Always Dance
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Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You know what? Nevermind. Forget it. Just forget it. I'm sorry for ever arguing with you on this. I won't argue with you on this subject anymore.

      There's no point in trying to convince you that Elemental Heroes are good. Especially since you even think that Absolute Zero is bad.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Talk to a knowledgeable player yourself.
      You don't understand. I HAVE done that. (Well at least 1 person. His username on here Zeonark. You've met him before but may not remember him)
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Links or it didn't happen.

      And about that Duel you had against Absolute Zero in WC2010 awhile back. That really didn't look that impressive. You beat him easily yes but it looked to me like he wasn't drawing very good.

      Hopefully WC2011 will be different than it's predecessors. I personally like Tag Force better. Mainly because of the fact that my luck with drawing is alot better in those games. And if I get a bad starting hand I can just soft reset till I get a good hand. But that doesn't seem to work for me in the WC games. Honestly, If the WC games really don't rig it so certain archetypes always draw bad against certain ones then I don't know what the problem is...

      Because Tag Force 5 seems alot more realistic in the way cards are drawn and doesn't seem to rig anything unlike WC. Hopefully WC2011 will be more like Tag Force in the way cards are drawn.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I was gonna be polite about this but you're pissing me off way too much.

      You wanna know what I think? I think that you're just too snobbish to admit that you're wrong. And the fact that you wouldn't even finish watching those videos I posted to you awhile back especially tells me that. I think that you're a really smart person and a great Duelist but I am seriously beginning to lose my respect for you. I really don't know how you can say ridiculous things to me like Absolute Zero being the same as a Trap Hole without trying on purpose to piss me off. Tell me how many other people you know/have spoken with agree with you on this.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      There's something I think I should've said to you sooner:

      Go to Japan and Duel against a TRUE master of the Elemental Heroes. And THEN try saying you think that they suck.

      And another thing, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, I wanted to be polite about this but that last comment you made about Absolute Zero just pisses me off way too much...

      I find it insulting enough that you would even so much as compare him to something as weak as a Fissure or a Smashing Ground. But you even said he was the same as a puny Trap Hole...All Trap Hole does is kill ONE monster who's attack is 1000 or higher. Absolute Zero kills ALL MONSTERS on the opponent's side of the field regardless of number of ATK DEF or position. The idea of him is to summon him after the opponent ALREADY HAS FILLED THEIR FIELD WITH MONSTERS. GET IT??? that's what makes him the same as Raigeki. You only think that's he's bad because all you've done is Duel against idiots who don't know the right time to summon him or build a good deck around him. Also, You're wrong about him only being usable in Hero Decks. Some other kinds of Decks use him too. He's a beast in Water Decks.

      And as good a Duelist as you are I must say that I am truly surprised that you don't see the proper way to use Absolute Zero. Same goes for that guy at your tournament. I'm nothing special but I can still claim to be a connoisseur of Elemental Heroes. It sounds to me like that guy lost because it was his fault for summoning Absolute Zero at the wrong time.
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Jaden, this is a logical fallacy. I will say once again that there was a time I SUCKED in real life and was utterly destroying everyone in the arena.
      I doubt you sucked as bad as you think you did. Everybody else who sucks in the real game also sucks in the Arena. You are once again welcome to ask them for yourself if you don't believe me.

      No jaden, it IS your fault, because you use a terribly built deck. Nobody else has this problem who actually plays you say this being so down on yourself but you don't understand that if you actually played the game you would get better. You're like stuck inside of your shell because you play the video games and the arena. I can tell you from firsthand experience that if you actually play for a while your skills will get exponentially better and you will start to see what I'm talking about.
      I would love to start playing in real life. But even if I can acquire enough cards to make a full Deck I don't know if I'll be able to find anybody to play with. I don't think there are any tournaments close to where I live. I can order any Yugioh card I want online individually until I have a full Deck right? If so I'd rather do that than waste money on random packs not knowing what I'll get.

      What are you talking about? You shuffle at the beginning of every duel. Do you mean being able to shuffle when you're in the open world or something? Yes that is possible, you'd just need a button to point to the shuffle() method, but I doubt it would help.

