Always Dance
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Aug 5, 2021
Feb 22, 2009
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Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)

Always Dance

Chaser, 30


I'm not going to make jokes about KHV being the new Facebook because I'm sure that was already a thing but damn. Apr 22, 2013

Always Dance was last seen:
Aug 5, 2021
    1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Man I sure do wish I had magical good luck powers that enabled me to always draw what I needed like you and all those people at your locals and tournaments have...>.>

      Because then I wouldn't care about the random card draw.
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hey man, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for putting you through so much stress...I honestly never meant to intentionally argue with you any of those times...I just wanted to apologize for that...

      It's not that I won't admit that I'm wrong, It's just, I often have trouble believing that I'm wrong about some things. You've still been able to explain some things to me before. I'm just the kind of person who doesn't understand some things unless they're explained to me just right. So yeah, I just wanted to apologize for all that...
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That's understandable. However, WC2011 DOES still have improved Battle Scenes. You'll see them once you play it.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I see...that makes sense...I think I can see why Allure of Darkness is Limited now. Because that thing is very broken in Blackwing Decks. Am I right?

      Also, Getting rid of your Nintendo DS was a big mistake. Because Over The Nexus is frigging epic. It's by far the best 5D WC game on DS, almost completely different from 09 and 10. You should pick it up when you can if you ever get another chance.

      Although in my opinion the best Yugioh Game should have these improvements:

      1. We can edit the AI's Decks whenever a new banlist comes out. (although there would have to be limitations to what/how many cards can be taken out)
      2. Bring back characters to face from GX and the original series
      3. Custom Tournament (choose which players enter)
      4. A Traditional Format option after the game is beaten
      5. New Monster Animations.
      6. Battle Animation that actually shows the monsters demolishing each other
      7. Smarter AI.
    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      What exactly makes Cards for Black Feathers any better?
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Actually the Blackwings User did win in one of them in the bottom 3 videos. But the Absolute Zero User won 2 out of 3.

      The players in the bottom 3 videos were having a match. All 3 of them are separate Duels.
    7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh I see...

      New subject:

      Can I get your opinion on these videos please?

    8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I think running 2 copies of him in a Spellcaster Deck would work. Take a spell counter deck for example. It would be easier to use his effect without risk. You just gotta have enough Spell Counters to protect your own Spellcaster monsters so if you fail you can use Defender the Magical Knight to protect them from being destroyed and take no Damage cause no monster was destroyed.
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I could believe this. It'd be really easy to rig something like that programmin-wise, whereas rigging deck drawing would be ridiculous.
      But still, No matter how you build your deck you're not ALWAYS gonna have things like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute and Monster Reborn all at once right off the start of a Duel. There's no way you're always gonna have them like 9 matches in a row right off the start of the Duel.

      You really seem not to get it. The only way to use Time Wizard would be to build a deck around it. You can't just tech in Time Wizard and Second Coin Toss, it wouldn't work.

      And NO ONE is stupid enough to build a Time Wizard deck.
      I think I can see it working by maybe running 2 Time Wizards without Second Coin Toss. I think he'd be a pretty good synch for a Spellcaster Deck for example. Sure sometimes his effect would make you lose the Duel but hey sometimes shіt happens. His effect could also cause you to win The Duel when you were about to lose.

      Lol, A Deck Based entirely around Time Wizard would be ridiculous.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I don't care. I'm talking about real life.

      SJC= Shonen Jump Championship.
      That's a good point. Because I swear that the videogame AI rigs it's coin tosses and dice rolls...>_>

      Doesn't matter, it's a terrible card and nobody uses it.
      I'm surprised that nobody ever thinks to use that card. Just because it has a chance of a misfire hardly means anything if you use it with Second Coin Toss.
    11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It wouldn't be. Luckily it never, ever happens. Seriously, go look at the listings for an SJC and see how many coin/dice decks you see that did well.
      It's happened to me before...>_> Sasuke Samurai #4 decimated me...And all because of that stupid Second Coin Toss card. I think allowing luck based cards to exist alone is bad enough. But they even give them another chance to work...That's just...No...

      And what's SJC?

      Luck based cards exist mostly for casuals who think they're neat. Other than Snipe Hunter, who really isn't luck based at all, none of those cards are used competitively. Ever. Literally.
      But if Time Wizard's effect is successful he can be deadly. That makes him turn into a Raigeki. And using Second Coin Toss with him could greatly increase the chances of his effect working. After that you could most like get out some really powerful monsters and kill your opponent before they can rebuild their field.
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Okay, New subject:

      I'm sorry but I gotta ask, Why exactly do luck-based cards exist anyway? The only reason I see for these cards existing is to protect people who are so bad at the game that they need to rely on luck in order to win. Things like Sasuke Samurai#4, Snipe Hunter, Time Wizard, Blowback Dragon, Fairy Box and Second Coin Toss really piss me off. I think that those cards should all be Banned permanently. And I think that anyone who uses them is a complete disgrace and doesn't deserve to even be called a Duelist.

