king_mickey rule
Last Activity:
May 13, 2014
Nov 18, 2008
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king_mickey rule

Destiny Islands Resident, from Somewhere

king_mickey rule was last seen:
May 13, 2014
    1. ShibuyaGato
      O wow... Thats not being racist tho cuz when in italy there SHOULD be italians... XP
    2. Korosu
      Ah,same here really, I'm only watching a couple of animes atm. I remember Dragon ball! ..And Blay Blades -if that's how it's spelt- Pokemond did get all confusing me for too..Now I'm just like 'T.T wut'
      It's quite good so far, it's like a romantic comdey thing, I would explain more but I really suck at explaing Dx Sorry~
    3. Korosu
      I know~ I'm completly bonkers. It was a nice anime, I have nice but small memories of staying up [was what to me at that young age] late, I stopped watching it after I couldn't find it on tv. What other animes do you watch? Ever heard of Reaching You? :3
    4. Korosu
      Oh awesome, good to see I'm not the only one who likes Egypt ::L: Haa, oh yu-gi-oh to me, has always been a little silly, I perfered the very oringal series..Heh; bless you xD Nerds rule :B
      Hahaha, nope 8'D It's so amazing I've been nyaned for ''4427.1 seconds''' and counting! 83
    5. Korosu
      Oh? I'm studying history next year..Haa, I argee some jobs aren't all that exiciting but oh well; I just love everything history, especially The Tudors and The Egyptians, I just plain love egypt, I hope to go over there one day. Ah, good (: It's okay, no need to thank, I just speak the truth. I figured the last one was vent-ish but still very good :p

      Orly? Well..Heres a link ::L: Don't say I didn't warn you~
    6. Korosu
      I imagine is it! Indeed; quite tragic but also fascinitating. Really? Awesome, good to know I'm not the only history freak :B Ah..Well all I can say, is let her find out by herself, it may be harsh but sometimes, it's the only way somebody can really understand, I'm sure you'll be there to support her though. I took a look-see, you're really great at writing ^.^

      Oh...Well don't look it up ::L: It's so addicting!
    7. Korosu
      Ah, I would be tired too with all that travelling! Awesome, I want to see Pompeii one day, I love Italy's history. Dude..That sucks >.<' Get that prick away from your friend! D: True, always have to look out for friends. Oh awesome! I'll take a look-see then c:
      ...Do you know what Nyan Cat is? ::L:
    8. Korosu
      Heh. That's good to hear, are you tired from your busy week? Oh wow! Lucky, I would love to go on vacation with my friends, sadly I'm too young..If you don't me asking, where'd you go on vacation? Oh my...That sucks to hear..Well; heres my advice..Why don't you try talk to your friend? Mind you you can't really talk to love sick puppy teens they do seem to get in a tizzy and all upset. Sorry; I'm really no good at giving advice. I wish you luck with your friend though, it really hurts to see your friends get hurt. Written any poems lately?
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Man... that's really creepy. o-0
    10. ShibuyaGato
      I dont really know, it'd be up to my mom but shes been there before so... Yea. :P
    11. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Yeah, I'm not a poet. XD I have to write stories for myself. XDX
    12. Korosu
      Hello again, I'm fine, thank you for asking. Yourself? You do remember correctly, it seems they are sorted now, thnak you for checking up, it's quite sweet of you. (:
    13. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      True, best of luck.
    14. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      ouch, that was my mistake, she's to forgiving.
    15. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      yea, I hope she doesn't hurt like I did, that was the worst. She needs to dump him fast.
    16. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      sorry, last relationship left me a tad bitter.
    17. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      I know how that feels >.> being with someone who doesn't really care if you live or die, they don't want you, just the attention, it's really painful...
    18. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      :c that's not good, people should only fight if in self defense or defense of friends, not like that...
    19. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      yea, I hope she's ok after all this.
    20. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Ok, I'll go read it *hugs* I hope everything turns out ok
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