      Once again, luck does not exist. You just use a deck that is not built well. Playing in the actual game isn't going to change that.
      I don't recall the decks ever actually getting shuffled at the beginning of The Duel in the videogames. They just randomly give you whatever starting hand they want. And that's why I think that the games should give you the ability to press a button to shuffle the Deck as much as you want before actually starting the Duel. After all they do allow you to do that in the real game right? And since the videogames are supposed to come close to the real game why not have that as a feature?
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You know, I just realized something that might be a useful feature to add to the games. IMO I think they should give you the ability to shuffle your Deck before actually starting the Duel. I've noticed that's something in the real game that the videogames don't let you do. I think that would help decrease the chances of bad starting hands and draws. A Deck Shuffling algorithm wouldn't be too had to make right? And that's probably another reason why I draw so bad in the games. If I were to play in real life I think I would see a difference in my luck. If I had my own Deck and could meet you I would be happy to Duel you face to face.
    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It doesn't matter how strong you are. Another thing that's wrong with it. Nobody who goes first in the arena should have any excuse for losing. I'm just telling you how it is. The duel arena is not about skill, it's about calculation. I mapped out every single move of that duel and it went down almost exactly like I thought it was going to. Anything I said other than that was just me playing along and trying to convince myself that I was having fun.
      It is still very possible to lose if you go first. You Dueled Cubia and lost even though you went first. And I'll say this once again, You DO have to have skill in the real game in order to play well in The Arena. If you don't you're gonna get your ass kicked. Just ask all those people in The Arena who suck if you don't believe me. They'll tell you that they suck. You just have a hard time understanding this because of how smart and skilled you are. That's why The Duel Arena seems so easy to you.

      I suck the big one in the real game. I'm horrible at working with what I randomly draw and I can't make decks for crap. Although there HAVE been a few times when I was lucky enough to pull off that first turn move I always use in The Arena maybe once or twice. (But it wasn't anymore than that) But most of those times when I lost in the games it wasn't my fault. I could've won if I had had a better hand and draws. And then later I ended up using some of the combos I was able to use in Tag Force in The Arena later. This is why I like The Duel Arena. Because since I usually draw so bad in the videogames I need The Duel Arena to help even things out for me. And you gotta keep in mind that you gotta actually know how to play the real game if you wanna do well in the Arena. You make it sound like even that has nothing to do with it. If it weren't for the videogames I'd be sucking in The Arena too. I had to train with them. And so did other people there.

      Yeah, instead they get to worry about their opponent setting cards without deciding what they are and not being able to do anything until they exhaust their hand getting rid of them, at which point it just becomes a matter of who can get rid of whose facedowns faster. Every time.
      I'll admit that IS a bit of a problem. But I like to just visualize it as always drawing what you need. And it's still possible to get hand advantage back. After that it becomes a matter of who can play best and anticipate the other player's moves best. Thus creating a way to play the game solely with strategy.
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You did not have a chance, Jaden. I knew from the minute we set the terms how that duel was going to go down. How much damage I was going to take and everything.
      Funny, that's not what you said to me AT ALL earlier...And I'm stronger now than I was then. I could've won if it weren't for a few mistakes I made.

      You know, It's times like this when I think that you're just trying on purpose to piss me off...

      The real game is actually different every time you duel. I haven't seen you duel in the arena in months, but I'm pretty damn sure I know what your starting move is for every single duel. There is nothing fun about that.
      Yes but then after that the rest of my moves are different. =P

      But be that as it may, At least the Duel Arena creates a simulation of the game in which both players can pit their strategies against each other without having to worry about bad hands or draws.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I gotta ask, Do you really think that it would be worth your time to Duel me on Wi-Fi? Because it would be a complete waste of your time.

      This is an example of what could and what I'm very sure WOULD happen if I Dueled you on Wi-Fi:

      *Duels Starts*
      Me: *gets a hand with no monsters or traps and no spells cards that can be played at the time and ends my turn*
      You: *summons a Blackwings monster and then attacks me directly
      Me: *draws and gets another card that can't help me and ends my turn*
      You: *activates Black Whirlwind and summons out another Blackwings Monster and a random Synchro Monster about to finish me off*
      Me: *Cluster F-Bomb* *Ragequits*
      And you wouldn't want to go on Wi-Fi with me just for that would you?

      This is why I prefer The Duel Arena and refuse to Duel on Wi-Fi. Because it allows people like me who have trouble drawing well to play better. I want to Duel in a place where both players have a fair chance to win. The Duel Arena provides that.

