Last Activity:
Mar 7, 2025 at 5:12 PM
May 18, 2007
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12:19 PM
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Jul 5, 1992 (Age: 32)


Chaser, Male, 32, from Pakistan,Karachi

Aurangzeb56 was last seen:
Mar 7, 2025 at 5:12 PM
    1. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey zeb do you think you can port this code of yours that you hacked to ntsc?

      play as mickey w/ pearl finisher

      21c954f4 00303232
      21c95514 2e303232
      21c95518 7465736d
      21CE267C 003200A3
      21c954ec 01000000
      21c95534 00010001
      2032e108 818A818A
      2032e10C 818A818A
      21C6C93C 05050000
      21C6C940 00000000
      21C6C900 0A090964
      201C9A80 0000102D
      201C99A0 0000102D
      2032e028 FFFFFFFF
      2032e030 06080606
    2. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      btw do you know a way for me to install CWcheat onto my psp? because when ever I try to power down my psp and hold the R trigger and turn my psp back on nothing happens.T_T
    3. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      well it turns out that winzip wouldn't let me upload the iso to my desktop, so is there away to upload it strait from my laptop to my psp without having to load it onto my desktop? because if I can do that then I can do that favor you need me to do for you.
    4. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      kk I will do that thanks zeb!^ ^
    5. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Hey zeb! Hey do you know how I can download a kh-bbs final mix iso without doing it illegally? Because my parents got in trouble from our cable company by me pirating stuff they got a threatening letter in the mail about it, so could you tell me how I can get an iso without getting it illegally? like where exactly do you download your iso's from?
    6. imbored111

      is an imag3
    7. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey zeb how did you hack the second part of this code?

      King Mickey w/ Pearl Finisher

      21c954f4 00303232
      21c95514 2e303232
      21c95518 7465736d
      21CE267C 003200A3
      21c954ec 01000000
      21c95534 00010001
      2032e108 818A818A
      2032e10C 818A818A
      21C6C93C 05050000
      21C6C940 00000000
      21C6C900 0A090964
      201C9A80 0000102D
      201C99A0 0000102D
      2032e028 FFFFFFFF
      2032e030 06080606

      sephiroth&cloud tried to port it but can't because he doesn't know how you hacked the other part of the code. could you tell me how you did it so I can tell sephiroth&cloud?
    8. thecoder180
      Hmm, seems it finally died. I'll just stick to old ones.
    9. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      btw here's my msn,
    10. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey, I good, thanks!^ ^ and kk I'll be waiting for you to tell m what you think about it.^ ^ btw thanks for giving me your msn email!^ ^
    11. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey zeb! me again, can I have your msn so we can instant message each other?
    12. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      oh and I hacked a working code btw with alot of help from sephiroth&cloud. here I'll post it so you can try it out.

      valor w/ final mset
      21CB96F0 58455F50
      21CB96F4 5F303031
      21CB96F8 464C5442
      21CB9710 58455F50
      21CB9714 5F303031
      21CB9718 46544C55
      21CB971C 65736D2E
      01CB9720 00000074
      21CEFE54 58455F57
      21CEFE58 5F303130
      21CEFE5C 46544C55
      11CEFE60 0000525F

      but you need to detach gaurd, quike run, and high jump, otherwise you'll freeze up.^ ^

      btw if the code works for you too could you maybe take a snapshot of it so I can see what it looks like? because I haven't tried it out myself. oh but most important the code is for ntsc
    13. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey zeb, you probably don't recognize me because I had my name changed, my original username was roxas1989 if you recall, so how have you been? haven't seen or heard from you in a while. what have you been up to while away?
    14. thecoder180
      Ohhey, Zeb. I recently got KH2FM and codebreaker :D

      Any awesome codes of yours I can try? Don't care how big they are; making DAY1 files of them are easy xD
    15. tSG1
      Remember, a long time ago I pressured you to make a DW Sora code? With normal everything with Drives + Magic? Do you still have it?
      I think you did it along with Sora_101.
    16. imbored111
      nah i'm fine and at where i live there's nothing wrong. :P I just left hacking for good.
      zzz zzz can you plz reply to my question?

      EDIT : u will regret SOMEDAŸŸŸŸ
    17. imbored111

      Play as Terra with Goofy
      E007FDFF 0034D45C.................... Model Mod & Effect Mods = R2
      11CE0B68 0000005D
      207a5458 00abee90
      207a5468 00aef0c0
      20807458 00b35e80
      20807468 00b35e80
      2036ACA4 00000000
      E023FEFF 0034D45C.................... Main animation mods [none are attack] = L2
      20818538 00defbc0
      208185b8 00dfa050
      208186f8 00e00e70
      20818738 00e0adf0
      20818778 00e14580
      208187b8 00e1dcb0
      208187f8 00e27360
      20818838 00e30a80
      20818878 00e3b100
      208188b8 00e41790
      208188f8 00e4f010
      20818938 00e55760
      20818ed8 00e89160
      20819238 00de2620
      2081b418 00e72b80
      2081b458 00e9c0c0
      2081b498 00de2620
      2081b4d8 00eea760
      2081aa98 00fed7f0
      2081aa18 00e9c0c0
      2081b198 00e72b80
      2081b1d8 00e89160
      2081aa58 00fb4fb0
      E005FbFF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 2 = L1 [Teh Whip, The cannon, Ride the key, and summon thing, and Ride key part 3]
      2081aa98 00ff1cf0
      2081aa18 00eea760
      2081b198 00ec8580
      2081b1d8 00e89160
      2081aa58 00f16bb0

      E005F7FF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 3 [DM] = R1
      2081aa18 00f760f0
      2081aa98 00fc9c10
      2081b198 00f54180
      2081b1d8 00fb4fb0
      2081aa58 00f2cac0
    18. imbored111
      i bet his having trouble at pakistan,(since it always appears in the news)
    19. Roxas_Ultima
      How do you use the boss warp modifier for BbS? Can't figure it out.
    20. Ximnex
      Oh ok so u just didn't add these _C0 _L 0x000000000. ok thanx
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  • About

    Jul 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Past Usernames:
    Riku Light & Darkness
    Things have changed a lot since i joined KH-Vids. I joined as a code follower, but later on became a video recorder for the site. As time passed, I started learning a little about codes, and from Neo, Anti, Erkz, Truth, Naruto, Razor and all of the other coders, I started making my own codes. Did some plays as allies and Riku can fight without T-Stancing codes. Later on since I was unable to keep up with my studies as well as coding and recording, I stopped coming to the site. Since Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix came out, I started playing the game again came back to the site.


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