Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2015
Mar 24, 2010
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Mar 1, 1996 (Age: 29)
Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
Wolf God


Merlin's Housekeeper, Male, 29, from Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom

KeybladeMasterJoe was last seen:
Aug 11, 2015
    1. nasirrich
      Windy- Ok...*Gets closer to you and takes her finger and puts it on the tip your. Wipes it off then licks it.* Wow nope still tatse the same.^_^

      (Yo and this was just a warning man...
      Then why is it you keep replying back to me knowing it bothers me?
      Please don't tell me your that slow cause I'm wondering are you doing this to piss me off more. Or just cause your way too immature to quit while your ahead. Biting off way more then you can chew tough guy.
      Don't ever step up to me like you know me. Cause now you better be able to go the distance.
      Sad though all of this is your fault cause the way you talk to people, and you get mad at those trying to help you. How dumb does that make you look. Pretty stupid if you ask me I also find it funny how you think yelling is going to help slove this. Well think your the one that brought this onto yourself. I still don't understand why you can't see that. But wat ever and btw this is your Final And Last Warning you cross me again... I feel sorry for you.
      Lol he wasn't ready for me man.)
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- Hey Joe *I look behind him and see Dracon meditating* Heh, would you look at that
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- *dreams peacefully as well*
    4. nasirrich
      Windy- I can help you out with that if you me to.^-^

      (Yo there's one where I went even harder on him lol.)
    5. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Yeah, and maybe we can ge through this life.
    6. nasirrich
      Windy-*Laughs a bit more now and goes to help you out.* Hey you ok... Lol...
    7. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Be strong for those around you. To tell you the truth I am sometimes disappointed that I can't please everyone. We should both try not to let the little things get to us.
    8. nasirrich
      Windy-*Laughs a bit and gets some of the sauce from the chicken on the tip of your nose.* Oopps ^-^

      (Yo dude I lit his ass up with this. I killed his ass man...
      Wow you don't get it. read back smart ass then maybe your brain can actaul comprehend wat was told to you. No wait hang on... Oh yea your slow I forgot. Ok... Well you this is called a forum website.
      And this forum website has people on here called admins and moderators that can do things to us regular members.
      Wait is that too much information for you. Yea ok I'll slow it down...
      T-h-e n-a-m-e o-f t-h-i-s w-e-b-s-i-t-e i-s c-a-l-l-e-d k-h-v-i-d-s.n-e-t
      Hang on not sure if you got that... That's not good hmm is there a way for me to make you understand where you are... No not really well sux for you then huh?
      Yo my man couldn't handle the flame dude. Lol)
    9. nasirrich
      Windy- Hmmm ok I see so now I know wat to get you.^-^

      (Yea man I told you that kid wasn't ready you I'm a ready wat you two put and then wat I did.)
    10. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      I see, and I feel for ya bro. It is sometimes hard to cheer people up if they are depressed. I can't say what to do about it other then watch for a day see if they really need some one to be there for them. If they don't show the signs that they need some one then ask them. But there are some things people have to go through on their own. I would use myself as an example but I am bot sure if it would help at all.
    11. nasirrich
      Windy-*Eats more and smiles.* Yea so wats your favorite flower, or thing actual.

      (Yo man I freaking started that man. I light a fire under his ass man. Look man seriously look at wat I said to him before we became kinda cool again.)
    12. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Try to relax a bit, no body can help everybody.
    13. nasirrich
      Windy- Is that right I would have say the same thing for Hydrangea's. I'm just so calm wen I'm near them for some reason. I guess because its called the spirit flower, and I'm very close to the spirit world.

      (Aite man, but you don't worry I got me. Protect your gf dog. I got your back like wen that kid was crossing the line with you man. I told you I got you man no messes with people in the crew man. I'm mad loyal to my friends. Be that superman for her dog and wen I got your back I'll make sure you got no weakness man. I will do the same wen the time comes for me to ask the girl I really love out. But seriously you need to make sure people know she's yours man love that girl kid. I know you got this man.)
    14. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      Wanna talk a bit more about why you are feeling stressed?
    15. Soras heartless
      Soras heartless
      What's up? I been good and you?
    16. nasirrich
      Windy- Wow you and Kim, Rosey, and I have the same passion.^ ^*Keeps eating*

      (I have nothing against you liking them, but people think they have a tough life. Not that I'm saying I do, but my life wasn't all easy breezey man. So if I ever meet you and you got your AM car do your thang man. I know it will be sick, but I guess I can enjoy life now. I mean wen I get another car I'm going to go back to Street Racing that's just gonna have to happen. But this time I going state to state racing kids thinking they mad nice. The money I make I'm going to save it so I can get her something. I will have a legal job like every once in a while I may just go to a Street Racing scene. But hey you told me about your past once if kids mess with you test them to see if they can go the distance. I mean I already know I can back up wat I say, and I can go the Distance I just take it easy sometimes. But now I'm coming back and then the clowns that messed with me will learn their lesson. I'm really not trying to go to jail so I'll stop there.)
    17. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Legna- *leaves the room*
      Me- *turns over and drifts off to sleep*
    18. nasirrich
      Windy- Thank you so much Joe.*Takes out her chopsticks and starts to eat the food. Blushing so much and smiles.* MMMMM this is so good Joe wow I never knew you could cook.

      (That's part of the reason why I know so much about cars. And one of the people in my crew almost died for racing some clown ass kid in an American Muscle car. That's one of the main reasons why I HATE AM CARS WITH A PASSION!!! I don't think you understand watching your friend almost die cause of some guy thinking he can drive. Naw man I hate talking about this but yo wen he was recovering from his wounds he told me not to do anything. But its funny the guy that almost killed him came to see him. I lost it and they couldn't hold me back. So wen I got up to him I couldn't stop hitting him I just went crazy and lost it. He was bleeding on his nose, eye messed up. I still kept going. The people had to take me out that place and my fits were bruised because of wat I did. I hate AM cars I will neer like them ever. So I'm sorry I don't think you understand the things I've done its some serious stuff man.)
    19. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Legna- Sleep well you two
      Me- Alright Legna
    20. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- Well, now it's time for a good nap, and then I want to face Dracon