      Oh, and before you go on about how those cards didn't get hit because of how they're not competitive let me ask you this:

      What if the user activates Second Coin Toss and gets all the tosses right because of it? What then? That is so so unfair...

      Imagine if you made a great deck based solely on strategy and skill and then your opponent who had no skill AT ALL ended up winning because of making all your monsters all crash into their doom against things like Sasuke Samurai#4 and Fairy Box and making their coin tosses always work thanks to cheapass Second Coin Toss. How the hell is THAT fair?
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I've done further research, I've noticed that the AI's Decks in SAWC2009 were built alot better than the ones in Reverse of Arcadia. I don't know about you but I didn't find the opponents in Reverse of Arcadia anywhere near as difficult to beat. Maybe THAT's why they seem to draw better early in the Duel...
    14. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Do you think maybe the actual game cartridge is programmed a bit different than the downloadable version that you played? Because I bought the game from a store.

      And SAWC2009 was a nightmare...EVERY SINGLE TIME I Dueled Necroface if he got to go first he would ALWAYS do that same fancy setup over and over again raising his LP to 20,000+ right on the first turn of the Duel along with making me lose like almost half of my Deck...
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Did you even read my whole post? Because I really want you to if you didn't.

      I apologize for frustrating you so much. I don't claim to know more about this than you do. But I am very sure that WC and Tag Force are both programmed differently. You do have to keep in mind that they were made by different companies. And I haven't been NEAR as unlucky with my Draw in one as I have with the other...
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Haha, oh wow. No. Not even close. The people at GameFAQs are NOT experts or anything close to it. I do not care in the slightest what they say.
      Are you mad? They write the walkthroughs on the games and everything! And they have yet to steer me wrong.

      As a computer science major I can tell you that I know something about the shuffling methods used in the game and i can tell you that building rigging into it would not only be very irresponsible but wouldn't even work unless it happened 100% of the time, and it DOESN'T. Making it work "Within the first 3 turns" just adds to that complexity to the point where it's ridiculous.

      You are wrong and you need to stop trying to argue this with me.
      Well if I'm wrong then why does it keep happening? And it would make perfect sense if it was true. After all we both know how stupid the AI is. So it wouldn't be surprising if they were to rig the AI to where it has a chance to win by making it always draw cheap cards that it takes no skill to know how to play right off the start of the Duel to make things more challenging for the player. And please correct me if I'm wrong on this but wouldn't making the card draw random everytime take alot more work and programming? With me it DOES keep happening. And with another guy I saw on GameFAQS too.

      And now lets talk about Reverse of Arcadia:

      Unlike SAWC2009 this game was alot more realistic in the way cards are drawn. And it's nowhere near as frustrating.

      However, No matter what I do I can NEVER get out my Fusions or draw anything significant when I face Vayu...

      Hell, I've even tried putting in 3 Pot of Greeds, 3 Graceful Charities and 3 Painful Choices all in a 40 Card Deck to allow me to have access to my Fusion Summoning Cards and other defenses but I STILL can't ever draw them...

      And I'm forced to do nothing but just watch myself get raped as I do nothing but set my monsters facedown while he summons out a bunch of Armed Wings and other powerful monsters and smashes through my poor Heroes all because they couldn't fuse when I would've won if they had been able to. And just to be a dick sometimes he'll bring out a Gale and then weaken them even more so he can lol in my face...

      If I had been able to Draw just ONE ****ing Miracle Fusion I would've won that Duel. I had dumped all the Heroes in my Deck to the grave with 3 Painful Choices except for a few that were in my hand so I had the resources to summon out really powerful heroes which would've sent those birds of his flying south for the winter.

      I did not have the resources to get out ANYTHING significant against him...And he ended up raping me within very few turns and I couldn't even damage him at all...

      But I can win against everybody else just fine. He's the only opponent who I have that problem with.

      I was born unlucky my whole life but even I can't be THIS unlucky...This game is rigged so that The Blackwings theme is strong against The Elemental Heroes theme and that's all there is to it. I don't know if they did this because they were too lazy to make the card draw random every time or what but this is really stupid and unrealistic and it pisses me off...

