Always Dance
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Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I know from first hand experience that the ones with more skill points are tougher to beat than the ones with less.

      Except in the case with Rex Goodwin. He wasn't that hard.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That may be yes, but the ones with more skill points have stronger Decks.
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      If you compare the AI opponents with the higher skill points to the ones that don't have as many I think you'll find a pretty big difference in their strength.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Skill points mean absolutely nothing.
      Wow, you mean you didn't know? They represent how powerful the opponent is. Ever heard of online chess? You earn them the same way you do there. The rankings are measured the same way in this game. You can earn them by playing online on Wi-Fi. And the more you win the higher they grow.

      And the AI opponents with the higher skill points have stronger Decks and are tougher to beat.

      No, I don't think that will happen.
      That's a relief, I ****ing hate Burn and Stall Decks! I am so sick of getting out all these awesome monsters only to have them play something like either those or Messenger of Peace so my monsters can't attack and then I'm left to do nothing but watch helplessly as my life points melt away...

      R - Righteous Justice should be helpful to me in neutralizing this problem though.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh. Well it brings up a few good points I haven't thought of before. It's definitely strong in formula monarchs. Not really gamebreaking though.
      One last thing, If Elemental Heroes are so bad then how come the AI opponents who run them have such high skill level points? The E-Hero Opponent in OTN has just as many skill points as The Blackwings User and The Six Sams User. (I can't remember how many but it was more than 1700)

      None of those support cards are really all.
      WTF? Every other card I've seen that had these effects had reasonable costs...

      And Um, You don't suppose Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area B will be removed from or will move down on the list because of Exceeds do you?
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It's about T.G Hyper Librarian. What are your opinions on that article?

      And another thing, These Exceed Monsters scare me...I mean, imagine how broken they're gonna become...

      Synchros had already become very broken back in their era...

      In fact, They already have come out with some pretty broken support for exceeds:'s_Surge

      Even though I do think they're awesome still the impact these things are gonna have on the game scares the s*** out of me...

      The main thing that I think makes them broken is the fact that they don't require Tuners. It's just as easy as a Synchro Summon but instead you don't need Tuner monsters at all...And besides the new broken support cards I just mentioned since they don't have levels that means you can't stop them with something like Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area B etc. And if I know Konami's stupidity they're probably gonna take Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area B off the banlist all because of Exceeds...
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I have finals. I'm busy. But i will let you know that we have a lot to work on.
      I'm guessing you meant to say "you" instead of "we" right? yeah I figured...
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Please give me your opinion of this Deck as soon as possible. I really want to know it. I made this Deck myself and I want to know if I've finally done something right.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I modded my earlier Synchro Deck to go with the OTN Default banlist but it was still losing. Not gonna bother to post it.

      But anyway, Here's the Plant Synchro Deck that I just made.

      I haven't tested yet it but tell me what you think:

      Monsters: 21
      Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
      Botanical Lion X3
      Dandylion X2
      Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
      Krebons X2
      Lonefire Blossom X2
      Lord Poison X2
      Plaguespreader Zombie
      Twilight Rose Knight X2
      Tytannial, Princess of Camellias X2
      Violet Witch X2

      Spells: 11
      Foolish Burial
      Giant Trunade
      Mark of The Rose X2
      Mind Control
      Miracle Fertilizer X2
      Monster Reborn
      Mystical Space Typhoon X2
      Pot of Duality

      Traps: 8
      Bottomless Trap Hole X2
      Call of The Haunted
      Mirror Force
      Solemn Judgment
      Solemn Warning X2
      Torrential Tribute

      As you can see, I have no idea what I'm doing...>_>

      I'm sure I need to change alot huh?

      Forgot the Extra Deck:

      Ally of Justice Catastor X2
      Ancient Fairy Dragon
      Black Rose Dragon
      Blackwing Armor Master
      Blackwinged Dragon
      Brionac Dragon of The Ice Barrier
      Crimson Mefist
      Flamveil Uruquizas
      Goyo Gaurdian
      Red Dragon Archfiend
      Splendid Rose
      Stardust Dragon
      Thought Ruler Archfiend
      Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'll take a shot at making a Deck myself and then I'll let you tell me what you think of it.

      My old Synchro Deck that I showed you used to work REALLY well for me. But now I keep losing ever since I started running it in OTN...
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Anyway, Thanks for the advice. I'll probably never beat him but thanks. XD

      Plant Synchro definitely seems like it's worth trying.

