Oct 18, 2006
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Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


The dude that does the thing, Male, 32

    1. riku1186
      What do you mean its freaking out, it works fine. It must be your profile.
    2. riku1186
      Just so you know the Ark has landed and when are you going to post?
    3. riku1186
      Be thankful you didn't VM your self.

      Its ok, I can see you checking it.
    4. riku1186
      Ok, I will give you something evil looking later.
    5. riku1186
      You can make your own or I can give you one from the Novel. If you make your own there is a form in the MHW Zone in the group.
    6. riku1186
      Do you want Drake to get a custome MHW?
    7. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Yes on both ideas! But I want most of sins/virtues to be based on actual people and the Weapons (Or Objects) thay weilded. Also I thought about a what if there was a previous War or event WAY before the weapons went into mortal hands. (7 princes of hell vs. 7 ArchAngels) but instead of either side being able to get/seal the sword they just send each other to different dimentions or something (heaven and hell?)
    8. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      How about we name the 15th Weapon "Universitas Dominatus"
      it means Total Power or Absolute Power in Latin
    9. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      hmm..... well i guess we could just combine the others while Pride and Humility keep there weapons but then what?
      And what is this Weapon going to be, and what is it going to be called?
    10. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      12? They're 7 (7 Deadly Sins, 7 Heavenly Virtues) people on each side, 7+7=14 then add 1 because they all combine into the new weapon or the 15th.
      I like the idea alot. Now the next problem is finding who(Or atleast the Last person the weapon belong to) goes with each Sin/Virtue and the element they go with. I already decided to have Joan of Arc's Sword as the Weapon of Humility and element is Light (So who ever has that Sword is the Virtue Leader), and Emperor Nero's Gladius as the Weapon of Pride and element is Darkness (So who ever has this Blade is the Sin Leader). Now the others...... are going to be a problem...
    11. riku1186
      Ok, so that means the Ark is under his control as far as I can tell, so then we can use that. Now I have to think of a type of cure that is with in the Luna area.
    12. riku1186
      You posted on your page again

      I agree, just so I known who is drake siding within the Federation? The Prince or the CEO?
    13. Mixt
      They need common ground, it doesn't need to be a common enemy (though that is an easy and common route). Finding a cure for Amy might be a good one to use. The Federation and Coalition would be interested since that would undo the leash the Empire has on super soldiers. And the heroes would be glad to just be helping Amy. That will probably lead to battle with it being a war and all. But it isn't battle for the sake of battle.
    14. riku1186
      I don't know what to do in the RP, I don't want to have battle after battle but everyones of doing there own thing and the only way to bring them toghter is to force them, what do you think pal?
    15. riku1186
      I have added three new characters to the front page, you might want to have a look at two of them. Also what is drake going to do at HQ after the inqury?
    16. riku1186
      Timeskip done.
    17. riku1186
      Yeah, I was thinking of skipping a few hours so they reach HQ.
    18. riku1186
      Do you think I should do a time skip in circles?
    19. riku1186
      Because Your profile light is off and it dosen't say when you where last on. When I didn't get a response I assumed you jumped off.
    20. riku1186
      Are you online or not?
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  • About

    Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


    There are some friends, some that I hardly know, but we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world.
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