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Apr 3, 2017
Jul 4, 2008
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Surfing de Broglie waves
Rhetoric connoisseur.


『 music is freedom 』, from Surfing de Broglie waves


<3 Dec 30, 2014

What? was last seen:
Apr 3, 2017
    1. Sumi
      This is true, and it makes it only more interesting that while she changes, she almost seems to be punished for what she's changing. Is it possible that she 'should' have continued her old personality? Almost like she's being a balance.

      That would be perfectious.
    2. LARiA
      My answers are not that interesting, What, cease the cajolery at once! Much obliged, peaceful dreaming.

      French, do you know it? If so, your first language? Or, do you spout phrases here and there out of love for the language?
    3. LARiA
      Yes, that is about it; though it is not limited to sexual desire, there is certainly plenty more to add, but tired at the moment and not up for serious discussion. Would result in mind****ery, cannot do late at night. Resigning myself to a pummeling.

      Another reason was, "Cannot free ourselves from roles of any sort without stripping ourselves of identity (ego), and we are rather attached to that." Something worth mentioning, that those who lack a sense of self tend to lean towards neither gender. Androgynous. Though I would not say that all who are androgynous lack an identity, not entirely sure if it can be played both ways.

      Can't really "believe" it, don't hold absolute faith in my answers. Not unless proven correctly, but knowing that there is any possibility at all for imperfection is enough to have me undecided and irresolute. One of the main reasons I cannot debate, don't believe in my answers strongly enough. A bit of an issue, I think. May as well be convincing myself as much as others of my opinion.

      Subject to change? Undoubtedly. Roles are in flux, it wasn't too long ago (was it?) when females were expected to stay indoors and tend to the house and kids; nowadays it is common to see girls attending school with the rest, holding jobs, etc.
    4. Sumi
      Ah, I read your post in the Homestuck thread I believe. What with her killing and being such a 8itch in the beginning, it is interesting to see that it was under "Just" - could it have something to do with Terezi's whole Justice thing? To be honest I need to read back through most of it, I skipped a lot of important things when first reading through and it should only take a few hours.

      I did see one or two of those posts, though, happily. Perhaps a good RP or something will start up on here.
    5. LARiA
      You ask sapid questions up for dispute, I like that. Flavor.

      Gender roles have existed - as far as I know - since the beginning of mankind. Seeing little chance of that happening, even over time; if it has not come about yet, then I cannot see much chance of it happening in the near future. Would need to be in the near future, methinks; at the rate we are going, the human race will inevitably die out sooner or later, we will end up biting our own arses. Gender irrelevance, a sweetish idealization, but assuming that we carry on as we are, not at all likely. Cannot free ourselves from roles of any sort without stripping ourselves of identity (ego), and we are rather attached to that. And on gender role, even less chance of that being forgotten and abandoned - sexual desire, that for one would invigorate it. Question ends with whether or not we would be willing to give up our sexuality - stop being sexual beings - otherwise treating both sexes as one and the same would be impossible. We're all sexxed out.

      Just always wanted to say that, all sexxed out.

      Focused more on sex rather than gender, just realized that I may have answered incorrectly. Oh, well. They both tie in with each other, in one way or another. Sorry, I am not good at these kinds of questions. Poor at discussing, I suppose.
    6. Sumi
      Very much so. I kind of freaked out at first when I saw Noir changing the space so that Jade was hitting Dave, but it would appear that they'll be okay.
    7. Sumi
      Truer words have not yet been typed. I can only hope that Noir will be stopped by Jade and Dave before the chance of another glubbance. However, that is terribly unlikely.
    8. Sumi
      Dead, ever so sadly. But at least there's no more chance of everyone getting more hurt. At least, as of my last check.
    9. Sumi
      Hello! I remember you quite clearly indeed. Thank you for the warm welcoming back. It's been a very long time, but it's good to see familiar type.
    10. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      oh. nothing......it was fine.

      ugh, i FINALLY finished 358/2, and im kinda angry at xion for what she did to roxas....
    11. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover

      and eh, I guess you could say that........
    12. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      haha, well im outta sckool now, but it was about 3 minutes to about 5
    13. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      we have to make mini movies about books :/
    14. Daxa~
      Yes,he is most definitly my favourite teacher...
      And hes not afraid to speak his mind about anything
    15. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      awsome.....hope you have fun :D

      awww, that must be the worst.......I'm kinda mad though, that my teachers is STILL giving me, like, 5 major projects before we get out....
    16. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      awwww, sounds tuff :/

      well, only....5 more days to summer break!!!! XD u?
    17. Daxa~
      Yes,yes they are...
      He really brings history alive
    18. Daxa~
      Yes there is,which is good.
      My history teacher for example...he is very nice,and makes the classes interesting
    19. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      aww, nice.

      IKR? got out again, because we had ANOTHER heat wave.....I think its the same for tommorow as well.........
    20. Daxa~
      Around 4 or 5 I think :O
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  • About

    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Rhetoric connoisseur.
    Past Usernames:
    Jean Valjean
    Whenever you glance up at the night sky, you ask yourself, "why do I still have my feet planted to the ground"?




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