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Jun 16, 2015
Dec 10, 2010
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July 30
Los Santos, San Andreas


Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from Los Santos, San Andreas

Sooooooooo I suck at Day-Z lol May 1, 2015

Accalia was last seen:
Jun 16, 2015
    1. xxxLatiasxxx
      Yeah hi I'll be in bed till the 9th of next month due to surgry on my legs well anyway how have you been?
    2. Shift
      lolwhy ?
    3. SirFred131
      sorry, I'm not good at reading humor in text. anyway, I thought I'd give you an example of tribute summoning.
      draw phase---
      standby phase---
      main phase one---
      first I summon 7 colored fish. it only has four stars, so I don't need to tribute.

      next I play double summon, so I can play another monster this turn.
      now, I want to summon Levia-dragon - Daedalus,
      a seven star monster, so that means I need two monsters. unfortunately I only have one monster, so I can't summon him right now, but I do have a card that can help, I play the A Legendary Ocean field spell.
      it lowers all water monster's Levels by one, while raising their ATK by 200. now Levia-dragon only counts as a six star monster, and five and six star monsters only need one sacrifice, so I can summon him, by sending 7 colored fish to the graveyard. tribute summons count as the normal summon for the turn, so I've used up the effect of double summon, but I can still special summon monsters, so I can use the effect of the Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus
      in my hand to send Levia-dragon to the grave to special summon Neo-Daedalus, and because A Legendary Ocean counts it's name as Umi, you can use it for Neo-Daedalus's effect.
      another card A Legendary Ocean can help with is Giga Gagagigo,
      it is a five star monster, so normally you would need to send one monster to the graveyard in order to summon it, but with A Legendary Ocean, his level is reduced to four, so you can summon him without sacrifices.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh wait, Nevemind, I just realized that you ran out of time.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm still waiting for you...
    6. SirFred131
      if by stalking my vm box you mean looking at kaiba's profile, seeing that you were asking about a water deck, and hitting "view conversation" to see if I could help, then yes.
      anyway, tribute summons. basically if I want to summon an awesome card like blue-eyes white dragon, I can't just play it straight from my hand, I have to have two monsters on my field, and then send them to the graveyard to summon it. This also counts a your one normal summon per turn.
    7. Terra254
      Hope,you know I'd help you,but my head hurts,maybe later,sorry
    8. Spike
      Is there any kind of deck that you're trying to make?
    9. Spike
      *fixes necktie*
      I think I can help with that

      Say you have a Tuner/Effect monster in your hand, and your average ordinary everyday monster already on the field. The monster on the field has 4 stars under it's name, and the Tuner/Effect monster has 3. When both cards are on the field, you can put them in the graveyard to pull out a white monster card from your Extra Deck with 7 stars (because 4+3=7).

      Got it?
    10. Terra254
    11. Spike
      I understand. It's all good. Didn't mean to pry :P
    12. Spike
      Is this out of embarassment or.......?
    13. Spike
      lol That's cool. And what nicknames would those be, out of curiosity? :P
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You may begin when you're ready.
    15. SirFred131
      uhm... when you have a level 5 or 6 monster, like summoned skull, you can't summon it without sacrificing one of your monsters first. when you have a level 7 or higher monster, like dark magician, or blue-eyes white dragon, the requirement is raised to two sacrifices, however some cards, like double coston, kaiser seahorse, can count as two sacrifices. all you really need to do to tribute summon something is have a monster on the field, say that you sacrifice it, and send it to the graveyard. there should also be a chapter on it in the duelist's rulebook
    16. Spike
      I think I've read posts saying that you don't know what your name is a few times, now. Why is that?
    17. SirFred131
      looking in to water decks? A Legendary Ocean is one of the best cards for water decks, it makes all water monsters one level lower, so you can summon level five monsters wit no sacrifice, and level 7 monsters with only one. you can combo this with cost down, to summon level 6 and 7 monsters for no sacrifices, and level 8 and nine monsters for only one. the only problem is if you want to synchro summon stuff, you end up with less levels. in addition, if you want to summon high level monsters, you can use cards like fiend's sanctuary to get a free monster on the field that you can immediately sacrifice, which can help you summon powerful cards like Levia-dragon - Daedalus, the card you need to summon the monster kaiba mentioned.
    18. Leo5D's
      SonGoku is my Bro, and Bakura Ryou is my sister, though she likes being called a guy, then there's my other sister who lives away.
    19. Droid
    20. Leo5D's
      I see lol.
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  • About

    July 30
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    Waiting for a madman in a box.