      I do realize that Blackwings are a more powerful Deck than Elemental Heroes yes but there's no way they're gonna be able to beat them EVERY time...Especially not before they can get out their Fusions.

      In Tag Force 5 I was able to get out my Fusions against Blackwings and I won. At least that's one game that isn't rigged...
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I have something that I want to discuss with you.

      Oh, and please read this entire post before you respond:

      I want you to know that I respect you and that I trust your opinions on most things. And I know that not all of these videogames are rigged but I'm telling you that some of them ARE rigged.

      Take SAWC2009 for example. I was Dueling Diamond Dude And he used the effect of himself to send Megaton Magical Cannon to the graveyard and then nuke my field. And this has happened more than once in a row too. Let me ask you something, What are the chances of that happening in the real game?

      And I know that I've mentioned before about how the opponents always get their best cards right off the bat drawing things like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Bottomless Trap Hole, Swords of Revealing light etc. within their first 3 turns, over and over again but I never told you this part. No matter how many cards they have in their decks they STILL do that. I realize that this happens sometimes but you know that this isn't going to happen very often especially with cards that are restricted to 1 copy per deck, there's no way you're going to have them an infinite number of times in a row, right off the start of a duel. And Especially not with a Deck with more than 40 Cards in it. And you know? I think that must be the reason why they made Stardust Dragon the hardest card to get in that game. Because he's basically the best and the only effective way of neutralizing the constant bombardment of things like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Bottomless Trap Hole and Lightning Vortex etc. that are hurled at you.

      The people at GameFAQS are experts. And they've said that the AI in SAWC2009 is rigged so that it has a chance to win. And this is undeniable proof that it's true.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I am not going to take responsibility for something like that just for telling you the truth about your Arena- especially when YOU'RE the one who keeps pestering me about it. I had no intentions of "Breaking your spirit", and honestly I have no idea why this would, but I'm just telling it like it is.
      You're the one who keeps getting pissed off. Every time I try to have a civil debate with you you always end up getting all bent out of shape about it. I was in Special Ed. So I'm challenged in many different ways. I can only understand things if they are explained to me just right.

      So I take it the only way I can impress you is to beat somebody using the random card draw? Well I'll say once again if I ever get a good opportunity I WILL start playing in real life. I've had thoughts lately about asking my parents if they would buy me some cards so I can build a deck.

      I have a few questions regarding rulings that I need to ask you if you have a moment:

      1. Can Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En negate Bottomless Trap Hole when he is summoned?

      2. If I play Assault Armor and then send it to the graveyard but then summon another monster will the monster I equipped with Assault Armor still be able to attack twice?
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Well I don't have magical good luck powers like everyone else apparently does.

      If I was holding a gun I think I probably would've shot myself in the head just now...

      I absolutely cannot fuсking believe this...

      I thought playing without the random card draw would be every duelist's wetdream! Do you really mean to tell me that it doesn't piss you off at all if you end up getting OTKed by somebody because of a bad starting hand? Well not everybody thinks the way you and those people do. Because if they did then The Duel Arena wouldn't have any players at all. I myself have been wishing that I could just pick my hand ever since I first started playing this game. I have always hated this random card draw with a burning passion. I seriously have no idea why everybody else likes it...

      Don't you think calling it an entirely different game is a bit harsh? It's not like it changes any of the rules.

      Well anyway, Now I'm going to have to once again accept the fact that I'm a worthless failure...I thought I had finally found something that I had talent at but in the end it all turned out to just be at a different game that I unintentionally made...I wait all these years to gain some self-esteem only to have it taken away from me...

      You used to be my best friend Jesse...I used to see you as an older brother...(even though you're actually younger than me)

      But now I'm only going to remember you as the friend who crushed my confidence and broke my spirit...
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      And that difference makes it an entirely different game. The game just does not WORK like your arena. Yes, there are moments when you could have won if you drew a certain thing. But if everyone could decide what was in their hand at all times, it wouldn't be fun. The random draw makes a challenge and that MAKES THE GAME WHAT IT IS. You can't take luck away from poker. You can't take luck away from YGO either, because then you have something completely different than what the creators intended.
      Did you really just compare this game to Poker? That is a horrible comparison...Poker would be pointless without luck yes. But you're comparing an apple to an orange. It's been proven that this game can still be played without luck in my Arena.

      And if that's how you feel then why the hell were you even playing in The Arena in the first place? If it was an entirely different game to you the whole time and wasn't fun then why were you even there?
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  • About

    Dec 15, 1994 (Age: 30)


    used to be slaugthermatic
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