Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Feb 1, 2025
Dec 17, 2008
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Local Time:
7:21 PM
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Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Feb 1, 2025
    1. Technic☆Kitty
      Hey, what up CR???
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      well lets just relax for now
    3. Technic☆Kitty
      Well talk to you later then, I am off to dream land ^_^
    4. Technic☆Kitty
      Yeah, I am going to bed soon *first day back to school . . . two hours of sleep . . . not a good day* lol
    5. Technic☆Kitty
      Hey, wats up CR???
    6. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: dont worry im sure they'll understand
    7. nasirrich
      Wizard and Beast- W-Waht is this power... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!*They fade away from your aura but more enemies come forth.*
      Lyanne- N-No way...*Starting to get pissed and charges up and goes into this form...

      and begins to attack the enemies.*AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Ashley- A-Azazel I'm so sorry please forgive me. I'm going to be more careful. How dare they almost kill me while I'm carrying you?*Getting very furious now.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Activates both of her eyes and they are both yellow then turn red instantly. And she looks like this after charging up.*

      Eve- Over Clock Hyper X!!!!*Time stops and she takes two steps then starts to run time begins to go back to normal and she goes from a jog, to a sprint to a teleport dash then jumps up in the air and only slashes one way. The other slash comes from the rip in time itself. Cutting down thousands of enemies.*
      Rosey- PETAL FURY!!!*Pets from every plant comes to the air and have every element encasing them. Then it showers on all the enemies and they keep splitting until it turns into a ball. She then charges up the ball and goes inside of it. Using it as a sheild and an offence attack she begins to mow through more enemies.*
      Windy- Ok let's do this... LOST WIND HYPER CRUSH!!!*The air becomes dry and thick effecting only the enemies. Then its not there anymore. She then goes into the middle and starts to charge up.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*The wind comes back and with so much force when it come back it crushes all enemies in a 12mi radius.*
      Cassy- Second Slash ION BURST!!!!!*She starts to teleport through eneimies like crazy and the more she teleports the more she begins to glow. The more eneimies she kills the hotter she gets and is like a speeding bomb that makes the target explode once it gets into contact with her.*
      Anna- MYSTIC BLAST!!!!*Charges up a lot then these orbs begin to form around her. And they get bigger in size and the energy charges up with her. And then she sends them all over and once they hit a target it explodes and mystic elements come out and explode like mini bombs. And the closer they are the bigger the explosion.*
      Kim-*Dodging some attack.* JSE IMPACT MYSTIC BURST!!!!!*Enemies in an 11mi radius have all there powers shut off then their inside begin to burst and it becoms a blood bath.* And... GO!!!*Pluses herself and goes faster cutting through enemies and fending of some attacks.*
    8. Technic☆Kitty
    9. nasirrich
      Ashley-*Moaning in so much pain.* I-I can't feel anyting at all.*Is sliding down on the spike further.*AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
      Lyanne- A-Ashley...*Gets impaled with a sharp fist from the beast and it goes right through her.*
      Kim- No... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!*Charges up and goes into this form...*

      Leave them alone!!!
      Windy-*Charges up and goes into this form...*
      Yea leave them alone. Cause now I'll show you what I can really do.
      Rosey- Ok my turn!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!*Charges up and goes into this form.*
      Ok Take this!!!*Speeds off towards them.*
      Cassy-*Goes flying cause the Wizard hit her up.*
      Anna-*Blocking some attacks by the beasts other arms but gets hit and slams down to the ground.*
      Eve- Ok..GO!!!*Charging up and goes into this form.*
    10. nasirrich
      Kim-*Activates her JSE in one eyes and her MJSE in the other.* Yea its strange how come I didn't feel it from before?
      Windy-*Activates her WSE in one eyes and her MWSE in the other.* Wow this si bad real bad.
      Rosey-*Has her BRE in one eye.* Ok fine if they wanna fight then let's give it to them.
      Eve-*Ativates her bloodline eyes and pluses ahead.* Ok guess we can really show off what we learned.
      Lyanne-*Is being choked by some beasts with 8arms and she coughing up some blood.* L-Let me go.*Struggles and gets her wings free then bites down on one of the arms.*
      Beasts- OWWWW!!!!!!!! YOU DAMN VAMPIRE B**CH!!*Slams her into some trees then keeps slamming her into more trees.*
      Lyanne-*Is bleeding all over the place and coughing up so much more blood.*
      Ashley- LYANNE!!!*Dodges an attack then gets impaled very deeply by a blade and its going right through her.*I-I actual got hit but how? Azazel!!!!
      Wizard- BLADE SLASH!!!!*Takes the sword out of her violently then Slashes her in that same spot and pluses her down.*
      Ashley-*Coughs up so much blood it covers her body and once she lands and slmas on the ground even more come out from the back of her head and chest cause there was an ice spike right there.* AHHHHHH!!!!
      Cassy and Anna- NO!!!! MISTRESS ASHLLEY AND LYANNE!!!*They charge ahead to go and help them.*
    11. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: sounds like a plan ^^
    12. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: of course not we know our limits but i want to see exactly how far we can really go
    13. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: wanna go back to sparring again and see how far we can really go?

      (every since all of us started rp-ing in gods of kh i've felt a strong bond between all of us, what about you?)
    14. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: thanks cr, you really are a true friend, i know that our bond will never break

      (to be honest you so feel like a brother to me)
    15. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: but im afraid that the power that i have will drive away my friends..
    16. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: yea *kinda hangs head cause i feel like i might have upset you*
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: to be honest i almost passed out from all of the pressure you were creating
    18. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: your just as good though, it took everything i had to pull off that attack
    19. nasirrich
      Kim- Yea they do...*Going fast with you then flys on her own speeding up even more.*
      Ashley-*Sees you pass her then stops charges up and goes so fast she dissapears breaking the speed time and space barrier.*
      Lyanne-*Opens her vampire wings then does a spin in the air and pluses herself four time and once on your tail she dissapears.*
      Windy- What are they doing?!?!?! AHHHH!!!!
      Cassy- What's up with those two?
      Anna- Not sure maybe they felt something and was trying to keep us off away from it.*
      Ashley-*Can be seen in the distance attacking something.*
      Lyanne-*Comes back and does an arial recovery and pluses herself back to attack what she felt from before.*
      Anna- Wow vapmires have very good sense of everything. I know the new guy is good but I still don't feel anything.
      Cassy- Getting closer should change that.
      Eve- What ever it is it really has Lyanne and Ashley furious.
      Rosey- Yea I wonder what it could be though.

      (Ok this kh-v error thing is really starting to piss me off so much.)
    20. nasirrich
      Ashley-*Speeds up ahead.*
      Lyanne-*Does the same leaving a trail of fire behind her.*
      Anna-*Flys past the both of you.*Laters^,^
      Cassy- MISTRESS ASHLEY, MISTRESS LYANNE!!!*Jets ahead of you both to catch up to them.*
      Eve- Hey you two wait up!!*Speeds ahead to catch up to them.*
      Windy- Wow someone has a need for speed.*Pluses herself to catch them.*
      Rosey- Woo hang on wait a second here.*Her aura blasts out and she jets to them almost passing on Lyanne's and Ashley's tail.*
      Kim- Huh I wonder what that was for?
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Deep inside an active volcano
    A dragon god
    A fiery hot charizard with an Axel mentality.



    "I am the Charizard King, and I will also be Your ferryman to the Underworld"​
    Dark Side of the Moon 40th​
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