Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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8:51 AM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      Alice:Good. Did she also tell you WHY she wants this book?
    2. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      oh, wait, sorry i'll , have to tell you tommorow i have to leave...........
    3. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Wanna hear a summarie of my book so far?
    4. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Same with me.... I can't think up a tune or anything, just make the rythmes.....

      I draw anime style too.... i'll put up my pics soon...........
    5. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Cool, you write? I do to. I mostly write songs, books, and draw.......
    6. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      ideas like........................................?

      ( if u don't mind me asking..........)
    7. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Oh.... well, if its the girls fault, you should say"
      " F*ck off, b*tch, I don't need you!!"

      I'm sure you''l find someone else soon.... btw,how r u on this fine day?:p
    8. nasirrich
      Rosey-*Tears slowly roll from her face because she's happy that she's finally with you.*
    9. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! what happened?
    10. nasirrich
      Rosey- Oh is that right then you wouldn't mind if I did this then to return the favor.*She gets closer to you and puts your arms around her waist more and very delicately and softly kisses your lips with the upmost passion you've ever felt before.*
    11. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Yeah, it ain't such a beautiful world after all
    12. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Hey, before i forget: wanna be friends?
    13. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Jesus, I hope my mom don't see this! I just KNOW she will jump to conclusions.....

      and then I'll be dead...........
    14. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      hey..... sorry it took FOREVER to reply back, but i just took a shower.......... and guess what I find?
      You know those marks you get on your neck from when people kiss/ suck yuor neck? well, I had one..... WAIT! before you jump to conclusions, heres what I have to say in my defense: this rapest boy in my school LOVES to molest us girls.... so I was just walking in the hall, right? and he comes out of no where and starts butt rapping me, and hugging me, and kissing me.... I got so mad, that I slapped him in the face, and punched in the stomach ( i would have aimed else where if I wasn't so siked out!) and thats how i broke his i-pod and owe him 200$....

    15. nasirrich
      Rosey- N-No its fine really you can have your hand there if you like. I was just wondering if I could move in closer to you though is all. Please pardon me for the confusion.
    16. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Nice! i always find a loop hole out of getting into trouble.....

      like this bully named kayla is a real pain in the ***
    17. nasirrich
      Rosey- Ummm y-your hand is...*Heart is racing very quickly and loudly as well.*
    18. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      OMG! me too! I CAN NOT WAIT! i am so sick of every teacher in that school..... expect for maybe two..... but also these really snobbish girls in my class........ you know, the girls that always were the nice name brands and designer clothes, and that every body is afriad to stand up to? Well, I ALWAYS stand up to them ( if they get on my nerves) and thats what makes them hate me. to finally have some one knock them down to size................................ ;)
    19. Axel and riku lover
      Axel and riku lover
      Hey! sorry for just tuning out yesterday........... my nephew barfed up his dinner, so i had to clean up the mess, clean HIM up, and rock him to sleep "-_____-

      so how r you on this fine day?
      ( was in school all day T_T)
    20. Dman23
      I always fall for that.............