Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- On it, come on Synn
      Synn- Right
      *they leave to come up with the menu*
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Synn- As we said, food will be easy
      Haku- Of course it will
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Synn- Of course
      Haku- Good
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Synn- *opens the door* Hey, were back
      Haku- You two have a good talk
      Angelus- Yep, it cleared some things up for me
    5. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- I would never hide anything from you Ka, you know that

      Synn- We should get back and see if they got any other ideas yet
      Angelus- Yeah, lets get back in there
    6. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Seriously? I don't know anybody with the same ablitity to control fire as me...
    7. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- Is everything alright Ka?

      Synn- Yeah, thats fine, but I need to warn you, Ka can't learn of the time in boot camp
      Angelus- Huh, why is that?
      Synn- Because, Haku recently took those memories away from her, it was causing her to be mentally unstable
      Angelus- Oh...I see, I'll try to keep things secret then, thanks for the warning
    8. nasirrich
      Me- Damn!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!
      Rosey- I have to go see... Oh no wait I can't they think I was trying to kill them.
      Windy-*Hears children yelling.* Huh I wonder what's going on.*Goes over to where she hears the noise.*

      (I guess, but still I feel so bad cause I'm like what the hell why is it taking so long. Then I'm like let me check real quick and see that I didn't so I got a bit tense for no reason sorry. But thx so much.^ ^*Hugs* Yessss I did it... haven't done that in a while.)
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
      *hugs tightly* loves ya sis :P
    10. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      *I stare at my arm, the fire eating up my shirt.*
      It is weird being able to control fire...
    11. nasirrich
      Me- Yea but uhhh what was her name again heheheheheh.^^"

      (Thank you so much really I am sorry for that though.)
    12. KeybladeMasterJoe
      yup ^^
      would you like more?
    13. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hehe i give my sis lots of hugs :P
    14. nasirrich
      Me- Ok well lets go ask the new girl she may have clues to what we need to know about.
      Rosey- But y-yea I really don't know anything.
      Windy- Watashi to issho ni tobokenaide. -_-
      Rosey- I'm not playing dumb with you honst you really have to believe me.
      Windy- Hmmm ok... Watashi o mitsukeru baai wa, anata ga kango-shi ni itte modotte kenkō e no michi ni iru watashi ni kanō-sei ga arimasu uso! !
      Rosey- Y-Yes understood.
      Windy- Hmm good...*Takes her leave and goes back to her office, but strolls in the hallways for a bit.
      Rosey- Sore wa kanojo ga hontōni kono jiki korosu kamo shirenai no chikakudatta.

      (Wow I'm really sorry I thought I answered this when I was at school.)
    15. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- No, everythings fine

      Synn- So, tell me, what was your name there?
      Angelus- I would prefer I didn't say
      Synn- Oh come on, you can tell me
      Angelus- Maybe later, alright
    16. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      One can't live without the other.
    17. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Haku- Hmmm...

      Synn- You know Angelus, by the way you talk it sounds like you were there at the camp with us
      Angelus- I was Synn, but I went by a different name
      Synn- And I didn't know... *facepalm*
      Angelus- Don't beat yourself up, I hid it pretty well
    18. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Of course.
      *I look at my arm and slowly a dark flame goes down it.*
      And darkness to light.
    19. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Synn- Ummm...Angelus, can I speak to you in the hallway for a bit
      Angelus- Ummm...ok, we'll be right back you two *they head out the door*

      Haku- Who did you think Angelus was talking about Ka?
    20. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      We could shape the world into something we will like. We are opposites and yet we get along well.