Sep 25, 2010
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July 23
Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
The King
    1. khmage1918
      .... I just remembered an old character of mine... Oh god I don't wanna get raped by my own messed up OC ;A;
    2. Glen
      No, but if you're going to point something out about your OC that contradicts what i pointed, you should point it out to me, the person who mentioned it, not to Nuthead, the person who was just listening.
    3. khmage1918
      Well, that's about my idea
      .... Oh god we'd all die ;.;
    4. Glen
      It's very mean ignoring us and talking to Nuthead instead of the rest of us :(
    5. khmage1918
      And what if they could somehow pull you into their world?
    6. khmage1918
      What if there were some that wanted revenge?
    7. khmage1918
      Exactly, no one's ever sure because as soon as they remember... Well, you're holding their hand and leading into a new future
      But what if they started to act on their own? Slowly as the numbers grew higher of these sentient, dusty, creations, they started to build their own world. No artist to command their personalities, no pencil to judge their movements, no eraser to wipe their existence.
      So what if... They still remembered you breaking away from them? A whole sentient mind with a world that still remembers their creator leaving them behind... How would you feel?
    8. khmage1918
      But, sometimes we have failed creations, or ones we forget from long ago. They become that box in the attic of useless stuff that when you find, you don't go through, but keep it anyway, collecting dust.
      What do creations, whom have always had their artists, do when their artists can't even remember them?
    9. khmage1918
      So, like any creative person... We all make creations, yeah?
    10. khmage1918
      Later, of course<3
      So, I had an idea for an RP =)
    11. khmage1918
      And it's really really late OTL
    12. khmage1918
      Thank you! I did that instead of a Biology report :Awesome:
    13. khmage1918
      Woo! Mage's design! (without gloves xD)
      I'm so cool B)
    14. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Of course. Even in the manga that I'm drawing, James sucks at fighting XD
    15. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Just Lightning's Crystarium. Unlike the others, she has all of her six roles mastered so we need hers as soon as you can get it
      Odin's moveset, I'm taking from the wiki unless you add anything.
      For Akira, she'll get another role when she reaches Tier 4 of those three so we don't have to worry about that.
      Oh! And before you get your Eidolon, you'll have to come up with a moveset for it. She has Bahamut, right? You can use the same one from FFXIII just like Odin, though.
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I just checked, those three roles you have are perfectly filled out!
    17. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Ok, I just saw now that Angelic Divinty started so I went ahead and posted. The Angel of Death isn't really a character I'll control unless James is recieving orders or such. He's more of a background person
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder Odin's moveset is there. You don't have to do anything, I'll use it myself~ Unless you want to add a move, just let me know.

      Let me see Akira's. I can Lightning's list since she has pretty much everything. The only thing you have to worry about is her Tier 4 choices for Ravager and Medic and the other three roles. Her Commando move set and Ravager/Medic up to Tier 3, I already have.

      You'll see in time xD
    19. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      No worries xD We need a secret weapon against the Crystal l'Cie. However, she shouldn't be as strong as Omega, but she should be able to take Cid on one-on-one and any other Crystal l'Cie (yes, we have somebody coming in with another one!) As for Odin, he has no limit, but I would still like a moveset for him. Any moves you want him to use is fine (even if you make them up). And even if you finish that move set, you can still come up with more moves for him as you go!.

      I've been wanting to play that game some, but I've been so busy D: I want to finish all of the missions (I'm on 34 now) and then start over from scratch so I can get all of the trophies.
    20. NutheadBros
      All I had planned was the following flow

      Go to Aperture and Find PS - Go to PS and locate M.O.O.K HQ and the Jewel Egg Chamber - Have all of the characters meet up at the heart of M.O.O.K [Villians included] - Fight 00X - ? - ? - End

      Although I was thinking about maybe using the Rebellion afterwards...not sure though
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  • About

    July 23
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The King
    KH, Gears of War, reading, writing, RPing and Gaara <3
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