Oct 18, 2006
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Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 33)


The dude that does the thing, Male, 33

    1. Maggy
      THANK.YOU *gives love* LOL
    2. Love
      its okay, I will add you to the roleplay guild and if you want you can start working on your character bio. Choose which side you want to be on, enter that section of the guild that is labeled Panzer or Blackguard characters and you will find a thread that says character skeleton. View that for the Character form so you can use it to guide you with making a character. If you need help try asking me on khv or on gaia if you want. But there is no need to jump in right away. I want you to worry about making a character mostly. Feel free to make multiples on either sides or make a double agent if you wish.
    3. Love
      hey would you be interested on joining a rp offsite on gaiaonline? We are requiring more characters <3 and it seems like something you would like. Please join gaia if you haven't already just to attend the roleplay please <3 c: When you are ready to join pm Love on khv with your gaia username and I shall go on gaia and add you to the roleplay. My username on gaia is Phisoxa. If you have any questions or need help on gaia or the rp please contact Love through vms its faster.

      Here are some samples of the roleplay we have done so far, but don't worry we have only started and no major events have begun yet. But join quickly since a large event is drawing near.

      Here are some samples of characters from the rp:

      Here is the plot

      Set predominantly in Germany, this role play takes place in modern times where a powerful group of abnormal beings that has remained relatively hidden for possibly hundreds of years begins to cause trouble.

      The Blackguards are made up of human-hybrids of various mythical creatures, and even some that have no human blood in them. Even though the 'Purebloods', as they call themselves, have self-proclaimed themselves as having no human blood within them, this is a common misconception amongst their kind. All beings such as werewolves, vampires, elves, etc. were all created by the ancient Wizards and Witches. They took humans and experimented on them... transformed them into hideous creatures for petty things such as entertainment or mere slavery. The Wizards were tyrants. This is what caused the humans and creatures to eventually rebel and nearly kill off all wizard kind. But after the great war, the humans cast out the creatures and estranged them from their society. They betrayed their allies. Many of these creatures mingled into the population of humans, while small factions of them remained alone. So in short, not one being can claim themselves to have no human blood in them... that is, all but the pureblood wizards. However, they're more rare than anything now-a-days.

      Panzer, a specialized military group that has dealt with many affairs within Germany's best interest, has recently come to a conclusion that this group called "The Blackguards" needs to be apprehended. Though they've never heard of them before they started kidnapping civilians, they weren't going to tolerate such actions. It was odd how the stories they heard about them seemed to stem out of nowhere... since they'd been able to keep hidden for who knows how long. But Panzer is determined to track down these creatures and either incarcerate them, or, if they prove to be too dangerous, exterminate them. They have been searching for the best of the best to recruit into their ranks. Even if these individuals aren't the perfect "upstanding citizens". With the leadership of an experienced veteran of the German military, Kasimir Schmidt, Team Panzer will attempt to free the world of the Blackguard freaks.
    4. riku1186
      Mixt, no one is posting in circles! *Cries in a corner*
    5. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      I think the main lobby is most infamous for the smaller posts. Seems like other parts of the RP section tend to get some of the more sincere quality pushes, at least as far as I've seen (save for maybe crossovers, but it's hard to make a truly spectacular cross over anyways). I'd say it's also a mindset thing though; posts don't count for anything there, so then the idea of making the efforts to make something worth reading is certainly going to slip from all but the most avid players.

      I've felt as though I've put pointless details into posts. A few times I even applied the "summarize" option on my word processor to trim things down to the bear necessities. But small details can be useful. Maybe define a twitch of a character's eye or something like that, or how they're fidgeting with their fork, etc. Not always driving to the plot, but a good nuance here and there can help outline a character's persona a little more, or just establish some level of imperfection. Kind of like in acting. An actor doesn't always just go by their lines and stage directions. They tend to give small bits of spice to what's written, which makes it easier to see what's happening on stage as happening in reality.

      Then, I guess "reality" gets bent when you're in a fantasy story.
    6. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      Most welcome.

      And while I'm at it, thanks for that there rep you gave me about two months ago (the bit for my posting Solemn Melody). Nice to know when someone appreciates the effort I put into things. Though I don't think I'm inspiring too many people to follow suit.
    7. Ego Imperium
      Ego Imperium
      I see you've gone green. Congrats on that.
    8. Iskandar
      Yeah, my first time I did the game I did the regular cups. I just don't find the lucky ring lucky enough unless I have more lucky abilities or items on. That, and I don't like thel limitations put on it
    9. Iskandar
      I was never much of a tournament person anyways. I only did the ones in the first game. I don't even play the ones in KH2
    10. Iskandar
      Yeah, he's gotten easier after battling him so many times. And actually, no I haven't since I speak to Hades but can't ever get the option to come up. It's a pain, but I don't really need to do it. If the main reason was for getting stuff to make the Ultamite weapon, I don't need it, since I usually beat the game with either Kingdom Key or Oblivion. I would like to do the Paradox Cups, but I can't even get myself to play the game for more then one world, I don't think I'm getting to Paradox Cups anytime soon
    11. Noroz
      I got it, and yeah, I have bunches of genre-playlists
    12. Noroz
      Which is strange, cause it's a great song, his voice is awesome in it! Though I think it might be that he was uncomfortable/not used to it - This last year I had to change my voice when singing because I lived in dorms, and I still think my voice sounds strange when I sing the "alternate" way, but it's something you need to get used to. Though the final result of No Roads Left is great.
    13. Noroz
      Well, variation is necessary for all bands, and luckily for Rise Against it works. Tim's voice is awesome in the heavier songs for example, but they prove his voice can work with softer songs!
    14. Noroz
      Yeah, really different compared to most of their stuff, but it's just awesome - the Mood in it is freaking perfect
    15. Noroz
      I've got some friends, some that I hardly know. But we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world

      Swing Life Away ftw
    16. Love
      Hey whuts up c:
    17. Love
      okay see you later ;x;
    18. Love
      Hey mixt whats up c:
    19. riku1186
      Don't worry, I'm not expecting to get it, but I would hate if I didn't at least try.
    20. riku1186
      Thanks for the warning, its good to have friends in high places. I can't be;ieve I missed an entire question.
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  • About

    Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 33)


    There are some friends, some that I hardly know, but we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world.
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