      I can't make Decks for crap though...So can I have a recipe please? ^^"

      Losing because of bad draws is really pissing me off. And I'm pretty sure I said before that I'm not good at making Decks. I'd rather not read the descriptions of 2000+ cards to try and scrounge out and make a deck that I know is gonna suck.
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh and, Absolute Zero (The Duelist) was replaced by The Shining in Over The Nexus. He's been giving me just as much trouble as AZ did and more...>_>

      This is why I'd rather use Heroes than play against them...>_>
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yeah you're right, Plant Synchro is quite powerful indeed. I've seen for myself. I'm not always lucky enough to draw Super Polymerization to steal away that big 2800 ATK Plant Queen thing that gets special summoned by Lonefire Blossom. Akiza actually uses a good Deck unlike a good many of the characters from the anime huh? XD
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Right now I'm just running an upgraded version of my old Hero Deck in Over the Nexus. I still need to update my Synchro Deck to go with Over the Nexus's banlist.

      Can you help me?

      Monsters - 19

      Cyber Dragon
      Breaker the Magical Warrior
      Blackwing Gale The Whirlwind
      X-Saber Airbellum X3
      D.D. Warrior Lady
      Snipe Hunter
      Reese The Ice Mistress X2
      Card Trooper
      Prime Material Dragon X2 (was Jinzo)
      Plaguespreader Zombie
      Krebons X2
      Spirit Reaper

      Spells - 14

      Book of Moon X2
      Brain Control
      Mind Control
      Enemy Controller
      Heavy Storm
      Lightning Vortex
      Mystical Space Typhoon
      Monster Reborn (was Call of The Haunted)
      Smashing Ground
      Swords of Revealing Light
      United We Stand

      Traps - 7

      Bottomless Trap Hole X2
      Solemn Judgment
      Starlight Road X2
      Mirror Force
      Torrential Tribute

      Extra Deck - 15

      Ally of Justice Catastor
      Black Rose Dragon
      Black-Winged Dragon
      Crimson Mefist (Just added this)
      Blackwing Armor Master
      Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
      Flamvell Urquizas
      Red Dragon Archfiend
      Goyo Guardian
      Mist Wurm
      Thought Ruler Archfiend
      Stardust Dragon X2
      Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
      X-Saber Urbellum

      Starlight Road isn't really any help to me anymore with Heavy Storm gone. I think I'll take it out for Solemn Warning.
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Like what? Well my new Deck does lack Trap Cards. That may be part of the problem. Only Trap Card it has is Royal Decree.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Thank you for politely answering. I may be gaining back the respect I once had for you now. All those ridiculous things you said about my Heroes had degraded my opinion of you dramatically.

      Now onto beating AZ. If you know he's going to get an Absolute Zero out, why fill your field with monsters?
      Because if I don't he'll just fill his field with the Omni Fusions and rape the living **** out of me!

      Damn I sure wish my luck with them when using them was always this good like the AI's is...>_>

      Most players today know that no matter what deck they're facing it's almost never a good idea to have more than 2 monsters on the field. 3 is pushing it. More than 3 is unacceptable unless you happen to have a perfect recovery in your hand. Be conservative with your summoning.
      Just when I think I'm about to win, boom Polymerization or Miracle Fusion for an AZ play...

      And now I'm up against Elemental Hero The Shining in Over The Nexus...And he's even harder still...

      No matter what I do it always ends with him using Polymerization and/or Miracle Fusion for AZ and another Omni-Hero Fusion and then anally raping me...

      I didn't swarm my field till after I got past his first AZ. After I recovered from the first AZ nuke he brought out another one which led to my defeat...

      Now that I think about it though I may try a Burn Deck. That might work.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You told me that if I didn't use Elemental Heroes I would find Absolute Zero easy to beat...


      No matter what I do...No matter what kind of Deck I use...I ALWAYS lose to Absolute Zero...

      Jesse, Let me ask you something, Be honest, Do you honestly mean to tell me that you don't think Absolute Zero is ANY good AT ALL? BLOODY HELL MAN!!! What you used to describe him earlier was a terrible example. That's not even what Absolute Zero is FOR. He's for summoning out when the opponent already has filled their field with monsters. Nobody is gonna be stupid enough to fill their field with monsters and empty their hand when they see him on the field.

      I've played cautiously, I really have. I've tried the best I can to beat him goddammit! But after I've gotten past 1 copy he always summons another copy of himself out after I've already filled my field with monsters thinking that I've won and then nukes my field and then swarms the field with his other Heroes and Fusions and anally rapes me!

      And I suppose you're gonna tell me that I suck because I can't beat an Absolute Zero/Omni Hero Deck aren't you?

      I'm used to using this kind of Deck not playing against it...>_> Um...A little help here? >_>
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'll tell you more about what Over The Nexus is like:

      The new cards are awesome. But that AI is just as stupid as ever.

      The opponents start out easy at first but then get much harder. And then in Story Mode you'll eventually get to Lawton. And he is scary, He uses a Burn Deck and starts the Duel with a hand of 10 like he did in the Anime. And if he goes first you gotta pray that he doesn't FTK you...>_>
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Was just on GameFAQS and saw somebody say this:

      I think they should ban Crystal Beasts mostly because its one of the best decks.

      Wow...Just wow...
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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