, though, pitting sharp and keen minds against one another like stalwart knights on the battlefield of intellect! I support it wholeheartedly. Take the reins and ride us into the goal you have placed ahead!

      God, I love poetic speeches.
    17. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I have no other family I can go to about this. I can't really talk to my aunt. Alot went on with her and I when I was young.. But we are working on it so maybe I can talk to her and have her tak to my mom. So I will try. I thank you for those kind words. But I am no lovely person. Inside or out. I am the worst. At this point in time I don't think I should try make friends. I think I should stay alone for a while for my own reasons.

      Weird to say but I don't know what my true self is. For years I have been trying to be the person everyone wants me to be. But they dont even like that person. I don't know which one is me honestly. I have been chaging myself for years so I lost sight on who I am.
    18. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      This had been going on for years. They rather be on some stupid online game all day. I've tried to tell them they are on it to much and that I'm lonely but they just yell at me and don't listen. My friends take their anger out on me alot. I don't know why. They do alot to hurt me again I don't know why... They always say how terrible I look and make fun of everything about me..

      Thing's don't seem temporary. This has gone on for years and it seems to get worse and never better. I can't meet new people. In real life I am way to shy and don't talk much at all..
    19. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      You're most welcome. Hmm Really? That is weird... Family stuff has gotten worse so it seems. My parents still never talk to me. I try to talk to them but I'm always ignored. No friends latly either. They all just baiscly said "F#ck off" For reasons I don't know why. Thing's have just been bringing me down and sadly suicide is heavy on my mind again.
    20. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Don't give up I am sure you will defeat the boss soon. Really? Internet Explorer has been horrible too. I am not doing so great right now. Life has taken another turn for the worst. But trying to keep spirits up that it will get better.
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  • About

    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Rhetoric connoisseur.
    Past Usernames:
    Jean Valjean
    Whenever you glance up at the night sky, you ask yourself, "why do I still have my feet planted to the ground"?




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