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Sep 5, 2015
May 2, 2010
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Apr 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
That's for me to know and potential pedophiles to


Destiny Islands Resident, 30, from That's for me to know and potential pedophiles to

Slycrg was last seen:
Sep 5, 2015
    1. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      That's awkward... really awkward... does this mean Sora dosen't even turn into a mushball Cloud?

      As for the texture code, I'll send you another VM with it as soon as I'm done ^^
    2. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Moveset Mod

      Character Moveset Modifier

      200F9000 10400005
      200F9004 944F004C
      200F9008 240100YY [Note 1]
      200F900C 142F00ZZ [Note 2]
      200F9010 240F00XX [Note 3]
      200F9014 A44F004E
      200F9018 03E00008
      201D348C 0803E400

      [Note 1] - The "YY" values.
      These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change...

      01= Sora
      02= Donald
      03= Goofy
      04= Mickey
      05= Auron
      06= Mulan
      07= Aladdin
      08= Sparrow
      09= Beast
      0A= Jack
      0B= Simba
      0C= Tron
      0D= Riku
      0E= Roxas
      0F= Ping

      [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values.
      o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.

      02= Normal
      01= Sky

      [Note 3] - The "XX" values.

      01= Sora
      02= Valor
      03= Wisdom
      04= Master Form
      05= Final Form
      06= Anti-Form *
      07= Lion Form
      0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
      0D= Roxas
      11= Donald
      14= Goofy
      17= Aladdin
      18= Auron
      19= Ping?
      1A= Mulan?
      1C= King Mickey **
      1D= King Mickey ***
      1E= King Mickey ***
      22= Sparrow
      23= Riku ****

      Notes -
      *This is Anti-Form, however, be careful, as it randomly T-Stances if you attempt to do an Anti-Form only move, such as his weird flying thing you get by pressing Square. o_O You also don't do any damage from what I can tell. *goes to check if he can equip Anti-form dummy to inflict damage*

      **This is King Mickey's Moveset, and it also forces the Reverse Kingdom Key into your hand. According to other sources, when the Keyblade "Fake" is equipped, it allows you to use Mickey's moves even as Sora. If "Fake" is not equipped, Sora will T-Stance every time he attacks or tries to use a finisher [I've suffered the T-Stancing, so that part's true].

      ***These are 'fake' King Mickey's Movesets. What I mean by fake is, while it does force the Reverse Kingdom Key into your right hand, IT DISABLES YOUR ATTACK BUTTON ON THE COMMAND MENU.

      ****This is Riku's Moveset... which doesn't differ much from Sora's. However, it has the neat little effect of forcing the Way to the Dawn into your hand. With regards to the Way to the Dawn, it is a very, very weird weapon. It allows you to use "Block" without a Keyblade, and some of your attacks are done Keyblade-less as well. It also crashes if you drive into Final [and possibly Master] Form while this is on.

      Additional Notes -
      1] Do NOT change your equipped weapon while using a code that forces a weapon into your hand. These include the Riku, Mickey and other ally codes. Change it before, or after using the code. It'll save you alot of resetting.

      2] Though I admit values need to be tested for this code, from what I've seen, this code has more repeats than the UCM...

      3] Telling you beforehand, don't combine Roxas with Final Form. I know you want to, but don't.

      ////////////////////////More Movesets////////////////////////
      01= Sora
      02= Valor
      03= Wisdom
      04= Master Form
      05= Final Form
      06= Anti Form *
      07= Lion Form
      08= SPECIAL **** +Attack doesnt do anything
      09= Sora SPECIAL***** (Works Fine) +Gives you a ''magical'' kingdom key. +Magic has Wierd Effects
      0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
      0B=>>No Keyblade, No Freeze<<
      0D= Roxas
      0E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset
      0F= Freeze SPECIAL***** +Mystery Moveset
      10= SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset, Runs %40 faster
      11= Donald
      12= Donald 2
      14= Goofy
      15=>>No Keyblade<<
      17= Aladdin
      18= Auron
      19= Ping?
      1A= Mulan?
      1C= King Mickey **
      1D= King Mickey ***
      1E= King Mickey ***
      21=>>No Keyblade, Doesnt freeze unless you use Magic<< +Gives Sora Godlike Running Capabilities +Freeze when switching areas
      22= Sparrow
      23= Riku ****
      24= Barbossa or Will Turner (Works Fine. Gives you a rapier)
      25=>>Freeze when you do stuff<<
      26=>>Freeze when you do stuff<<
      27=>>Freeze when you do stuff<<
      28= SPECIAL *****>>Freezes when you try to jump<< +Alternate Moveset
      29= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Mystery Moveset
      2E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset
      2F= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Gives Sora Godlike Jump Capabilities
      35- Hacked Sora +God Speed +Kingdom Key
      36- Alternate ***** (Works Fine) +You do not possess a keyblade until you attack in the air +Attacking on ground freezes you
      37- Stun4 ***** +Cannot attack +Magic=Freeze
      38- Alternate +Alternate Moveset +Do not use Magic
      39- Super ***** +No Keyblade +Guard=Freeze +You run SUPER SUPER Fast
      3B- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      3C- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      3D- Stun ***** +Kingdom Key doesnt appear till you move +Attack/Jump=Freeze
      3E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      3F- Useless ***** +Cannot attack +Super-speed +No keyblade +Magic=Freeze
      40- Alternate Riku ***** (Works Fine) +Gives you Reverse Way to the Dawn +Unable to Attack +Magic, like BLIZZARD is Superfied +Higher Jump Height
      41- Alternate Riku2 ***** (Works Fine) +Unable to Attack +When driving or using magic, Way to the Dawn emerges +You're as fast as playable riku +You jump as high as playable riku
      42- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      43- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      44- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      45- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      46- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      47- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      48- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      49- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      4A- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      4B- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      4C- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      4D- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
      4E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      4F- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      50- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      51- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      52- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      53- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      7A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      86- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
      10A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze

