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Apr 7, 2021
Apr 10, 2007
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Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
Sector 7 Slums
A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with


Chaser, Male, 34, from Sector 7 Slums

StardustXtreme was last seen:
Apr 7, 2021
    1. Bushy
      I'm glad you approve of Yusuke lol
      him and Ichigo should be interesting if an when they meet.
      Since they kinda have similar jobs... sorta. lol
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I just consider my Heroes more fun than the newer released monsters. Their Fusions are really awesome and have really good effects. And not only that, but they can use Super Polymerization to just absorb these other said new monsters to bring out these said Fusions. (I had so much fun doing this in Tag Force 5 and in WC 2010 and 11 lol)

      I still remember what my favorite Duel was in Tag Force 5. I was Dueling Lester. And he summoned his Machine Emperor before I won. And I stole it with Super Polymerization to bring out Great Tornado and won the Duel. That was just priceless.
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Nah, Your the best jaden I ever come across and I won't come to find another person who loves the E-Hero monster that are almost being forgotten due to the newer cards and SYnchro Monsters being the new Extra Deck...well apart from Gladiator Beasts that are a pain in the ass. to memorize their effects when they tag out and all.

      Don't be so negataive, keep that up and you'll act like a certain Hell Kaiser we all know, Just be your usual self everytime you post in teh thread, that does actually show there is a real jaden imitator right there.
      Lol That is actually true. Even with the awesome new Synchro Monsters and Exceed Monsters being released I would still rather use my Elemental Heroes than them.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Do you really think that Yusei? Do you really think that nobody else could imitate Jaden better than me?

      I really don't think that I'm cut out for it...I don't think that I have the personalty or the skill to be the Jaden of The Arena...I really think that somebody else could do a better job than me...
    5. Bushy
      There isn't.
      Besides, without his father, he wouldn't learn about the training etc anyway, nor the fact that the Dangai has time differently.
      So... it would be impossible.
    6. Cloud.Strife.
      It's for honest and not cheap duelists.
    7. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      It's too bad that Jaden is leaving the arena.
    8. Cloud.Strife.
      i'm inviting you to my new forum for Yu-Gi-Oh fans and for duelists.
      It also includes a private D.A. for only the true duelists. do you accept?
    9. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I know. But right now, I'm just thinking of it. So, anything new?
    10. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I know. It was just....... I couldn't tell where the front of Akiza's coat ended before it trailed down.
    11. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Yeah, I should of know. Oh, well, it was worth a shot. -feels embarrassed-
    12. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I'm so sorry about my earlier question. I didn't know your mother made it and I just wanted to make sure I didn't get too much fabric when I do make my costumes.
    13. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I really dislike Database errors. But Anyway, how are you?
    14. Bushy
      Full Hollow Ichigo would be possible I imagine, but Dangai is... yeah, completely not possible.
      I was so tempted to make Aizen as a character lol.
      I just think it would be a sad but funny Irony.
      Ichigo would never be able to defeat him because there being no Dangai. haha
    15. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Oh! -feels embarrassed-
    16. Bushy
      Not even though.
      I mean Hollow Ichigo could have been a different being from other moments.
      There's a few examples anyway.
      I have my own theories too, but yeah.
    17. Bushy
      For the record... that isn't how the inner hollow was born lol
      It's unconfirmed so far, but there could actually be a few reasons. Although I won't go into an essay about it...
      I will say though, that Tite Kubo, the creator of Bleach has even confirmed that much that, the whole pit thing where Ichigo nearly turned into a hollow wasn't the moment Inner Hollow was created was created.
    18. terminallyCapricious
      D'awww, now, you know I didn't mean it like that. ;w;
    19. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Hey, Protecter, I have a question. Since you know to how to make a costume, how I can find the right length of fabric for what I want to make? I can't really tell by just looking at the reference picture.
    20. terminallyCapricious

      Jonathan Joestar.
      Jotaro is the living Jojo who is with Kamina and them.
      Jonathan is the one was killed by Dio.

      And the stregnth that Ichigo was given is like getting those power boosts in those old videogames.
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  • About

    Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Sector 7 Slums
    A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with
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