Keyblade Master Matt
Last Activity:
Jan 3, 2013
Feb 5, 2011
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12:18 AM
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Bashing heartless, nobodies, and Unversed

Keyblade Master Matt

Moogle Assistant, from ?????????????????

Keyblade Master Matt was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. Key master Sora
    2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm sorry but I didn't quite understand what you just said...

      I guess I'm just going to assume that I cleared your backfield and you don't chain anything else so I'll proceed with my move:

      I play Pot of Greed!


      So I draw 2 cards!

      Hand: 7

      And then I play Card Destruction!


      I now redraw a new hand of 6!

      And now here comes the pain!

      I'm a man! And I'm about to show you how a man fights!

      I discard King of the Swamp from my hand!

      To add Polymerization to my hand!

      Which I now activate!

      And fuse from my hand:

      Elemental Hero Sparkman!

      And The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion!

      To Fusion Summon...

      Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman!!!

      His ATK Points are 5200!

      And now I equip him with Assault Armor!

      But then I send it to the graveyard so he can attack twice!

      Shining Flare Wingman! Attack Dark Paladin![IMG]

      Now he's gone and you take damage equal to his ATK Points!

      And Shining Flare Wingman attacks you again for game!

      You just took a total of 12,700 Damage!

      I Win![IMG][/SPOILER]
      Sorry for being so cheap. But I did say that I wasn't gonna hold back this time.

      Just for the record, I think it's important that you realize that there's a reason why those cards are Banned...It's because of how ridiculously overpowered they are. They take away strategy and skill from the game.

      I'm guessing the reason why you prefer Traditional Format is because you only like to have friendly Duels with people for leisure time right? Because if you were to actually go play at a Tournament you'd HATE Traditional Format...

      Because in Traditional Format whoever goes first like just about always wins. And Duels only last like 3 turns. It's not fair at all. That's why almost nobody plays it anymore.

      But hey, I think Traditional Format is fine when you just want to have friendly Duels with people like we're currently doing.[IMG]
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

      I told you before, Cards that destroy Spell cards don't stop their effects. It has to say that it negates their effects in order for it to stop them.

      So you might wanna save that card for later and chain your other facedown instead if it has some sort of negation effect.
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      -Main Phase 1-

      I play Heavy Storm!

    5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      By destroying my Mirage of Nightmare you allowed me to keep my new hand next turn!

      In response to your end phase I flip over:

      2 Jar of Greeds!

      And then I chain Emergency Provisions to Jar of Greed as Chain Link 3!

      So by sending my 2 resolving Jar of Greeds and my Skyscraper to my graveyard I can gain 3000 Life Points and Draw 2 cards!

      *LP: 11,000*

      Here I Go! My Move!

      -Draw Phase-

      I Draw!

      *7 Cards in Hand*

      -Standby Phase-

      Activate anything?
    6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Go to yugioh wikia, find the card you want and click gallery at the bottom, a new page should open with smaller versions somewhere.
      Right click one and go to properties, the image address will appear, then you just gotta copy and paste it between img tags like normally.
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      ok... can u upload som KH2 riku sprites to one of ur albums? Its cuz they r mostly blocked at my school
    8. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      yeah i only get online at school... who's ur favorite kh character?
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      You're supposed to post your field and how many cards are left in your hand at the end of your turn.

      Oh, and you need to remember to state your phases too.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yep. You guessed right. I do indeed want to go first this time.

      This time I'll show you my true strength!

      Get Your Game On![IMG]

      Alright, Here I Go! My Move!

      -Draw Phase-


      *6 Cards in Hand*


      -Standby Phase-


      -Main Phase 1-

      First I Play Graceful Charity!

      And Draw 3 New Cards and Discard Elemental Hero Necroshade
      and Necro Gardna!

      Next using the effect of Elemental Hero Necroshade in my graveyard I summon Elemental Hero Bladedge in Attack Mode with No Tribute!

      Then I Play Mirage of Nightmare!

      Then I discard Elemental Hero Captain Gold from my hand!

      To add Skyscraper to my hand!

      Which I now activate!

      Then I set 3 cards facedown and end my turn!

      Your move![IMG]


      Spell/Trap Zones:

      Monster Card Zone:

      Hand: 0
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Matt! How r u!?
    12. Key master Sora
      Key master Sora
      no I did cause I wanted to
    13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Sorry I'm late. Database errors slowed me down.

      Next I Equip Elemental Hero The Shining with Assault Armor!

      But then I send it to the graveyard so he can attack twice!

      -Battle Phase-

      I attack your Chaos Emperor Dragon Envoy of The End with Elemental Hero The Shining!

      And during the Damage Step I discard Honest from my hand!

      Raising his ATK Power to 5600!

      And then he attacks you again directly for game!

      Your LP: 0

      I Win![IMG]

      Wanna play again?
    14. Key master Sora
      Key master Sora
      am I accepted in your rp...? XD
    15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      In response to your end phase I flip over my last facedown card! Dust Tornado! Which destroys the card you set!

      Oh, and when you destroyed My Elemental Hero The Shining with Dark Hole earlier you allowed me to use his effect!

      I got to add 2 of my removed from play Elemental Heroes to my Hand!

      Well I guess I'll make my move now!

      -Draw Phase-

      I Draw!

      Hand: 6

      -Standby Phase-


      -Main Phase 1-

      I've got some really good plays I could do but I've chosen not to use Banned cards this time.

      Now I think I'll use Polymerization!

      And fuse Prisma and Captain Gold:

      Into another Elemental Hero The Shining!

      I'll post the rest of this move later.
    16. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That was for humor by the way. I'm not really mad. XD But what I said is true.
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

      You can't because you already attacked with him! Nuking the hand and field is the effect of Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of The End not the attack! And you told me that you were attacking with him not activating his effect! And his effect is Spell Speed 1 so you can't activate it during the Battle Phase!
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

      You forgot about my facedown cards!

      Activate Trap Card! Mirror Force!

      So all of your monsters were destroyed before they could attack me!

      My move!

      -Draw Phase-

      I Draw!

      Hand: 4

      -Standby Phase-


      -Main Phase 1-

      I'll post the rest of my move later
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      No problem I understand.:)

      My move!

      -Draw Phase-

      I draw!

      *1 card in hand*

      -Standby Phase-


      -Main Phase 1-

      I discard Elemental Hero Captain Gold from my hand!

      To add my Field Spell Skyscraper to my hand!

      Which I now activate!

      And then I flip summon my facedown monster:

      Morphing Jar!

      Now we both Draw 5 cards!

      Next using the effect of Elemental Hero Necroshade in my graveyard I summon Elemental Hero Bladedge in Attack Mode with No Tribute!


      Then I play Miracle Fusion!

      And I remove from play from my graveyard:

      To Fusion Summon:

      Elemental Hero The Shining!

      -Battle Phase-

      I attack your Dark Magician with Elemental Hero Bladedge!

      Then I attack you directly with Elemental Hero The Shining for 3200 Damage!

      Do you have anything to activate that I don't know about?
    20. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      sorry, what do you mean?

      oh, yeah. i bought it.
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  • About

    Bashing heartless, nobodies, and Unversed
    Kid just hanging for his entire life

    Fighting and protecting others, playing video games and slacking off


    Kingdom Hearts is the definition of epic​
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