      Texture mods could be pretty unpredictable so I would doubt that Sora's coustume would be just red, It would be like red and black because of the cloak ^^
      I could create such a code for you if you want to but first I have to refresh that to my mind ^^

      Sure, here's what each line do ^^

      Play as Cloud
      E005FDFF 0034D45C - R2 Joker
      11CE0B6A 000008F9 - Replace Donald with Cloud
      2091D458 00F5A390 - Model Mod
      2091D468 00F88540 - Model Mod
      20988458 00FD4B90 - Effect Mod
      2036CED0 00000000 - Keyblade Size Mod
      E00EFEFF 0034D45C - L2 Joker
      20A107B8 01148220 - Animation Mod
      20A107F8 01148220 - Animation Mod
      20A10838 01148220 - Animation Mod
      20A10878 01076060 - Animation Mod
      20A0D6F8 0107E9F0 - Animation Mod
      20A0D778 0107E9F0 - Animation Mod
      20A0D7B8 0107E9F0 - Animation Mod
      20A0D738 0108B260 - Animation Mod
      20A0E318 011052B0 - Animation Mod
      20A0E258 010E71E0 - Animation Mod
      20A0E3D8 01112D60 - Animation Mod
      20A0E2D8 011559C0 - Animation Mod
      20A0E398 01178950 - Animation Mod
      20A0E458 010986F0 - Animation Mod
    3. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Here, fixed it ^^
      And tested it, all I can say I could have done this a bit better ^^'
      The attacks can be found on Fire, Blizzard and Thunder.

      Play as Cloud
      E005FDFF 0034D45C
      11CE0B6A 000008F9
      2091D458 00F5A390
      2091D468 00F88540
      20988458 00FD4B90
      2036CED0 00000000
      E00EFEFF 0034D45C
      20A107B8 01148220
      20A107F8 01148220
      20A10838 01148220
      20A10878 01076060
      20A0D6F8 0107E9F0
      20A0D778 0107E9F0
      20A0D7B8 0107E9F0
      20A0D738 0108B260
      20A0E318 011052B0
      20A0E258 010E71E0
      20A0E3D8 01112D60
      20A0E2D8 011559C0
      20A0E398 01178950
      20A0E458 010986F0

      Instructions: Go to Mickey's Throne Room, hold down R2 and walk back into the Hall of the Cornerstone.
      Then fire up the animations with L2

      Universal Moveset Mod? That just changes the moveset, you sure you don't mean texture modding? Anyway texture modding is possible to hack, but you can't make it perfect without a lot of effort ^^
    4. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Hmmmm... Now I think I remember how to get that code to work! Could you give me the code so I can fix it? ^^

      Alright, but if you replace with Sora's model then it probably will either freeze, BSOD or mushball:





      IIRC then you should try and use Mulan's moveset (other people have made it work like that before) ^^

      And I guess it would work with a complete music replacement IF there were a tool that extracts music files and then re-inserts them into the ISO.
    5. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Alright, if you're using my code, just follow the instructions that came with the code and it should work ^^

      Yep, I can get any digits for you, just ask which ones you want ^^

      Unfortunatly I never got that to work either, I've seen it's possible but just not how ^^'
    6. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Let's see here... ^^

      As for the Play as Cloud, did you hack it yourself or was it an already made code?

      As for weapon dummies, you just have to test for yourself to see if it works ^^
    7. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Yep, feel free to ask that ^^
    8. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      lol, I won xD

      Anyway you're welcome anytime ^^
    9. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Just sending this VM to make sure you've seen that I edited my previous post with Riku, Donald and Goofy ^^
    10. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      *Late* Thank you message
    11. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      well just get on when you can lolz what do you think of the storyline so far?
    12. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      it will take about four mins
    13. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      friend knows one of the admins (shes going out with him) but I can get onto the furry face book so we can instent chat which will be quicker
    14. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      well they're just the shadows or dusks of the Dawn Knights lol they get bigger... anyway what do you think?
    15. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I'm fine... Be Warned the second episode is a lot of talk and no action.... sorry it's needed for the storyline.... anyway try joining this site
    16. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      second episode sent!
    17. AwkwardFailure
      Happy Birthday stranger!
    18. Korosu
      Happy Birthday c:
    19. Daxa~
      Happy birthday!!!!!
    20. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      yep it's sent
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  • About

    Apr 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
    That's for me to know and potential pedophiles to



    Sig By נαуn ​

    My YouTube Channel => HERE
    Basically some music remixes