Last Activity:
May 12, 2018
Aug 11, 2008
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The True North.


~Meaner then my demons~, Female, from The True North.


Guess who's Faithin' across the rooftops now? Apr 22, 2016

Magick was last seen:
May 12, 2018
    1. Darkcloud
      Maybe it's because I'm a head taller than most people, but that doesn't seem that bad.

      What kills me are the nicknames, ranging from 'Treetop' to 'Bigfoot'.
    2. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      hey kaymoy i hafta go offline in a little bit but in the mean time tell me what you think about my new album its called kingdom hearts christmas
    3. Darkcloud
      How tall are you?

      Yeah, it's crazy. I have to go shops that carry up to 2XL, and most shoe shops panic when they find out I have a size 16 shoe.
    4. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      hehe....... thanks kaymoy.
    5. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      ill try. do you know my email? here it is
    6. Darkcloud
      Well, it's not as great as it sounds; I'm 6'4 and a little overweight, so I'm trying to get back into shape...which is a little weird, considering I've never had abs, so...yeah. I haven't worked out in about a month, so I really need to start over the break.

      The only sport I've ever been good in is basketball. Everything else, I just sucked in.
    7. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      oh shiz i didnt know they made they made a thread on that! i think that was where they got in a car wreck and the car fliped over and the daughter said they need to get out bacause it will explode. they said she learned that from playing GTA 4. kind of ironic dont ya think
    8. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
    9. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      nope it wasn't me but now that you say that i would like to do that now! my name is Jack by the way.
    10. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      im good........ if your okay. so........ ah...... what was it you wanted to tell me?
    11. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      hi kaymoy how are you i can only be on for a little while.
    12. Darkcloud
      Actually, I wouldn't mind living in that far North. I like it best when it's cold...except recently. I went on a diet over the summer, lost around 20 lbs., and now the cold actually gets to me now...still beats summer, though.
    13. Magick
      oh.....hmmmm....i live in the north, up almost by Canada. i hate it.....i'd like to live where you do, since there is xnay on the nowsay, lol
    14. Darkcloud
      More like the midwest...which kind of stinks; the state I live in has around 4 different climate zones, so one day it's cold, the other it's mid 70's.
    15. Magick
      cool. im not a city girl either....they scare me

      so you in somewhere without snow? like California?
    16. Darkcloud
      I live out in the country; I don't have anywhere to go when it starts snowing.
    17. Darkcloud
      I love it! It's a good excuse to get out of school, you can play with it, and at the same time, you can get your home nice and toasty, while sitting around sipping hot chocolate.
    18. Darkcloud
      CANNONBALL!!! *jumps in snow even though there isn't any*
    19. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      yes but not recently, i must be a little rusty if i started now. now that i became a community activist i havent had that much time to spend with my friends and when i do its only for a little while. i dont think Ill start in a long while because helping the world in anyway i can is one of my major dreams. aw and dont be so hard on yourself youll get better you just have to keep trying and alwayz think about how you could do this better thats all. im sorry i didnt get to be on last night, but i had to put in over time in the field last night. oh man you must be disappointed arent you im sorry.
    20. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Aw, see you later!
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    Of Monsters and Men
    ~the remake~

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