Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Garxena
      Nah, I kinda like that idea. It's interesting, and I don't think anyone else is doing that. (Plus, we all know how Wally likes to hit on the ladies... >3)
      You know, I actually like her. I'm a psychology nerd so I can relate to her earlier studies at the asylum and I can kinda see how she went nuts. lol The Joker is probably the only comic villain that really scares the living daylights outta me. I mean REALLY. Who isn't freaked out by a guy who just wants to kill people for the fun of it and watch the world burn? Writing a chick who's in love with someone like that will be a challenge, but hey, it's not me, it's the character. So I'm up for it!
    2. Jayn
      Oh gosh. xD I'm pretty tired myself, atm. Supposed to go to a graduation dinner soon, but I'd rather be asleep. ...Despite it nearly being noon here. >>;
      Happy and content is always good! I don't know about the hot part. It's always raining and cold where I'm from, so some heat and sun would be nice. ;__; I'm good, just don't wanna be up aosjdfaij.
    3. Garxena
      Just read Jesse's bio. How could I have forgotten her? >< Looks like Wally is all grown up at that point though. Editing will be needed! We could simply switch it so that it's Barry instead of Wally and Wally instead of Bart. Not sure how that would mess up other stuff though; and Jesse could still have some issues with Wally that way too.
      Looking up Harley now.
    4. Garxena
      (You're my 3001st VM! : D) I just love Wally as Kid Flash! I wasn't too into the Flashes before Teen Titans and Young Justice on Cartoon Network but now I really like their characters. And I like how KF has the limits/conditions to his speed; it makes him more believable as a hero. I like Superman and all, but I think he's just TOO indestructible.
      I like villains who once had high stature and were wronged. (I love villains in general! They're what makes the story!) Like Ursula in Disney's The Little Mermaid. And it seems that female villains have more of a draw to me than male ('cause there's so few of them).
    5. Garxena
      That's another thing that's got me still contemplating this thread. It's not that I can't write a villain, I've done it before, I just can't find one that I can agree with. I like villains that have an actual purpose other than "I wanna rule da world! Buahahaha!" Also, I need to draw the line of "too sadistic" too. I've got issues with some versions of villains (such as the version of the Joker in Dark Knight). Plus, I now have a new cosplay to work on: Kid Flash. I've got to do him from scratch so it's gonna take some time.
    6. Garxena
      It's 12:55 where I am. lol I should be in bed now too, but I don't want to walk up the stairs to get into my bed...
      I'll give some more thought to the Justice thread, I guess.
    7. Garxena
      I change my plan then! I'm going to get a degree in physics and become an elementary school teacher! :3
      I'd give it to you, but I don't think it works that way. lol I love my parents for letting me stay in their house. XD
    8. Jayn
      Because I could never do this before. Sorry, I'm spazzing out for no reason. xD
      How are you?
    9. Jayn
      *Totally VMs you*
      Oh gosh. I could cry right now. ;___;
    10. Garxena
      I know I'm going to major in theatre, but I thought I'd look into some business classes as well. Everyone I've talked to has said that a business degree of some sort will help you with anything in life. No matter what happens though, I'm really going to push the voice acting career. It's hard to put something into words that you have such a passion for, so I'm not going to try. lol
      No air conditioning? :0 That sucks! I'm just sitting in front of a fan right now 'cause I'm too lazy to go to the AC control.
    11. Garxena
      Oooh! Texas is where I'm planning to be in the next couple of years! Huston or Dallas, or somewhere near one of the two. I'm waiting to college to start too (community college for generals, in my case). I'm actually glad for the time off that I've got so I can have a life for a while. lol
    12. Garxena
      Well, things can always get worse. But I somehow manage to find something to complain about all the time. lol The bitter-sweet news is that my doc told me my back is unfixable. Don't know if I ever told you, but I have a seriously screwed-over back. I've been doing physical therapy and all kinds of nonsense for the last two years in failed attempts to fix it. So my theatre carrier is down the toilet. But voice acting has been pushed to #1 job now! The best news I've got is that I'm finally finished with high school! Yay for no more of the same old ****. lol Thankfully, I've got no one for you to beat up. Yet. XD
    13. Garxena
      Honestly, I'm quite upset with the way things are going on this site right now. >[
      And I'm happily surprised to see you back. ^^
    14. Jayn
      Hey, fellow role player.
      Just a friendly reminder to try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!
      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead. So please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in, etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something worthy of nominating in your time role playing this year.
      Please try to let other role players know. We don't want KHV to think we really are a dead section. There's plenty of life, so let's prove it!
      Spam zone is great and all, but the RP Arena needs a little love too. :]
    15. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      Mmmh, hi. How're you?
    16. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      OF COURSE I MIND. Lawl, no, of course not.
    17. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      I know, right? I thought Jane would have joined it, though. ) :
    18. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      No one joined my murder roleplay. ;A;
    19. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      It's almost done, I'm excited. =D
    20. Of Pride And Other Things
      Of Pride And Other Things
      I'm good, constructing my murder roleplay right naow~