Sakura Angel
Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2014
Feb 26, 2010
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Sakura Angel

Traverse Town Homebody

Sakura Angel was last seen:
Mar 8, 2014
    1. Alex856
      I feel incredibly sick right now (worse than before..) so yeah.. I feel like utter crap right now. I drank some meds but they are not doing anything to me! ;-;
      I'm going to sleep now.. I can't even be on the computer.. and I'm really sorry for this. I'd wish to be able to do more than this.. but I'm pathetic..

      btw I have some ''good'' news for you. I will give them to you tomorrow when I'll hopefully feel abit better.. I didn't get on yesterday because of my sickness.. :/
      I'm sorry Sakura.

      I love you. <3

      Please get better so I can give you the good news... it will make you happy. i bet that. (if you're not incredibly mad at me right now that is.)
      My head hurts.. and I can barely breathe without coughing.. >> so yeah. I will try to sleep for tonight. I will talk to you ASAP tomorrow. and again I'm sorry!
    2. Korra
      Ah, alright, but still, be very careful. D:
      A lot of stuff is going on...if you're not feeling well though, it can wait until you're better. I don't want to stress you out with more stuff, y'know?

      Jeez. .___.
      How long will this go on for?
    3. Korra
      Then stop moving around! D:
      I'd be willing to trade with you but you probably don't want to be in my current situation >>

      Try not to move too much, and when you do go slowly and use something for support, like walls and furniture.
      How much medication are you taking?
    4. Korra
      Damn...I hope you feel better really soon, wish I could do something to help. D:
      Please don't take more than you have to though, even if it hurts it's a sign that your body's healing.
      Stay strong kiddo <3
    5. Alex856
      You're not a wimp. it's normal to be scared. I will be there with you in spirit <3
      even while I'm sleeping. *Hugs*
      bye now. <3 I love you.
    6. Alex856
      Alright.. :/

      Well didn't thought about it that way xDD so yeah <3
      hehe xD ^^
    7. Alex856
      Be careful.. that's all I'm gonna say. :/

      Yeah.. xD and nah. it's a pretty hot city and it doesn't have much to see.
      IIRC = If I Remember Correctly. it's okay, don't worry about it <3
    8. Alex856
      done~ 8D

      Yes. Here kids trains are on the street like any normal car. since we lack of real train tracks. so yeah. they are on the street like any other car. and they look weird and obviously outstanding in comparsion xDDD
      Yep <3 that happened two years ago IIRC..

    9. Alex856
      Replying~ :'D

      Well.. xDD
      It happened the exact same way your car crash did. except none of us got hurt. it's kind of embarrasing to even say it :x

    10. Alex856
      That's great to know actually 8D

      I got in a car crash the same way.. except mine was a little bit more.. embarrasing xD we got hit by a kids train xDDDDDD
      nothing bad happened to either of us. since our car is actually large. (renault 12 '78)
      So yeah.. that sucks. ;-;

      Hehe <33 ^^
    11. Alex856
      I'm on. I'm going to reply to the PM now.
      I reeally hope that you get better Sakura! <3 really.. ;-;

      It's only natural that for once your family is helping you. but I'd still like to know how did the car crash happened.. :/
      If you don't want to talk about it okay. I'm not going to force you. just get better. I will try to be on until 12am (my time) (9:30pm your time)
    12. Korra
      ****, what? Are you okay? Anything broken or fractured?
    13. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      My little brother commited suicide... *Pms*
    14. Vladimir Makarov
      Vladimir Makarov
      I miss you too. *Hugs* I'm... as well as I could possibly be for the situation.
    15. Alex856
      I have to go now.. I hope you get to feel better tomorrow.. :/
      I love you <3
    16. Alex856
      I HAD to go. it was not my choice.. ;-;
      I would have stayed but mom wanted me to sleep early yesterday.. (it was almost 11 pm for me. for you it was really early.. :/) *sighs* sorry.. :/

      Are you alright!? :O
      It's alright.. get some rest. how did the car crash happened? ;-;
      I'm glad that you're ''alright'' and with that I mean that nothing HUGE happened to you (i.e. dying ;-; )
    17. Alex856
      Once again. they still manage to be huge dicks to you.. ;-;
      *sighs* okay then.. I hope you feel better. and try to rest. drink lots of water... I love you <3
      I have to go now. sorry..
    18. Alex856
      are you alone right now?
      Call your mother.. or. someone that can attend you. I would but I'm waaay to far away ;-;
      Being here will not help you feel better though.. this will only make you feel worse. you should go to sleep earlier today.
      Also. drink a lot of fluids and go to the bathroom a lot so it will pass up quicker. ;-;
      I hope you get etter...
    19. Alex856
      My god! D:
      quick how is it said.. put a wet compress in your forehead.. it will help get the fever down!
      You should be resting! ;-;
      How do you feel?
    20. Alex856
      alright <3
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  • Signature

    Sig by Wolfie <3​
    "I love you.
    Thats why I promised myself....
    ....The next time we meet...
    I'll never let you go.