      Do you remember that Duel we had WAY back in The Arena a long time ago? The one where I was pitting my Elemental Heroes against your Blackwings and you ended up winning? It was a fair and close Duel. And it proved that I almost had what it took to win. I damaged you alot but you still won. That right there should tell you how well I handle Elemental Heroes. And was that really any different from any Duel you had at your locals? All that Duel in The Arena did was show who the better player was while giving me a fair chance to win.
    11. Roxas&Sora4E
      Fine... I guess... Little stuff here and there but nothing serious...:/
    12. Roxas&Sora4E
      Whats up? XD
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Got any awesome Duels you'd like to share with me?

      I'll tell you mine first:

      I had a pretty insane Duel with Hopeless Dragons in Tag Force 5. They got out 2 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragons and a Horus LVL8 before I won.

      And I ended up winning The Duel on Turn 8 by summoning out Elemental Hero Neos Knight, Shining Flare Wingman and another Fusion.

      Also New Challenge Record: Lvl 6 to Lvl 10 was what I got.

      (It was pretty stupid of the AI to summon Horus LVL8 when I had Neos Knight on the field lol)

      I especially loved the part where I killed both of the RDMDs with Neos Knight and then killed Horus by battle after they summoned him.
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It shouldn't be. After all it lets both players get a replenished hand of 5 cards. It's a fair deal for both people.
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Do you think Morphing Jar will ever be Banned? I sure hope not...Because I NEED that card.
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I hope you realize the fact that your deck relies on Morphing Jar does nothing but make me think even worse of it.
      Well it DOES need it for the sake of getting my hand size advantage back. Because my Deck leaves the hand empty alot. Therefore it needs a way of which to replenish the hand once that happens.

      I am very afraid that Morphing Jar is gonna get Banned eventually. This has me really scared. I NEED that card...
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It depends on what deck you're using Charge of the Light Brigade for Lightsworns, Nova Summoner + Mystic Tomato for Chaos, etc.
      I will have to remember that...

      No, the point of the banlist is to try to stop everybody from wanting to use the exact same deck, or have a card that needs to run in threes in every deck. Painful Choice, Sangan, Foolish, and Witch fall into the latter category. Allure falls into the former (Tele DAD).
      Wow it sure seems tyrannous to wanna do that to people...

      If Morphing Jar ever gets Banned I'm gonna have to give up using Elemental Heroes. But I'll quit playing all together before I do that. That card is ESSENTIAL for my Deck. Without Morphing Jar my Deck will officially be ruined.

      The way I see it (And it seems this way from watching Zexal), they're going to make the LV 4 exceeds scarce and crappy because 4 is the most common level. The better ones will probably be of levels like 3 and 5 that aren't as common. This is why I think Fortune Lady Exceed would be a pretty cool deck
      I guess so.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I looked up Exceed Monsters and apparently they don't have levels. Instead, it's called a Rank.

      Wow...Just wow...
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      A deck needs to be focused. It needs to have a clear goal and almost every card needs to support that goal. If my goal is to get out Gale and synchro for example, my deck should have at the very least Sangan, some Mystic Tomatoes, Allure, etc. If your deck has a clear focus things will turn out fast. To answer your question in a more general sense: Search cards, deck thinning cards, mill cards, etc.
      I really don't see how any of that can make a Deck fast when Painful Choice and Witch of The Black Forest are Banned, Allure is Limited, Sangan is Limited and Foolish Burial is Limited.

      May I ask what other Deck thinning and deck searching cards exist that can help with this?

      And that also brings me to this question:

      What the hell is the point of Banning those said cards and Limiting the other said cards when Duels are still only gonna last 5 turns anyway???

      I mean, I always thought the point of the banlist was to keep the game slow and balanced and about strategy so Duels would last as long as possible...

      Exceeds look really interesting. I kind of want to make a Fortune Lady Exceed deck. They are absolutely nothing like synchro monsters that don't require tuners, lol. They aren't going to break the game at all, you really should think about what you say before you say it. I doubt that the banlist is going to be affected that much.
      I sure hope you're right man. Because these things scare the hell out of me...The way I see it they're gonna have to nerf these things to hell and back before they release them. I mean, They're way too easy to summon...So they obviously can't give them powerful effects like Synchros have because of that.
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Exceeds looks like they're gonna be awesome don't they?

      This worries me though...I mean, These things are REALLY gonna impact the gameplay.

      Look at these things! They're like Synchro Monsters that don't require Tuners! They're way too powerful! How is anybody supposed to defend against these things??? Konami is gonna break their own game!

      I sure am dreading the ****ed up changes Konami is gonna make to the banlist because of these things...
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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